801 research outputs found

    The Capture of Centaurs as Trojans

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    Large scale simulations of Centaurs have yielded vast amounts of data, the analysis of which allows interesting but uncommon scenarios to be studied. One such rare phenomenon is the temporary capture of Centaurs as Trojans of the giant planets. Such captures are generally short (10 kyr to 100 kyr), but occur with sufficient frequency (about 40 objects larger than 1 km in diameter every Myr) that they may well contribute to the present-day populations. Uranus and Neptune seem to have great difficulty capturing Centaurs into the 1:1 resonance, while Jupiter captures some, and Saturn the most (80 %). We conjecture that such temporary capture from the Centaur population may be the dominant delivery route into the Saturnian Trojans. Photometric studies of the Jovian Trojans may reveal outliers with Centaur-like as opposed to asteroidal characteristics, and these would be prime candidates for captured Centaurs.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to MNRAS (Letters

    A Dark Matter Hurricane: Measuring the S1 Stream with Dark Matter Detectors

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    The recently discovered S1 stream passes through the Solar neighbourhood on a low inclination, counter-rotating orbit. The progenitor of S1 is a dwarf galaxy with a total mass comparable to the present-day Fornax dwarf spheroidal, so the stream is expected to have a significant DM component. We compute the effects of the S1 stream on WIMP and axion detectors as a function of the density of its unmeasured dark component. In WIMP detectors the S1 stream supplies more high energy nuclear recoils so will marginally improve DM detection prospects. We find that even if S1 comprises less than 10% of the local density, multi-ton xenon WIMP detectors can distinguish the S1 stream from the bulk halo in the relatively narrow mass range between 5 and 25 GeV. In directional WIMP detectors such as CYGNUS, S1 increases DM detection prospects more substantially since it enhances the anisotropy of the WIMP signal. Finally, we show that axion haloscopes possess by far the greatest potential sensitivity to the S1 stream. Once the axion mass has been discovered, the distinctive velocity distribution of S1 can easily be extracted from the axion power spectrum.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    First Clear Signature of an Extended Dark Matter Halo in the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal

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    We present the first clear evidence for an extended dark matter halo in the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy based on a sample of new radial velocities for 159 giant stars out to large projected radii. Using a two parameter family of halo models spanning a range of density profiles and velocity anisotropies, we are able to rule out (at about the 2.5 sigma confidence level) haloes in which mass follows light. The data strongly favor models in which the dark matter is significantly more extended than the visible dwarf. However, haloes with harmonic cores larger than the light distribution are also excluded. When combined with existing measurements of the proper motion of Draco, our data strongly suggest that Draco has not been tidally truncated within ~1 kpc. We also show that the rising velocity dispersion at large radii represents a serious problem for modified gravity (MOND).Comment: to be published in ApJL; 5 pages, 4 figure

    Are there sextuplet and octuplet image systems?

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    We study gravitational lensing by the family of scale-free galaxies with flat rotation curves. The models are defined by a shape function, which prescribes the radius of the isophote as a function of position angle from the major axis. The critical curves are analytic, while the caustic network is reducible to a simple quadrature. The cusps are always located at the turning points of the shape function. We show that the models with exactly elliptic isophotes never admit butterfly or swallowtail cusps and so have at most 4 (or 5) images. Higher order imaging is brought about by deviations of the isophotes from pure ellipses -- such as pointedness caused by embedded disks or boxiness caused by recent merging. The criteria for the onset of sextuple and octuple imaging can be calculated analytically in terms of the ellipticity and the fourth-order Fourier coefficients (a_4 and b_4) used by observers to parametrise the isophote shapes. The 6 or 8 images are arranged roughly in a circle, which appears as an incomplete Einstein ring if inadequately resolved. Using data on the shapes of elliptical galaxies and merger remnants, we estimate that 1% of all multiply imaged quasars may be sextuplet systems or higher. Forthcoming satellites like the Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics (GAIA) will provide datasets of roughly 4000 multiply imaged systems, and so about 40 will show sextuple imaging or higher.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, MNRAS (in press

    Market Power in UK Food Retailing: Theory and Evidence from Seven Product Groups

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    Establishing the presence of market power in food chains has become an increasingly pertinent line of enquiry given the trend towards increasing concentration that has been observed in many parts of the world. This paper presents a theoretical model of price transmission in vertically related markets under imperfect competition. The model delivers a quasi-reduced form representation that is empirically tractable using readily available market data to test for the presence of market power. In particular, we show that the hypothesis of perfect competition can be rejected if shocks to the demand and supply function are significant and correctly signed in price transmission equations. Using a cointegrated vector autoregression, we find empirical results that are consistent with downstream market power in six out of seven food products investigated, supporting both the findings of the UK competition authority's recent investigation in to supermarkets and renewed calls for further scrutiny of supermarket behaviour by the UK's Office of Trading.imperfect competition, Cointegrated VARs, UK food industry, Marketing, D4, L81,

    A Dynamical Fossil in the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    The nearby Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal (UMi dSph) is one of the most dark matter dominated galaxies known, with a central mass to light ratio roughly equal to 70. Somewhat anomalously, it appears to contain morphological substructure in the form of a second peak in the stellar number density. It is often argued that this substructure must be transient because it could not survive for the > 10 Gyr age of the system, given the crossing time implied by UMi's 8.8 km/s internal velocity dispersion. In this paper, however, we present evidence that the substructure has a cold kinematical signature, and argue that UMi's clumpiness could indeed be a primordial artefact. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate that substructure is incompatible with the cusped dark matter haloes predicted by the prevailing Cold Dark Matter (CDM) paradigm, but is consistent with an unbound stellar cluster sloshing back and forth within the nearly harmonic potential of a cored dark matter halo. Thus CDM appears to disagree with observation at the least massive, most dark matter dominated end of the galaxy mass spectrum.Comment: Astrophysical Journal (Letters), in pres

    Reclaiming the political : emancipation and critique in security studies

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    The critical security studies literature has been marked by a shared commitment towards the politicization of security – that is, the analysis of its assumptions, implications and the practices through which it is (re)produced. In recent years, however, politicization has been accompanied by a tendency to conceive security as connected with a logic of exclusion, totalization and even violence. This has resulted in an imbalanced politicization that weakens critique. Seeking to tackle this situation, the present article engages with contributions that have advanced emancipatory versions of security. Starting with, but going beyond, the so-called Aberystwyth School of security studies, the argument reconsiders the meaning of security as emancipation by making the case for a systematic engagement with the notions of reality and power. This revised version of security as emancipation strengthens critique by addressing political dimensions that have been underplayed in the critical security literature

    Contending cultures of counterterrorism: transatlantic divergence or convergence?

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    Terrorist attacks on the United States, Spain and the United Kingdom have underlined the differing responses of Europe and the United States to the 'new terrorism'. This article analyses these responses through the prism of historically determined strategic cultures. For the last four years the United States has directed the full resources of a 'national security' approach towards this threat and has emphasized unilateralism. Europe, based on its own past experience of terrorism, has adopted a regulatory approach pursued through multilateralism. These divergences in transatlantic approaches, with potentially major implications for the future of the relationship, have appeared to be mitigated by a revised American strategy of counterterrorism that has emerged during 2005. However, this article contends that while strategic doctrines may change, the more immutable nature of strategic culture will make convergence difficult. This problem will be compounded by the fact that neither Europe nor America have yet addressed the deeper connections between terrorism and the process of globalization

    Satisfaction rating of core and higher surgical training in Wales

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