1,695 research outputs found

    Because of Bostock

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    On a below-freezing January morning, Jennifer Chavez, an automobile technician, sat in a car that she was repairing to keep warm while waiting for delayed auto parts to arrive. Without intending to, she nodded off. Her employer promptly fired her for sleeping on the job. At least, that is the justification her employer gave. But Chavez had reason to believe that her coming out as transgender motivated the termination. In the months leading up to the January incident, Chavez’s supervisor had told her to “tone things down” when she talked about her gender transition. The repair-shop owner said that the transition made him “nervous” and could “impact his business,” claiming that it had prompted a prospective employee to decline a job offer. The owner had also instructed Chavez not to wear “a dress or miniskirt” or “too feminine attire” to and from work. Before coming out as transgender, Chavez was an “excellent employee” with a spotless disciplinary history. After coming out, things changed. The repair-shop management acted on advice from an attorney to begin writing up Chavez for issues “one at a time” with a “focus on work and performance.” The accidental nap may have been exactly the opportunity they needed

    Nick Fury, Will Smith, and Other Black Authority Figures Breaking the Racial Contract in Popular Films of 2000-2015

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    Film is arguably a model of reflection and reinforcement of cultural, social, and political values of audience members. Therefore, the images and messages displayed in films are of importance. In this study, film is analyzed in order to determine if Charles Mills’ racial contract is depicted in popular films of 2000-2015. The Racial Contract (1997) suggests that only some people, specifically white people, agree to form a state in which their absolute privileges in the political, economic, and social arenas are guaranteed by virtue of being white. This theory was used to understand the role of black people in American society and, as this study explored, in film. Films which earned the highest box office sales in each year were analyzed, and the roles of black characters and the attitudes towards them were coded. The main question posed is whether black characters are portrayed as authority figures in popular film or are they are restrained by sub-personhood, as the racial contract would suggest. Furthermore, is the racial contract reinforced by this portrayal in a modern age? It was concluded that black authority figures were portrayed actively and successfully in popular film, with a general attitude of support from other characters. Thus, the racial contract was not reflected

    From King Leonidas to Lord Farquaad: Popular Culture and How Authority is portrayed in Popular Film of 2000-2009

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    In a modern age dominated by technology, the role of entertainment such as film is steadily growing in American culture and politics. Film and politics “inform” one another, meaning that film reflects the politics within a society in which they are placed (Christensen & Haas 2005). Using this as justification, the central research question of this thesis is, What is the political content of popular films of the 2000s in terms of authority, and what does this suggest about the culture and view on authority of the Millennials as a generation? A content analysis of popular films from 2000-2009 was done to answer this question, and Thompson, Ellis, and Wildavsky\u27s Cultural Theory (1990), which aims to explain why people want what they do and why people perceive the world the way that they do, served as a basis for the research. The theory supports four main categories, or ways of life in which the role of government of lack thereof is distinguished: hierarchy, egalitarianism, fatalism, and individualism. Guided by this theory, twenty-one of the bestselling films from 2000-2009 were viewed, and six scenes from each were coded for the ways in which authority, as well as conflict, blame, and conflict resolution, were portrayed. The final product is a systematic analysis of popular film of the most recent decade, and it is concluded that American Exceptionalism is still an accurate description of American culture

    Improved Core Genes Prediction for Constructing well-supported Phylogenetic Trees in large sets of Plant Species

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    The way to infer well-supported phylogenetic trees that precisely reflect the evolutionary process is a challenging task that completely depends on the way the related core genes have been found. In previous computational biology studies, many similarity based algorithms, mainly dependent on calculating sequence alignment matrices, have been proposed to find them. In these kinds of approaches, a significantly high similarity score between two coding sequences extracted from a given annotation tool means that one has the same genes. In a previous work article, we presented a quality test approach (QTA) that improves the core genes quality by combining two annotation tools (namely NCBI, a partially human-curated database, and DOGMA, an efficient annotation algorithm for chloroplasts). This method takes the advantages from both sequence similarity and gene features to guarantee that the core genome contains correct and well-clustered coding sequences (\emph{i.e.}, genes). We then show in this article how useful are such well-defined core genes for biomolecular phylogenetic reconstructions, by investigating various subsets of core genes at various family or genus levels, leading to subtrees with strong bootstraps that are finally merged in a well-supported supertree.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, IWBBIO 2015 (3rd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering

    The Mark 3 Haploscope

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    A computer-operated binocular vision testing device was developed as one part of a system designed for NASA to evaluate the visual function of astronauts during spaceflight. This particular device, called the Mark 3 Haploscope, employs semi-automated psychophysical test procedures to measure visual acuity, stereopsis, phoria, fixation disparity, refractive state and accommodation/convergence relationships. Test procedures are self-administered and can be used repeatedly without subject memorization. The Haploscope was designed as one module of the complete NASA Vision Testing System. However, it is capable of stand-alone operation. Moreover, the compactness and portability of the Haploscope make possible its use in a broad variety of testing environments

    Marking of substrates

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    Reducing length of stay for patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement using a prescreening approach

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    BACKGROUND: As transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) becomes a preferred treatment option for patients with aortic valve stenosis, and demand for TAVR increases, it is imperative that length of stay (LOS) is reduced while maintaining safety and effectiveness. LOCAL PROBLEM: As TAVR procedures have become less invasive and more streamlined, current protocols have not been updated to reflect today\u27s postprocedure requirements. METHODS: The next-day discharge (NDD) protocol was established using available literature. A convenience sample was evaluated for NDD protocol inclusion during aortic multidisciplinary team conference using predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Length of stay for NDD protocol participants was compared with LOS from a retrospective convenience sample of patients undergoing TAVR in the time frame mirroring NDD protocol initiation of the year prior. INTERVENTIONS: Patients meeting inclusion criteria were enrolled in the NDD protocol with a goal of discharge to home on postprocedural day 1 by 2:00 p.m. The NDD protocol included preprocedure expectation setting, prescheduled same-day postprocedure imaging, and discharge priority on postprocedure day 1. RESULTS: There is a significant difference in LOS between the NDD eligible retrospective and prospective groups. The prospective group has a significantly lower LOS than the retrospective group (M = 1.6 vs 2.1, respectively; p = .0454). CONCLUSIONS: An NDD protocol can help reduce LOS after TAVR in appropriately selected patients. Further protocol revision will be required to optimize LOS outcomes

    Enhanced Peculiar Velocities in Brane-Induced Gravity

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    The mounting evidence for anomalously large peculiar velocities in our Universe presents a challenge for the LCDM paradigm. The recent estimates of the large scale bulk flow by Watkins et al. are inconsistent at the nearly 3 sigma level with LCDM predictions. Meanwhile, Lee and Komatsu have recently estimated that the occurrence of high-velocity merging systems such as the Bullet Cluster (1E0657-57) is unlikely at a 6.5-5.8 sigma level, with an estimated probability between 3.3x10^{-11} and 3.6x10^{-9} in LCDM cosmology. We show that these anomalies are alleviated in a broad class of infrared-modifed gravity theories, called brane-induced gravity, in which gravity becomes higher-dimensional at ultra large distances. These theories include additional scalar forces that enhance gravitational attraction and therefore speed up structure formation at late times and on sufficiently large scales. The peculiar velocities are enhanced by 24-34% compared to standard gravity, with the maximal enhancement nearly consistent at the 2 sigma level with bulk flow observations. The occurrence of the Bullet Cluster in these theories is 10^4 times more probable than in LCDM cosmology.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. v2: added reference

    Structural and torsional properties of the RAD51-dsDNA nucleoprotein filament

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    Human RAD51 is a key protein in the repair of DNA by homologous recombination. Its assembly onto DNA, which induces changes in DNA structure, results in the formation of a nucleoprotein filament that forms the basis of strand exchange. Here, we determine the structural and mechanical properties of RAD51-dsDNA filaments. Our measurements use two recently developed magnetic tweezers assays, freely orbiting magnetic tweezers and magnetic torque tweezers, designed to measure the twist and torque of individual molecules. By directly monitoring changes in DNA twist on RAD51 binding, we determine the unwinding angle per RAD51 monomer to be 45°, in quantitative agreement with that of its bacterial homolog, RecA. Measurements of the torque that is built up when RAD51-dsDNA filaments are twisted show that under conditions that suppress ATP hydrolysis the torsional persistence length of the RAD51-dsDNA filament exceeds that of its RecA counterpart by a factor of three. Examination of the filament's torsional stiffness for different combinations of divalent ions and nucleotide cofactors reveals that the Ca2+ ion, apart from suppressing ATPase activity, plays a key role in increasing the torsional stiffness of the filament. These quantitative measurements of RAD51-imposed DNA distortions and accumulated mechanical stress suggest a finely tuned interplay between chemical and mechanical interactions within the RAD51 nucleoprotein filament

    The IR-Completion of Gravity: What happens at Hubble Scales?

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    We have recently proposed an "Ultra-Strong" version of the Equivalence Principle (EP) that is not satisfied by standard semiclassical gravity. In the theory that we are conjecturing, the vacuum expectation value of the (bare) energy momentum tensor is exactly the same as in flat space: quartically divergent with the cut-off and with no spacetime dependent (subleading) ter ms. The presence of such terms seems in fact related to some known difficulties, such as the black hole information loss and the cosmological constant problem. Since the terms that we want to get rid of are subleading in the high-momentum expansion, we attempt to explore the conjectured theory by "IR-completing" GR. We consider a scalar field in a flat FRW Universe and isolate the first IR-correction to its Fourier modes operators that kills the quadratic (next to leading) time dependent divergence of the stress energy tensor VEV. Analogously to other modifications of field operators that have been proposed in the literature (typically in the UV), the present approach seems to suggest a breakdown (here, in the IR, at large distances) of the metric manifold description. We show that corrections to GR are in fact very tiny, become effective at distances comparable to the inverse curvature and do not contain any adjustable parameter. Finally, we derive some cosmological implications. By studying the consistency of the canonical commutation relations, we infer a correction to the distance between two comoving observers, which grows as the scale factor only when small compared to the Hubble length, but gets relevant corrections otherwise. The corrections to cosmological distance measures are also calculable and, for a spatially flat matter dominated Universe, go in the direction of an effective positive acceleration.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures. Final version, references adde
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