37 research outputs found

    Interactions between Sheets of Phonons in Liquid 4He

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    We have created two sheets of 1 K phonons in liquid 4He at 55 mK such that they intersect each other as they move towards a common point. If the two sheets have a small angle between them, they interact strongly and create a hot line in the liquid helium. This line is continuously fed with energy from the two sheets and loses energy by creating high-energy phonons. If the angle between the sheets is larger than 30 they do not interact but pass through each other. These results give direct evidence for the composition of the sheets: they comprise strongly interacting low-energy phonons which occupy a narrow cone in momentum space

    The theory of kinetic processes in anisotropic phonon systems

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    We present a theoretical investigation of the kinetic properties of strongly anisotropic phonon systems. Such systems can be created in superfluid helium by heat pulses. The general expression for the rates of four-phonon processes are obtained. This expression shows that there is an asymmetry between the creation and decay of the high-energy phonons in the anisotropic phonon systems. Solutions of this expression are then considered. The results presented in this work explain the phenomena which are observed in the anisotropic phonon systems and they will stimulate the conception of new experiments

    A new ripplon branch in He II

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    We analyse the dispersion relation of ripplons, on the surface of superfluid helium, using the dispersive hydrodynamics approach and find a new ripplon branch. We obtain analytical equation for the dispersion relation and analytic expressions for the limiting cases. The probabilities of decay of unstable ripplons above the roton gap into rotons are derived. A numerical solution for the ripplon dispersion curve is obtained. The new ripplon branch is found at energies just below the instability point of the bulk spectrum, and is investigated; its stability is discussed

    Phonons, rotons and ripplons at interfaces

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    We use dispersive hydrodynamics to describe thermal excitations of superfluid helium 4. Dispersion relation of the bulk quasiparticles, phonons and rotons, acts as an input parameter of the theory. Wiener and Hopf method is used to solve nonlocal equations of the fluid in half-space. The dispersion relation helium surface excitations, ripplons, is derived and analyzed; numerical solution reveals its new unusual branch. The same method applies to the description of bulk quasiparticles’ interaction with the interface with a solid. All quasiparticles creation probabilities are derived and weak interaction of rotons with negative dispersion with interfaces is explained.Для описания тепловых возбуждений сверхтекучего гелия 4 используется нелокальная гидродинамика, в которой дисперсионное соотношение является входным параметром. Для решения нелокальных уравнений жидкости в полупространстве используется метод Винера-Хопфа. Вычислено дисперсионное соотношение поверхностных мод гелия, риплонов; численное решение выявляет существование новой ветви. Это же решение описывает взаимодействие фононов и ротонов с границей раздела с твердым телом. Найдены все вероятности рождения квазичастиц и объяснена слабость взаимодействия ротонов с отрицательной дисперсией с границей раздела.Для опису теплових збуджень надплинного гелію 4 використовується нелокальна гідродинаміка, в якій дисперсійне співвідношення є вхідним параметром. Для розв'язку нелокальних рівнянь рідини в півпросторі використовується метод Вінера-Хопфа. Обчислено дисперсійне співвідношення поверхневих мод гелію, ріплонів; чисельний розв'язок виявляє їх нову гілку. Те ж рішення описує взаємодію фононів і ротонів із границею розподілу із твердих тілом. Знайдені всі вірогідності народження квазічастинок та пояснена слабкість взаємодії ротонів з від'ємною дисперсією із границею розподілу

    Four and three-phonon scattering in isotropic superfluid helium

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    We analyse the important role of four-phonon processes (4pp) in isotropic phonon systems of superfluid helium. The matrix elements and the rate of four-phonon processes are calculated. Special consideration is given to the 4pp in the momentum range where three-phonon processes are allowed. In this momentum range, we show that the 4pp scattering rate, at small angles, is equal to the scattering rate due to three-phonon processes. Then we show that the coefficient of first viscosity of superfluid helium is caused by two processes, the first is due to the transverse relaxation caused by many three-phonon processes and the second is due to four-phonon processes. The relaxation time that governs the viscosity is obtained from the sum of the rates from these two processes. The temperature dependence of the attenuation coefficient of a pulse of high-energy phonons in He II, due to scattering with thermal phonons, is also calculated. The theoretical results are compared with experimental data and found to be in good agreement

    Collective modes in superfluid helium when there is a relative velocity between the normal and superfluid components

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    Collective modes are studied in superfluid helium when the normal and superfluid components have a relative velocity w. In this paper the general dispersion relation for first and second sound modes is obtained for arbitrary values of w, and we have found the relationship between the amplitudes of the oscillating variables for first sound. It is shown in a first sound wave, that both temperature and pressure can oscillate, and moreover, the normal fluid velocity can exceed the superfluid velocity in the wave. In the general case of first sound, the normal fluid not only has a velocity component parallel to the wave vector, but also a transverse velocity component. It is shown that when there is only a phonon system in the helium, the amplitude of the temperature oscillation in a first sound wave in an anisotropic phonon system, can exceed that in a second sound wave in an isotropic phonon system, for similar values of the normal fluid density

    Evolution of a pulse of noninteracting quasiparticles with dispersion and initial angular width

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    The evolution of a pulse of noninteracting quasiparticles, caused by their different velocities and angular distribution of momenta, is studied theoretically. Equations are found that describe the shape of the pulse surface at any time. The time of the beginning, end and duration of the density of the quasiparticle energy flux is determined at a general spatial point. The quasiparticle energy density is considered at all times and positions, and it is shown that the region of high energy density, in the middle of the pulse, is equal to the initial energy density under certain conditions. These theoretical results are discussed in relation to experimental data on the evolution of a pulse of noninteracting phonons in superfluid helium

    The unusual properties of anisotropic systems of quasiparticles in superfluid ⁴He

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    We discuss a number of unusual phenomena, which have been discovered recently in anisotropic quasiparticle systems in superfluid ⁴He. These include the creation of high-energy phonons by a pulse of low-energy phonons, the suprathermal distribution of high-energy phonons in long phonon pulses, the mesa shape of the angular distribution of low-energy phonons, the creation of a «hot line» when two-phonon pulses cross. The thermodynamic properties of anisotropic quasiparticle systems of He II are derived for all degrees of anisotropy

    Creation of high-energy phonons by four-phonon processes in anisotropic phonon systems of He II

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    The problem of the creation of high-energy phonons (h-phonons) by a pulse of low-energy phonons (l-phonons) moving from a heater to a detector in superfluid helium, is solved. The rate of h-phonon creation is obtained and it is shown that created h-phonons occupy a much smaller solid angle in momentum space, than the l-phonons. An analytical expression for the creation rate of h-phonon, along the symmetry axis of a pulse, are derived. It allows us to get useful approximate analytical expressions for the creation rate of h-phonons. The time dependences of the parameters which describe the l-phonon pulse are obtained. This shows that half of the initial energy of l-phonon pulse can be transferred into h-phonons. The results of the calculations are compared with experimental data and we show that this theory explains a number of experimental results. The value of the momentum, which separates the l- and h-phonon subsystems, is found

    Three-phonon relaxation in isotropic and anisotropic phonon systems of liquid helium at different pressures

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    Starting from the kinetic equation for phonons in superfluid helium, expressions for the rates of three-phonon scattering in isotropic and anisotropic phonon systems were obtained for different pressures. These expressions are valid in the whole range of energies where three-phonon processes are allowed. Limiting cases were analysed and compared with the results of previous theoretical investigations. The obtained pressure and angular dependence of three phonon scattering rate allows one to explaine of the experimental data on interaction of phonon pulses