93 research outputs found

    It Takes Two to Tango: When and Where Dual Nutrient (N & P) Reductions Are Needed to Protect Lakes and Downstream Ecosystems

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    Preventing harmful algal blooms (HABs) is needed to protect lakes and downstream ecosystems. Traditionally, reducing phosphorus (P) inputs was the prescribed solution for lakes, based on the assumption that P universally limits HAB formation. Reduction of P inputs has decreased HABs in many lakes, but was not successful in others. Thus, the "P-only" paradigm is overgeneralized. Whole-lake experiments indicate that HABs are often stimulated more by combined P and nitrogen (N) enrichment rather than N or P alone, indicating that the dynamics of both nutrients are important for HAB control. The changing paradigm from P-only to consideration of dual nutrient control is supported by studies indicating that (1) biological N fixation cannot always meet lake ecosystem N needs, and (2) that anthropogenic N and P loading has increased dramatically in recent decades. Sediment P accumulation supports long-term internal loading, while N may escape via denitrification, leading to perpetual N deficits. Hence, controlling both N and P inputs will help control HABs in some lakes and also reduce N export to downstream N-sensitive ecosystems. Managers should consider whether balanced control of N and P will most effectively reduce HABs along the freshwater-marine continuum

    Approaches for Studying Fish Production: Do River and Lake Researchers Have Different Perspectives? – Extended Abstract

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    Biased perspectives of fisheries researchers may hinder scientific progress and effective management if limiting factors controlling productivity go unrecognized. We investigated whether river and lake researchers used different approaches when studying salmonid production and whether any differences were ecologically supported. We assessed 564 peer‐reviewed papers published between 1966 and 2012 that studied salmonid production or surrogate variables (e.g., abundance, growth, biomass, population) and classified them into five major predictor variable categories: physical habitat, fertility (i.e., nutrients, bottom‐up), biotic, temperature, and pollution. The review demonstrated that river researchers primarily analyzed physical habitat (65% of studies) and lake researchers primarily analyzed fertility (45%) and biotic (51%) variables. Nevertheless, understudied variables were often statistically significant predictors of production for lake and river systems and, combined with other evidence, suggests that unjustified a priori assumptions may dictate the choice of independent variables studied. Broader consideration of potential limiting factors on fish production, greater research effort on understudied genera, and increased publication in broadly scoped journals would likely promote integration between lentic and lotic perspectives and improve fisheries management

    Winter Ecology of Kokanee: Implications for Salmon Management

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    We sampled various limnological parameters and measured growth and diet of age-0 kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka (lacustrine sockeye salmon) during two winters in a high-mountain lake of the Sawtooth Valley, Idaho. Although winter has been recognized as an important period for many warmwater fishes and for stream-dwelling salmonids, winter limitations have only recently been studied for coolwater and coldwater species. Ice and snow cover in winter limited light penetration. As a result, chlorophyll-a and zooplankton density were lower in ice-covered periods than during ice-free periods. The weight of stomach contents was often below a maintenance ration, yet the incidence of empty stomachs was extremely low (1 of 63) and the weight of stomach contents increased as energy reserves declined, indicating that kokanee were actively foraging during winter. Kokanee length and weight remained constant during the winter of 1993–1994 but increased from November through May in 1994–1995. Condition factors, however, declined significantly over the winter in both years, and lipid content approached levels associated with mortality. Differences in growth patterns may have been caused by a combination of changes in zooplankton density and kokanee abundance and in kokanee behavior to defend energy reserves or avoid predation. Results demonstrated the ambiguity of some growth measurements and the importance of choosing the correct metric for measuring growth in fishes. Because juvenile kokanee and sockeye salmon are ecologically similar, management efforts to restore the endangered Snake River sockeye salmon to the Sawtooth Valley lakes should recognize that winter conditions might be a bottleneck for this species

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Grassbed Treatments as Habitat for Juvenile Black Bass in a Drawdown Reservoir

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    Many reservoirs in arid regions experience highly variable water levels caused by seasonal inflow fluctuations and designated outflow requirements. At Shasta Lake, California, managers plant cereal-grain grassbeds on exposed drawdown shorelines to increase juvenile fish habitat, localize productivity, and increase invertebrate fish prey. To determine the efficacy of these plantings, the abundance of juvenile black basses Micropterus spp. (20–55 mm standard length) and the amount of periphyton and macroinvertebrate prey were compared among three treatment types: (1) planted grassbeds of cereal barley Hordeum vulgare; (2) artificial rope grassbeds, which eliminated physical deterioration and nutrient release; and (3) nonplanted control sites with predominately sand and gravel substrates. In comparison with control areas, juvenile black bass abundance averaged 54 times higher in planted grassbeds and 230 times higher in artificial grassbeds. Periphyton (chlorophyll a) and benthic invertebrate biomass did not differ significantly between planted grassbeds and control sites. In artificial grassbeds, periphyton was more than two times the control levels, and benthic invertebrate biomass was more than 12 times the control levels. We conclude that the long-term availability of physical structure, rather than nutrient release associated with decomposition of grassbed materials, drives use and effectiveness of grassbed treatments. Future management decisions in drawdown reservoirs should emphasize increasing long-term availability and integrity of physical habitat for juvenile fishes in the littoral zone

    Control of Lacustrine Phytoplankton by Nutrients: Erosion of the Phosphorus Paradigm

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    Control of lacustrine phytoplankton biomass by phosphorus is one of the oldest and most stable paradigms in modern limnology. Even so, evidence from bioassays conducted by multiple investigators at numerous sites over the last three decades shows that N is at least as likely as P to be limiting to phytoplankton growth. A number of important flaws in the evidence supporting the phosphorus paradigm have contributed to an unrealistic degree of focus on phosphorus as a controlling element. These include insufficient skeptism in interpretation of: 1) the phosphorus: chlorophyll correlation in lakes, 2) the results of whole-lake fertilization experiments, and 3) stoichiometric arguments based on total N:total P ratios for inland waters. A new paradigm based on parity between N and P control of phytoplankton biomass in lakes seems more viable than the P paradigm. The new paradigm renews interest in the degree to which plankton communities are molded in composition by small differences in relative availability of N and P, the mechanisms that lead to a high frequency of N limitation in oligotrophic lakes, and the failure of aquatic N-fixers to compensate significantly for N deficiency under most conditions. A new N/P paradigm still must acknowledge that suppression of P loading often will be the most effective means of reducing phytoplankton biomass in eutrophic lakes, even if N is initially limiting

    Climatic and Limnologic Setting of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho

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    Bear Lake is a large alkaline lake on a high plateau on the Utah-Idaho border. The Bear River was partly diverted into the lake in the early twentieth century so that Bear Lake could serve as a reservoir to supply water for hydropower and irrigation downstream, which continues today. The northern Rocky Mountain region is within the belt of the strongest of the westerly winds that transport moisture during the winter and spring over coastal mountain ranges and into the Great Basin and Rocky Mountains. As a result of this dominant winter precipitation pattern, most of the water entering the lake is from snowmelt, but with net evaporation. The dominant solutes in the lake water are Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO32−, derived from Paleozoic carbonate rocks in the Bear River Range west of the lake. The lake is saturated with calcite, aragonite, and dolomite at all depths, and produces vast amounts of carbonate minerals. The chemistry of the lake has changed considerably over the past 100 years as a result of the diversion of Bear River. The net effect of the diversion was to dilute the lake water, especially the Mg2+ concentration. Bear Lake is oligotrophic and coprecipitation of phosphate with CaCO3 helps to keep productivity low. However, algal growth is colimited by nitrogen availability. Phytoplankton densities are low, with a mean summer chlorophyll a concentration of 0.4 mg L−1. Phytoplankton are dominated by diatoms, but they have not been studied extensively (but see Moser and Kimball, this volume). Zooplankton densities usually are low (\u3c10 L−1) and highly seasonal, dominated by calanoid copepods and cladocera. Benthic invertebrate densities are extremely low; chironomid larvae are dominant at depths \u3c30 m, and are partially replaced with ostracodes and oligochaetes in deeper water. The ostracode species in water depths \u3e10 m are all endemic. Bear Lake has 13 species of fish, four of which are endemic
