4 research outputs found

    Biosynthese und Funktion von Naturstoffen aus Mortierella alpina

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    In dieser Arbeit wurde anhand des Modellorganismus Mortierella alpina gezeigt, dass basale Pilze wohl zu ausgedehnter Naturstoffbiosyntese befĂ€higt sind. So konnte fĂŒr die Biosynthese der Malpinine, der Malpicycline, der Malpibaldine sowie das Calpinactam jeweils eine zugehörige Nicht-ribosomale Peptidsynthetase (NRPSen) identifziert werden. Bei den jeweils zugrundeliegenden Biosynthesegenen malA, mpbA, calA und mpcA handelt es sich um pilzliche Gene, die jedoch bakteriellen Ursprungs sind und durch horizontalen Gentransfer auf M. alpina ĂŒbertragen worden sind. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde die biologische Funktion sowie mögliche pharmazeutische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten untersucht

    Genetic Survey of Psilocybe Natural Products

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    Psilocybe magic mushrooms are best known for their main natural product, psilocybin, and its dephosphorylated congener, the psychedelic metabolite psilocin. Beyond tryptamines, the secondary metabolome of these fungi is poorly understood. The genomes of five species ( P. azurescens , P. cubensis , P. cyanescens , P. mexicana , and P. serbica ) were browsed to understand more profoundly common and species‐specific metabolic capacities. The genomic analyses revealed a much greater and yet unexplored metabolic diversity than evident from parallel chemical analyses. P. cyanescens and P. mexicana were identified as aeruginascin producers. Lumichrome and verpacamide A were also detected as Psilocybe metabolites. The observations concerning the potential secondary metabolome of this fungal genus support pharmacological and toxicological efforts to find a rational basis for yet elusive phenomena, such as paralytic effects, attributed to consumption of some magic mushrooms

    A genetic tool to express long fungal biosynthetic genes

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    Abstract Background Secondary metabolites (SMs) from mushroom-forming fungi (Basidiomycota) and early diverging fungi (EDF) such as Mucoromycota are scarcely investigated. In many cases, production of SMs is induced by unknown stress factors or is accompanied by seasonable developmental changes on fungal morphology. Moreover, many of these fungi are considered as non-culturable under laboratory conditions which impedes investigation into SM. In the post-genomic era, numerous novel SM genes have been identified especially from EDF. As most of them encode multi-module enzymes, these genes are usually long which limits cloning and heterologous expression in traditional hosts. Results An expression system in Aspergillus niger is presented that is suitable for the production of SMs from both Basidiomycota and EDF. The akuB gene was deleted in the expression host A. niger ATNT∆pyrG, resulting in a deficient nonhomologous end-joining repair mechanism which in turn facilitates the targeted gene deletion via homologous recombination. The ∆akuB mutant tLK01 served as a platform to integrate overlapping DNA fragments of long SM genes into the fwnA locus required for the black pigmentation of conidia. This enables an easy discrimination of correct transformants by screening the transformation plates for fawn-colored colonies. Expression of the gene of interest (GOI) is induced dose-dependently by addition of doxycycline and is enhanced by the dual TetON/terrein synthase promoter system (ATNT) from Aspergillus terreus. We show that the 8 kb polyketide synthase gene lpaA from the basidiomycete Laetiporus sulphureus is correctly assembled from five overlapping DNA fragments and laetiporic acids are produced. In a second approach, we expressed the yet uncharacterized > 20 kb nonribosomal peptide synthetase gene calA from the EDF Mortierella alpina. Gene expression and subsequent LC–MS/MS analysis of mycelial extracts revealed the production of the antimycobacterial compound calpinactam. This is the first report on the heterologous production of a full-length SM multidomain enzyme from EDF. Conclusions The system allows the assembly, targeted integration and expression of genes of > 20 kb size in A. niger in one single step. The system is suitable for evolutionary distantly related SM genes from both Basidiomycota and EDF. This uncovers new SM resources including genetically intractable or non-culturable fungi

    Basidiomycete non-reducing polyketide synthases function independently of SAT domains

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    Abstract Background Non-reducing polyketide synthases (NR-PKSs) account for a major share of natural product diversity produced by both Asco- and Basidiomycota. The present evolutionary diversification into eleven clades further underscores the relevance of these multi-domain enzymes. Following current knowledge, NR-PKSs initiate polyketide assembly by an N-terminal starter unit:acyl transferase (SAT) domain that catalyzes the transfer of an acetyl starter from the acetyl-CoA thioester onto the acyl carrier protein (ACP). Results A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of NR-PKSs established a twelfth clade from which three representatives, enzymes CrPKS1-3 of the webcap mushroom Cortinarius rufoolivaceus, were biochemically characterized. These basidiomycete synthases lack a SAT domain yet are fully functional hepta- and octaketide synthases in vivo. Three members of the other clade of basidiomycete NR-PKSs (clade VIII) were produced as SAT-domainless versions and analyzed in vivo and in vitro. They retained full activity, thus corroborating the notion that the SAT domain is dispensable for many basidiomycete NR-PKSs. For comparison, the ascomycete octaketide synthase atrochrysone carboxylic acid synthase (ACAS) was produced as a SAT-domainless enzyme as well, but turned out completely inactive. However, a literature survey revealed that some NR-PKSs of ascomycetes carry mutations within the catalytic motif of the SAT domain. In these cases, the role of the domain and the origin of the formal acetate unit remains open. Conclusions The role of SAT domains differs between asco- and basidiomycete NR-PKSs. For the latter, it is not part of the minimal set of NR-PKS domains and not required for function. This knowledge may help engineer compact NR-PKSs for more resource-efficient routes. From the genomic standpoint, seemingly incomplete or corrupted genes encoding SAT-domainless NR-PKSs should not automatically be dismissed as non-functional pseudogenes, but considered during genome analysis to decipher the potential arsenal of natural products of a given fungus