5 research outputs found

    Aspek Budaya pada Upaya Konservasi Air dalam Situs Kepurbakalaan dan Mitologi Masyarakat Malang

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    The wellspring that sill exist in Malang Regency have potency as provider of amount of cleanwater required of society and as the medium of cultural recreation and natural tourism. Three locationbecoming study in this research there is at Polaman – District of Lawang, Sumberawan - District ofSingosari and Sumberingin - District of Pakis. This Research aim to conduct the inventarisation ,Classification, Analysis the Cultural Meaning and Finding the Concept of the local wisdom in itsbearing with the site and myth that related to continuation of natural resources, specially irrigate incultural in perspective in Malang Regency. The Method that used to answer the problem of researchare documentation, observation, and interview with the respondent which have significance withthe research information. The result of research showed that the legend background, myth and thebelief about source of water known by society, source of existing water classified by verbal folkloreand non verbal folklore in social and culture domain. The Cultural meaning that able to be explainedare sacred meaning, potential meaning, and social meaning. The local wisdom concept that wasfounded is there are still relevant concept of “ patirtan” and “ panguripan” in exploiting irrigate andits conservation

    Kata Serapan Bahasa Sanskerta dalam Bahasa Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang linguistis (1) kosakata bahasa Melayu yang diperoleh dari bahasa Sansekerta dan (2) Perubahan bahasa Sanskerta dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bercorak kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian berasal dari dokumen tertulis berupa kamus, yaitu “Dictionaire Malais-Français Par L'abbĂ© P. Favre, Vienne Imprimerie ImpĂ©riale Et Royale, Tahun MDCCCLXXV Paris, buku 1 (917 halaman) dan Buku 2 (879 halaman)”. Hasil penelitian ini, dari 413 kosakata bahasa Melayu yang berasal dari bahasa Sanskerta menunjukkan (1) kosakata bahasa Sanskerta ada yang mengalami Perubahan bentuk dan ada pula yang tetap sebagaimana bahasa asli Sanskerta, (2) Perubahan makna terjadi bilamana (a) kata Sanskerta sama dengan bahasa Melayu dan berubah dalam bahasa Indonesia, (b) kata Sanskerta sama dengan bahasa Indonesia dan berubah dalam bahasa Melayu, (c) kosakata Sanskerta ditemukan dalam bahasa Melayu dan tidak menjadi bahasa Indonesia, dan (d) serapan Sanskerta dalam bahasa Melayu ditemukan juga dalam bahasa Kawi (Jawa Kuno), bahasa Jawa, dan bahasa Sunda, tetapi tidak/belum menjadi kosakata bahasa Indonesia

    Woman as Actress of Traditional Performing ARTS and Gender Justice in East Java

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    Main problem is whether gender justice and equality in art performance, mainly in traditional art performance, have become central issues in efforts to socialize and as a gender mainstream in Education, Law, Economy, Politic, and Social. In general and traditional art performance, woman always involved, especially the main actresses in various art performances, they are adored both as ‘diva or idol' who are able to attract people and also are humiliated because, in some occasions, she shows her over-sensuality so that it humiliates her dignity as a woman. The both positions generate a number of questions about position of gender mainstream and its advocating

    Gung Binatara: Kekuasaan dan Moralitas Jawa *Kasus Religiusitas Sultan Agung di Mataram

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    Sultan Agung (1613-1645), the popular king of Mataram kingdom, plays basic role on the concept of the governmental policy, include of political systems, that accommodate and compromizing both of formal and supranatural in order to antisipate the social and cultural change at that time. Compromozing was conducted in anticipating the cultural change based on Hindhu-Budha religious to islam. Sultan Agung extended and broaden the kingdom authority, lied the area of Jave island. The success of this movement supported symbols of the power Kingships of Mtaram, superiority in supranatural approach (called kasekten) which called as a Gung Binatara. Gung Binatara is a whole cosmologi cal concept of Java. Understanding of it should be in the frame of Java cultural