1 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Koping Pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Yang Menjalani Terapi Hemodialisis Di Rumah Sakit Prof. Dr.r.d Kandou Manado

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    : Patients who suffer from chronic kidney disease who are able to cope with the disease implements hemodialysis therapy as a substitute treatment for chronic kidney disease by removing the side-specific toxins or metabolic wastes from the blood circulation of humans, patients with chronic kidney disease who perform hemodialysis therapy would have a different perception or reaction (Koping). mechanism Koping patient is an active process in which the use of resources from the private patients and develop new behaviors that aims to grow the strength of an individual, even an emergency reduce the impact of stress in life, disability incurred Koping mechanism is adaptive and maladaptif . The purpose of this study is to find out how Koping mechanism in Chronic Kidney Disease patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy, this study is a type of descriptive research. Samples were in this study using Aksidental sampling method, namely determination technique based on the sample coincides with the total sample of 59 respondents based on a large sample formula determination. The instrument used in this study were made ​​by researchers Kuisioner and completed by respondents. Research result shows that respondents who use adaptive Koping 27 people (45.8%), whereas the use Koping maladaptif 32 people (54.2%), then it can be concluded that Chronic Kidney Disease patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy more Koping mechanisms maladaptif