68 research outputs found

    Detection of single-nucleotide polymorphism Gap junction protein Beta-2 genes in deaf schoolchildren of javanese population in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Background: Genetic factors account for about 50%–75% responsible for hearing loss. The existence of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) as genetic factors that affect hereditary hearing loss. The widely studied SNP was the gap junction protein beta-2 (GJB2) gene encoding the gap junction beta-2 protein (connexin26) that found in cochlea and required to convert sound waves into electrical nerve impulse. This study was aimed to detect the SNP GJB2 gene of hereditary hearing loss patients from Javanese population in Surabaya, Indonesia. Methods: The design of this study was a cross-sectional, analytic observational. The participant was taken randomly among the students from a deaf School in Surabaya. The questionnaire was completed by the parents of the deaf children. Blood sampling was taken from venous peripheral blood. DNA was extracted and amplified on GJB2 gene area by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The positive results of PCR were processed further for sequencing. The sequencing results were analyzed to detect the GJB2 gene SNP with reference sequence/rs-80338939. Results: A total of 22 children participated in this study; all were profound sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). The hereditary hearing loss was obtained with fewer in five children (22.73%), who had a history of hearing loss in their family. It was compared to 17 children (77.27%) who had no family history of hearing loss. It was found that the nucleotide variation in nucleotide number 8473 of GJB2 gene as much as 3 (13.64%) out of 22 children in hereditary hearing loss patients in Deaf School Type B Surabaya. Conclusions: This study did not found any SNP GJB2 gene (rs-80338939) of hereditary hearing loss patients from the Javanese population in Surabaya, Indonesia. There was the nucleotide substitution G to A in nucleotide number 8473 of GJB2 gene, which indicated the change of amino acid code genetic code table (valine) to amino acid code genetic code table (isoleucine). It may as the cause of SNHL

    Efficacy of Bay Leaf (Syzygium polyanthum) in Regulating Lipid Profile in Dyslipidemia Model Rats: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world, more than any other disease. The leading cause of cardiovascular disease is dyslipidemia. Long-term use of simvastatin can cause other diseases. One of the medicinal plants known to have anti-cholesterol effects is a bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum). This study aimed to determine how the administration of bay leaf extract regulates lipid profiles. Methods: This study used a systematic review based on PRISMA guidelines. Sampling in this study was done by collecting studies available in e-databases: PubMed and Google Scholar, with the inclusion criteria being experimental studies about the effect of bay leaf extract administration in regulating lipid profile in rats. Results: This study consisted of 10 experimental studies on rats. Eight studies showed an improved lipid profile, while two other studies did not show an improving lipid profile after the administration of bay leaf extract. Conclusion: Most studies revealed that bay leaf extract positively improves lipid profiles by lowering total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, increasing HDL levels, and having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

    Anti-HIV dan Subtipe HIV pada pasien Hemodialisis (Anti-HIV and HIV Subtype in Hemodialysis Patients)

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    Anti-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Anti-HIV) was performed from 100 plasma Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) stage 5 patients with continuous hemodialysis (HD) at the Hemodialysis Instalation Dr Soetomo hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia, using three (3) kind of reagents: Tri-line HIV Rapid test Device from Acon for HIV 1/2/O as strips form, Foresight HIV 1/2/O Antibody EIA Test Kit from Acon and Anti-HIV 1+2/Subtype O ELISA from Axiom. HIV RNA and HIV subtype were detected by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) based on HIV gag region and analysis of DNA result. Seventy three % patients were hemodialysed twice in a week and only 14% with duration more than five (5) years. Most of the patients (43%) were hemodialysed between 100−300 times. From the 100 plasma samples was obtained only one (1%) man patient plasma sample with positive anti-HIV. A weak positive of RT-PCR result was not succeed to be sequenced for determining the HIV subtype. This cause was suspected due to low levels of HIV RNA in blood. The results of this study was expected can be used as an additional management consideration of hemodialysis patients at the Hemodialysis Unit

    Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Versus Conventional Wound Care In Cancer Surgical Wounds: A Meta-Analysis Of Observational Studies And Randomised Controlled Trials

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    Abstract The application of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) in cancer surgical wounds is still controversial, despite its promising usage, because of the risks of increased tumorigenesis and metastasis. This study aimed to review the risks and benefits of NPWT in surgical wounds with the underlying malignant disease compared with conventional wound care (CWC). The first outcome was wound complications, divided into surgical site infection (SSI), seroma, hematoma, and wound dehiscence. The secondary outcome was hospital readmission. We performed a separate meta-analysis of observational studies and randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with CI 95%. Thirteen observational studies with 1923 patients and seven RCTs with 1091 patients were included. NPWT group showed significant decrease in the risk of SSI (RR = 0.45) and seroma (RR = 0.61) in observational studies with P value <0.05, as well as RCTs but were not significant (RR = 0.88 and RR = 0.68). Wound dehiscence (RR = 0.74 and RR = 1.15) and hospital readmission (RR = 0.90 and RR = 0.62) showed lower risks in NPWT group but were not significant. Hematoma (RR = 1.08 and RR = 0.87) showed no significant difference. NPWT is not contraindicated in cancer surgical wounds and can be considered a beneficial palliative treatment to promote wound healing

    The Analysis of Mutation Profile on Pre-S1 and Pre-S2 Region of Hepatitif B Virus in Chronic Liver Disease

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to complete the data frequency and mutation profile of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) pre-S1 and pre-S2 in Indonesia. Methods: This cross-sectional study was used 32 blood serum samples of Chronic Liver Disease (CLD) patients with Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) at Endoscopy Outpatient Clinic, RSUD Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) of HBV DNA was performed on the samples based on pre-S1 and pre-S2 region. Then, electrophoresis was performed on the PCR product and followed by sequencing on samples with positive electrophoresis result. The sequencing results were analyzed by comparing them with the published sequences of HBV nucleotide. Results: The amplification results of nested PCR DNA HBV with primers based on HBV pre-S1 and pre-S2 region were positive at 21 serums. In patients with CLD in this study, pre-S1 and / or pre-S2 HBV mutations were found in 11 (84.62%) chronically infected HBV patients, 4 (100%) patients with liver cirrhosis, and 4 (100%) HCC patients. Dominant mutations were L101V (16.57%), M120I / T or pre-S2 start codon (10.82%), and F141L (10.81%). M120 and F141L mutations have been previously reported to be associated with CLD, while the dominant L101V mutation in this study as well as several other mutations has not been reported in previous studies. Conclusions: Mutations of pre-S1 and pre-S2 HBV regions were obtained in 90.48% of CLD patients in the form of substitution and deletion of amino acids

    Distribution of Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes Among Patients at Internal Medicine Unit, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya

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    Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major health problem worldwide, especially in developing countries. The study of HBV genotypes is important to find out the diversity of HBV genotypes related to the severity of the disease, response to therapy, and clinical symptoms. Objective: This study was aimed to detect HBV genotypes in patients at Hepatology Outpatient Clinic, Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya. Methods: This study was conducted on new patients at Hepatology Outpatient Clinic of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya in one month. Nested PCR was performed by targetting HBV surface genes. Samples with positive HBV DNA were sequenced and analysed further. Results: In this study, a total of 27 samples were obtained. The prevalence of HBV infection shown by positive HBsAg in patients with symptoms of liver disease was 55.55% (15/27 patients). Based on the results of electrophoresis from PCR products, positive HBV DNA was obtained in these 15 patients (100%). After sequencing samples with positive HBV DNA, genotype B of Indonesian strain was found to be predominant genotype (100%). Subgenotype analysis showed that 7/15 samples had B3 subgenotype (46.67%). Conclusion: In patients at Hepatology Outpatient Clinic of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, the prevalence of HBV infection was high (55.55%) and genotype B was predominant. In Surabaya, HBV genotype infection still remained like the previous pattern, although in Indonesia there have been many inter-island and ethnic migration. Further similar studies are needed to obtain the diversity of other HBV genotypes

    Detection Of Hepatitis C Virus (Hcv) Infection And Its Genotype In Patients At Hepatology Outpatient Clinic, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an RNA virus that can cause liver inflammation (hepatitis) and has the potential to become chronic and can progress to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Detection of HCV RNA infection, and genotype/subtype of HCV was performed on 70 blood sera of patients at the Hepatology Outpatient Clinic of Dr Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. Detection of HCV infection was carried out by Anti-HCV determination using enzyme immunoassay (EIA) technique, detection of HCV RNA by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) technique based on genome regions NS5b and 5'UTR, followed by electrophoresis with agarose gel. In positive PCR results, HCV genotype/subtype was determined by direct sequencing method using ABI 310 sequencer and sequencing results were analyzed by comparing the products with previously published HCV nucleotides. Sera were obtained from 41 (58.6%) male and 29 (41.4%) female patients. Anti-HCV was found positive in 17/70 (24.29%) patients and 16/17 (94.1%) was proved to contain HCV RNA when determined by RT-PCR technique. Patients with positive HCV RNA have the potential to transmit HCV infection. From the genotype/subtype analysis of sequencing results we obtained 2/16 (12,5%), 3/16 (18,75%) and 6/16 (37,5%), 1/16 (6,25%), 1/16 (6, 25%), 2/16 (12,5%), 1/16 (6,25%) HCV genotypes 1, 2, and HCV subtypes 1b, 1c, 2a, 3a, 3k respectively.Conclusion: In patients who went to the Hepatology Outpatient Clinic, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya, we found positive Anti-HCV was 24,29%. In 94,1% of patients with positive Anti-HCV, HCV RNA was still detected and HCV genotype 1 with subtype 1b were still dominant HCV subtypes

    Socialization Program for Prevention and Early Detection of Congenital Hearing Loss in the Families of Deaf School children

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    Objective: socializing hearing loss examination and early detection to patients and their families in deaf type B schools. Methods: A community service program in the form of socialization was performed to the family of patients with hearing loss in deaf school type B, Surabaya, Indonesia. Pretest and posttest were conducted to determine the initial understanding and post socialization knowledge of these people. We also asked the participants to fill on a questionnaire regarding the possible causes of the hearing loss (family history, drug use, history of disease, and history of head trauma). Results: Based on the summary of pretest and posttest from the participants, an increase in participants’ knowledge of hearing lost was found. This activity was attended by 90 family members of 37 patients with hearing loss. Pre and post test results. The results of the questionnaire showed that 94.59% of the patients came from Javanese ethnicity. As many as 21.62% of patients had a family history of hearing loss, and even 2 patients had a father, mother, and sibling with hearing loss. A total of 18.92% had a history of using ototoxic drugs, 16.22% had a history of maternal Rubella infection during pregnancy, and 2.7% had a history of head trauma. Conclusion: Socialization program was effective to increase knowledge of congenital hearing loss for family of deaf schoolchildren. The result of the questionnaire showed that deaf schoolchildren had several risk factors for the occurrence of hearing loss. Similar program can be performed in communities in other areas to increase prevention and early detection of hearing loss in Indonesia

    Associations between P53, Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1, and Interleukin-10 Serum Levels with Advanced Liver Disease and Hepatitis B Virus Infection

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    Background. Hepatitis B infection can lead to advanced liver disease (ALD) which causes serious health problems. Several factors that are thought to play a role in advanced liver disease are P53, Transforming Growth Factor-β1 (TGF-β1), and Interleukin-10 (IL-10). Therefore, this study aimed to determine the association between P53, TGF-β1, and IL-10 serum levels with ALD.Methods. We collected 68 sera from patients with HBV infection. P53, TGF-β1, and IL-10 serum levels were measured by ELISA. We also detected SNPs from P53 and TGF-b1 genes to determines their associations.Results and Conclusions: In this study, we obtained 41.18% CH patients and 58.82% ALD patients. Male patients outnumbered female in all groups. There was a significant relationship between serum P53 and TGF-b1 levels with ALD (p = 0.03 and 0.01, respectively), but not serum IL-10 levels. However, there was no significant relationship between SNP gene P53 and serum P53 levels nor between SNP gene TGF-b1 and serum TGF-b1 levels (p = 0.73 and 0.23, respectively).Both P53 and TGF-b1 serum leveles can act as biomarkers of prognosis and target therapy for ALD patients

    Dexmedetomidine as an Adjuvant to Nerve Block for Cancer Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background/Objectives: Our understanding of dexmedetomidine, as an adjuvant to nerve blocks in cancer surgery, is characterized by a current lack of compelling evidence, and it remains unknown whether the potential benefits of use outweigh the risks. The aim of the study was to evaluate the benefit and safety profiles of dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to nerve blocks in cancer surgery. Methods: Systematic searches were conducted in MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, Springer, medRxiv, and Scopus up to 17 May 2024. Risk ratios (RR) for binary outcomes and standardized mean differences (SMDs) for continuous outcomes were quantified. Results: Twenty studies were identified. In breast cancer surgery, the use of dexmedetomidine reduced 24 h total morphine consumption (SMD = −1.99 [95% CI −3.01 to −0.98], p = 0.0001, I2 = 91%, random effects) and prolonged the requirement for morphine rescue analgesia (SMD = 2.98 [95% CI 0.01 to 5.95], p = 0.05, I2 = 98%, random effects). In abdominal cancer surgery, the dexmedetomidine group had lower total sufentanil consumption (SMD = −1.34 [95% CI −2.29 to −0.40], p = 0.005, I2 = 84%, random effects). Dexmedetomidine reduced the VAS score and decreased postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). No studies using dexmedetomidine reported serious adverse events. Conclusions: Using dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to nerve blocks in cancer surgery could lower the VAS pain score and prolong the regional anesthesia duration, which would lead to a decrease in total opioid consumption and possibly contribute to fewer PONV events. Furthermore, the reports of no serious adverse events indicate its good safety profile
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