79 research outputs found

    Five-year outcome of clinical recovery and subjective well-being in older Dutch patients with schizophrenia

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    Outcome of schizophrenia in later life can be evaluated from different perspectives. The recovery concept has moved forward this evaluation, discerning clinical-based and patient-based definitions. Longitudinal data on measures of recovery in older individuals with schizophrenia are scant. This study evaluated the five-year outcome of clinical recovery and subjective well-being in a sample of 73 older Dutch schizophrenia patients (mean age 65.9 years; SD 5.4), employing a catchment-area based design that included both community living and institutionalized patients regardless of the age of onset of their disorder. At baseline (T1), 5.5% of participants qualified for clinical recovery, while at five-year follow-up (T2), this rate was 12.3% (p = 0.18; exact McNemar's test). Subjective well-being was reported by 20.5% of participants at T1 and by 27.4% at T2 (p = 0.27; exact McNemar's test). Concurrence of clinical recovery and subjective well-being was exceptional, being present in only one participant (1.4%) at T1 and in two participants (2.7%) at T2. Clinical recovery and subjective well-being were not correlated neither at T1 (p = 0.82; phi = 0.027) nor at T2 (p = 0.71; phi =-0.044). There was no significant correlation over time between clinical recovery at T1 and subjective well-being at T2 (p = 0.30; phi = 0.122) nor between subjective well-being at T1 and clinical recovery at T2 (p = 0.45; phi =-0.088). These results indicate that while reaching clinical recovery is relatively rare in older individuals with schizophrenia, it is not a prerequisite to experience subjective well-being

    Negative symptoms predict high relapse rates and both predict less favorable functional outcome in first episode psychosis, independent of treatment strategy

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    BACKGROUND: In first episode psychosis (FEP) baseline negative symptoms (BNS) and relapse both predict less favorable functional outcome. Relapse-prevention is one of the most important goals of treatment. Apart from discontinuation of antipsychotics, natural causes of relapse are unexplained. We hypothesized that BNS, apart from predicting worse functional outcome, might also increase relapse risk. METHODS: We performed a post-hoc analysis of 7-year follow-up data of a FEP cohort (n = 103) involved in a dose-reduction/discontinuation (DR) vs. maintenance treatment (MT) trial. We examined: 1) what predicted relapse, 2) what predicted functional outcome, and 3) if BNS predicted relapse, whether MT reduced relapse rates compared to DR. After remission patients were randomly assigned to DR or MT for 18 months. Thereafter, treatment was uncontrolled. OUTCOMES: BNS and duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) predicted relapse. Number of relapses, BNS, and treatment strategy predicted functional outcome. BNS was the strongest predictor of relapse, while number of relapses was the strongest predictor of functional outcome above BNS and treatment strategy. Overall and within MT, but not within DR, more severe BNS predicted significantly higher relapse rates. Treatment strategies did not make a difference in relapse rates, regardless of BNS severity. INTERPRETATION: BNS not only predicted worse functional outcome, but also relapses during follow-up. Since current low dose maintenance treatment strategies did not prevent relapse proneness in patients with more severe BNS, resources should be deployed to find optimal treatment strategies for this particular group of patients

    Reprint of:Negative symptoms predict high relapse rates and both predict less favorable functional outcome in first episode psychosis, independent of treatment strategy

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    Background: In first episode psychosis (FEP) baseline negative symptoms (BNS) and relapse both predict less favorable functional outcome. Relapse-prevention is one of the most important goals of treatment. Apart from discontinuation of antipsychotics, natural causes of relapse are unexplained. We hypothesized that BNS, apart from predicting worse functional outcome, might also increase relapse risk. Methods: We performed a post-hoc analysis of 7-year follow-up data of a FEP cohort (n = 103) involved in a dose-reduction/discontinuation (DR) vs. maintenance treatment (MT) trial. We examined: 1) what predicted relapse, 2) what predicted functional outcome, and 3) if BNS predicted relapse, whether MT reduced relapse rates compared to DR. After remission patients were randomly assigned to DR or MT for 18 months. Thereafter, treatment was uncontrolled. Outcomes: BNS and duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) predicted relapse. Number of relapses, BNS, and treatment strategy predicted functional outcome. BNS was the strongest predictor of relapse, while number of relapses was the strongest predictor of functional outcome above BNS and treatment strategy. Overall and within MT, but not within DR, more severe BNS predicted significantly higher relapse rates. Treatment strategies did not make a difference in relapse rates, regardless of BNS severity. Interpretation: BNS not only predicted worse functional outcome, but also relapses during follow-up. Since current low dose maintenance treatment strategies did not prevent relapse proneness in patients with more severe BNS, resources should be deployed to find optimal treatment strategies for this particular group of patients. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A Smart Screening Device for Patients with Mental Health Problems in Primary Health Care:Development and Pilot Study

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    BACKGROUND: Adequate recognition of mental health problems is a prerequisite for successful treatment. Although most people tend to consult their general practitioner (GP) when they first experience mental health problems, GPs are not very well equipped to screen for various forms of psychopathology to help them determine clients' need for treatment. OBJECTIVE: In this paper, the development and characteristics of CATja, a computerized adaptive test battery built to facilitate triage in primary care settings, are described, and first results of its implementation are reported. METHODS: CATja was developed in close collaboration with GPs and mental health assistants (MHAs). During implementation, MHAs were requested to appraise clients' rankings (N=91) on the domains to be tested and to indicate the treatment level they deemed most appropriate for clients before test administration. We compared the agreement between domain score appraisals and domain score computed by CATja and the agreement between initial (before test administration) treatment level advice and final treatment level advice. RESULTS: Agreements (Cohen kappas) between MHAs' appraisals of clients' scores and clients' scores computed by CATja were mostly between .40 and .50 (Cohen kappas=.10-.20), and the agreement between "initial" treatment levels and the final treatment level advised was .65 (Cohen kappa=.55). CONCLUSIONS: Using CATja, caregivers can efficiently generate summaries of their clients' mental well-being on which decisions about treatment type and care level may be based. Further validation research is needed

    A manual-based individual therapy to improve metacognition in schizophrenia:protocol of a multi-center RCT

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    BACKGROUND: Metacognitive dysfunction has been widely recognized as a feature of schizophrenia. As it is linked with deficits in several aspects of daily life functioning, improvement of metacognition may lead to improvement in functioning. Individual psychotherapy might be a useful form of treatment to improve metacognition in patients with schizophrenia; multiple case reports and a pilot study show promising results. The present study aims to measure the effectiveness of an individual, manual-based therapy (Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy, MERIT) in improving metacognition in patients with schizophrenia. We also want to examine if improvement in metacognitive abilities is correlated with improvements in aspects of daily life functioning namely social functioning, experience of symptoms, quality of life, depression, work readiness, insight and experience of stigma. METHODS/DESIGN: MERIT is currently evaluated in a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Thirteen therapists in six mental health institutions in the Netherlands participate in this study. Patients are randomly assigned to either MERIT or the control condition: treatment as usual (TAU). DISCUSSION: If proven effective, MERIT can be a useful addition to the care for schizophrenia patients. The design brings along some methodological difficulties, these issues are addressed in the discussion of this paper. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials: ISRCTN16659871

    Searching for the optimal number of response alternatives for the distress scale of the four-dimensional symptom questionnaire

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    BACKGROUND: The Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ) is a self-report questionnaire designed to measure distress, depression, anxiety, and somatization. Prior to computing scale scores from the item scores, the three highest response alternatives ('Regularly', 'Often', and 'Very often or constantly present') are usually collapsed into one category to reduce the influence of extreme responding on item- and scale scores. In this study, we evaluate the usefulness of this transformation for the distress scale based on a variety of criteria. METHODS: Specifically, by using the Graded Response Model, we investigated the effect of this transformation on model fit, local measurement precision, and various indicators of the scale's validity to get an indication on whether the current practice of recoding should be advocated or not. In particular, the effect on the convergent- (operationalized by the General Health Questionnaire and the Maastricht Questionnaire), divergent- (operationalized by the Neuroticism scale of the NEO-FFI), and predictive validity (operationalized as obtrusion with daily chores and activities, the Biographical Problem list and the Utrecht Burnout Scale) of the distress scale was investigated. RESULTS: Results indicate that recoding leads to (i) better model fit as indicated by lower mean probabilities of exact test statistics assessing item fit, (ii) small (<.02) losses in the sizes of various validity coefficients, and (iii) a decrease (DIFF (SE's) = .10-.25) in measurement precision for medium and high levels of distress. CONCLUSIONS: For clinical applications and applications in longitudinal research, the current practice of recoding should be avoided because recoding decreases measurement precision for medium and high levels of distress. It would be interesting to see whether this advice also holds for the three other domains of the 4DSQ

    Onset and transition of and recovery from adverse development:study methodology

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    AIM: Early intervention programs for first-episode psychosis have led to the awareness that the period before onset of a first episode is important in light of early intervention. This has induced a focus on the so-called 'at risk mental state' (ARMS). Individuals with ARMS are at increased risk for later psychotic disorder, but also for other psychiatric disorders as well as poor psychosocial functioning. Thus, adequate detection and treatment of ARMS is essential. METHODS: Since 2018, screening for and treatment of ARMS is recommended standard care in the Netherlands. Implementation is still ongoing. We initiated a naturalistic long-term cohort study of ARMS individuals, the onset and transition of and recovery from adverse development (OnTheROAD) study, with the aim to monitor course and outcome of symptoms and psychosocial functioning over time, as well as patterns of comorbidity and associations with factors of risk and resilience. To this end, participants complete a broad battery of instruments at baseline and yearly follow-up assessments up to 3 years. Outcome is defined in terms of symptom severity level, functioning and quality of life. In particular, we aim to investigate the impact of negative symptoms as part of the ARMS concept. Results from this study can aid in refining the existing ARMS criteria, understanding the developmental course of ARMS and investigating the hypothesized pluripotentiality in outcome of ARMS. New knowledge may inform the further development of specialized early interventions. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In this article, we describe the rationale, outline and set-up of OnTheROAD

    Study protocol for a prospective cohort study examining the predictive potential of dynamic symptom networks for the onset and progression of psychosis:The Mapping Individual Routes of Risk and Resilience (Mirorr) study

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    INTRODUCTION: Our current ability to predict the course and outcome of early psychotic symptoms is limited, hampering timely treatment. To improve our understanding of the development of psychosis, a different approach to psychopathology may be productive. We propose to reconceptualise psychopathology from a network perspective, according to which symptoms act as a dynamic, interconnected system, impacting on each other over time and across diagnostic boundaries to form symptom networks. Adopting this network approach, the Mapping Individual Routes of Risk and Resilience study aims to determine whether characteristics of symptom networks can predict illness course and outcome of early psychotic symptoms. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The sample consists of n=100 participants aged 18-35 years, divided into four subgroups (n=4×25) with increasing levels of severity of psychopathology, representing successive stages of clinical progression. Individuals representing the initial stage have a relatively low expression of psychotic experiences (general population), whereas individuals representing the end stage are help seeking and display a psychometric expression of psychosis, putting them at ultra-high risk for transition to psychotic disorder. At baseline and 1-year follow-up, participants report their symptoms, affective states and experiences for three consecutive months in short, daily questionnaires on their smartphone, which will be used to map individual networks. Network parameters, including the strength and directionality of symptom connections and centrality indices, will be estimated and associated to individual differences in and within-individual progression through stages of clinical severity and functioning over the next 3 years. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study has been approved by the local medical ethical committee (ABR no. NL52974.042.15). The results of the study will be published in (inter)national peer-reviewed journals, presented at research, clinical and general public conferences. The results will assist in improving and fine-tuning dynamic models of psychopathology, stimulating both clinical and scientific progress. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NTR6205 ; Pre-results

    Identifying levels of general distress in first line mental health services:can GP- and eHealth clients' scores be meaningfully compared?

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    BACKGROUND: The Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ) (Huisarts Wetenschap 39: 538-47, 1996) is a self-report questionnaire developed in the Netherlands to distinguish non-specific general distress from depression, anxiety, and somatization. This questionnaire is often used in different populations and settings and there is a paper-and-pencil and computerized version. METHODS: We used item response theory to investigate whether the 4DSQ measures the same construct (structural equivalence) in the same way (scalar equivalence) in two samples comprised of primary mental health care attendees: (i) clients who visited their General Practitioner responded to the 4DSQ paper-and-pencil version, and (ii) eHealth clients responded to the 4DSQ computerized version. Specifically, we investigated whether the distress items functioned differently in eHealth clients compared to General Practitioners' clients and whether these differences lead to substantial differences at scale level. RESULTS: Results showed that in general structural equivalence holds for the distress scale. This means that the distress scale measures the same construct in both General Practitioners' clients and eHealth clients. Furthermore, although eHealth clients have higher observed distress scores than General Practitioners' clients, application of a multiple group generalized partial credit response model suggests that scalar equivalence holds. CONCLUSIONS: The same cutoff scores can be used for classifying respondents as having low, moderate and high levels of distress in both settings