280 research outputs found

    New fungicides for apple scab control in organic growing

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    In the future control of apple scab in organic apple growing could be based on the use of natural fungicides like plant extracts and oils. Current projects are testing this idea

    Barriers to healthcare seeking, beliefs about cancer and the role of socio-economic position. A Danish population-based study

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    AbstractBackgroundCancer-related health behaviours may be affected by barriers to healthcare seeking and beliefs about cancer. The aim was to assess anticipated barriers to healthcare seeking and beliefs about cancer in a sample of the Danish population and to assess the association with socio-economic position.MethodsA population-based telephone interview with 3000 randomly sampled persons aged 30years or older was performed using the Awareness and Beliefs about Cancer measure from 31 May to 4 July 2011. The Awareness and Beliefs about Cancer measure includes statements about four anticipated barriers to healthcare seeking and three positively and three negatively framed beliefs about cancer. For all persons, register-based information on socio-economic position was obtained through Statistics Denmark.ResultsTwo anticipated barriers, worry about what the doctor might find and worry about wasting the doctor's time, were present among 27% and 15% of the respondents, respectively. Overall, a high proportion of respondents concurred with positive beliefs about cancer; fewer concurred with negative beliefs. Having a low educational level and a low household income were strongly associated with having negative beliefs about cancer.ConclusionThe fact that worry about what the doctor might find and worry about wasting the doctor's time were commonly reported barriers call for initiatives in general practice. The association between low educational level and low household income and negative beliefs about cancer might to some degree explain the negative socio-economic gradient in cancer outcome

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Stockholm 3 Testing Compared to PSA as the Primary Blood Test in the Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Pathway:A Decision Tree Approach

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    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the cost effectiveness of using Stockholm 3 (STHLM3) testing compared to the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test in the diagnostic pathway for prostate cancer. METHODS: We created a decision tree model for PSA (current standard) and STHLM3 (new alternative). Cost effectiveness was evaluated in a hypothetical cohort of male individuals aged 50–69 years. The study applied a Danish hospital perspective with a time frame restricted to the prostate cancer diagnostic pathway, beginning with the initial PSA/STHLM3 test, and ending with biopsy and histopathological diagnosis. Estimated values from the decision-analytical model were used to calculate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted to test the robustness of the base-case analysis. RESULTS: The model-based analysis revealed that STHLM3 testing was more effective than the PSA, but also more costly, with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of €511.7 (95% credible interval, 359.9–674.3) for each additional correctly classified individual. In the deterministic sensitivity analysis, variations in the cost of STHLM3 had the greatest influence on the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. In the probabilistic sensitivity analysis, all iterations were positioned in the north-east quadrant of the incremental cost-effectiveness scatterplot. At a willingness to pay of €700 for an additional correctly classified individual, STHLM3 had a 100% probability of being cost effective. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to the PSA test as the initial testing modality in the prostate cancer diagnostic workup, STHLM3 testing showed improved incremental effectiveness, however, at additional costs. The results were sensitive to the cost of the STHLM3 test; therefore, a lower cost of the STHLM3 test would improve its cost effectiveness compared with PSA tests. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40258-022-00741-0


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    I den siste tiden har personvern på nett og innsamling av data vært en diskusjon i samfunnet. Bedrifter samler inn data om brukere ved bruk av cookies og andre måter. Å gi samtykke til bruk av cookies på nett gjør at bedrifter kan samle inn de besøkendes digitale atferd og informasjon. Bruk av innsamlede data er i dag en viktig del for bedrifter som driver med målrettet markedsføring. 25 Mai slår EU sin nye personvernlovgivning General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) inn, som medfører store endringer i behandling av personlig data. GDPR tvinger bedrifter til å informere hva slags data de samler inn til hver besøkende og hva de bruker dataen til. Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke hvor stor betydning merkekjennskap har på samtykke til deling av personlig informasjon på nett og om kunnskap om GDPR kommer til å påvirke oppfattet risiko ved samtykke. På bakgrunn av teori og antakelser utviklet vi tre hypoteser med utgangspunkt i at det foreligger en sammenheng mellom oppfattet risiko og samtykke. Videre ønsket vi å se nærmere på hvilken måte grad av merkekjennskap spilte inn på oppfattet risiko. Vi ønsket også å se hvordan det nye GDPR regelverket kom til å påvirke den oppfattede risikoen. Disse spekulasjonene dannet grunnlag for vår siste hypotese hvor vi ser nærmere på hvordan oppfattet risiko påvirker samtykke til deling av informasjon på nettet. I den sammenheng har vi tatt utgangspunkt i atferdsbaserte teorier, som en forklaringsmekanisme på forbrukeres beslutningsprosess og handlingsmønster på nett. Vi benyttet oss av en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi for å påvise årsakssammenhenger mellom variablene. Eksperimentet ble gjennomført med en 2x2 faktorielt design. Utvalget er studenter ved Høyskolen Kristiania. Vi fikk ingen signifikant støtte på noen av hypotesene våre, men vi fikk signifikant støtte på vår logistiske regresjon der vi testet medieringen. Det ble signifikante direkte effekter mellom risiko og samtykke samt fryktkommunikasjon og samtykke. Vår mediering var ikke signifikant. Det kan være flere grunner til at vi ikke fikk signifikante funn, respondentene kan ha hatt informasjon om GDPR fra før eller ikke tatt til seg teksten. Oppgavens hovedfunn er når kunnskap om GDPR er lav så spiller merke omtrent ingen rolle, men når kunnskapen om GDPR er tilstede så er det tydelig at merkekjennskap betyr noe for samtykke

    Instrument-model refinement in normalized reciprocal-vector space for X-ray Laue diffraction

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    A simple yet efficient instrument-model refinement method for X-ray diffraction data is presented and discussed. The method is based on least-squares minimization of differences between respective normalized (i.e. unit length) reciprocal vectors computed for adjacent frames. The approach was primarily designed to work with synchrotron X-ray Laue diffraction data collected for small-molecule single-crystal samples. The method has been shown to work well on both simulated and experimental data. Tests performed on simulated data sets for small-molecule and protein crystals confirmed the validity of the proposed instrument-model refinement approach. Finally, examination of data sets collected at both BioCARS 14-ID-B (Advanced Photon Source) and ID09 (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) beamlines indicated that the approach is capable of retrieving goniometer parameters (e.g. detector distance or primary X-ray beam centre) reliably, even when their initial estimates are rather inaccurate. Keywords: data processing; Laue diffraction; instrument models; refinement; X-ray diffraction

    Midler til bekæmpelse af skurv i økologiske æbler

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    Brochuren præsenterer FØJO II projektet StopScab: Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv. I projektet afprøves potentielle alternative bekæmpelsesmidler (planteekstrakter, olier og biologiske bekæmpelsesorganismer)for deres bekæmpelseseffekt overfor æbleskurv (Venturia inaequalis) i laboratorie, vækstkammer og plantage. Udvalgte midler undersøges nærmere for deres virkemekanismer

    Tracking Ca2+ ATPase intermediates in real time by x-ray solution scattering

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    Sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) transporters regulate calcium signaling by active calcium ion reuptake to internal stores. Structural transitions associated with transport have been characterized by x-ray crystallography, but critical intermediates involved in the accessibility switch across the membrane are missing. We combined time-resolved x-ray solution scattering (TR-XSS) experiments and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for real-time tracking of concerted SERCA reaction cycle dynamics in the native membrane. The equilibrium [Ca2] E1 state before laser activation differed in the domain arrangement compared with crystal structures, and following laser-induced release of caged ATP, a 1.5-ms intermediate was formed that showed closure of the cytoplasmic domains typical of E1 states with bound Ca2+ and ATP. A subsequent 13-ms transient state showed a previously unresolved actuator (A) domain arrangement that exposed the ADP-binding site after phosphorylation. Hence, the obtained TR-XSS models determine the relative timing of so-far elusive domain rearrangements in a native environment