7 research outputs found

    Project-based learning as an alternative solution for learning computer basics during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    This study aims to obtain a meaningful alternative learning in computer basics courses during the covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has gradually changed the educational paradigm, namely learning that was initially carried out synchronously into asynchronous Learning. It is at this time that all elements adapt to find effective solutions in carrying out meaningful Learning. In this study, Project-Based Learning will be designed in Computer Basics learning as a solution to make meaningful asynchronous Learning. Project-Based Learning was chosen because it has characteristics that are process-centred, problem-focused, combining the concepts of several components, both knowledge, disciplines, and field experience. The study subjects were college students of class Computer Basics, with a total of 11 students. There are two projects in this study with three steps which are planning the project, implementation the project, and evaluating the project. The result of this study is that meaningful learning alternatives are obtained for prospective mathematics teacher students in the Computer Basics course so that in the future, they can hone their creativity

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Guru Pos PAUD Nurul Huda Dalam Pemanfaatan Google Sites Sebagai Website PAUD

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    Pembelajaran pada era pandemi Covid-19 menuntut seorang pendidik harus memaksimalkan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan teknologi, termasuk para guru di POS PAUD Nurul Huda Karangbesuki Malang. Untuk memudahkan guru dalam pembelajaran online, diperlukan adanya keterampilan guru dan peningkatan kompetensi dalam memaksimalkan dan memanfaatkan sarana pembelajaran yang berbasis teknologi yang ada salah satunya adalah Google Sites. Pelatihan dan Pendampingan dalam memanfaatkan Google Sites sebagai website POS PAUD Nurul Huda bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru POS PAUD Nurul Huda melalui penggunaan Google Sites sebagai media pembelajaran online serta media promosi. Selama ini promosi POS PAUD Nurul Huda masih dilakukan dengan cara menyebar brosur di pertemuan PKK. Dengan adanya website POS PAUD Nurul Huda diharapkan dapat mempermudah guru dan siswa dalam menyampaikan atau mempelajari materi. Kegiatan pendampingan ini terdiri atas 3 tahap yaitu penyampaian materi penggunaan Google sites sebagai sarana pembuatan Website POS PAUD Nurul Huda, kedua praktek dan pendampingan pemanfaatan Google Sites sebagai website POS PAUD Nurul Huda, dan yang ketiga evaluasi website POS PAUD Nurul Huda. Dengan adanya kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan ini, luaran yang dihasilkan yaitu adanya  Website POS PAUD Nurul Huda serta meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kompetensi guru dalam memanfaatkan Google Sites sebagai media pembelajaran pada masa pandemic Covid-19 secara online

    Scaffolding Based on Telolet Game in Teaching Integers

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    Scaffolding is defined as help that can assist students to solve problems or understand concepts that were not able to complete independently. In modern times, the concept of technology-based Scaffolding in learning has developed. In this study an educational game called "Telolet" was designed with the aim of providing Scaffolding to students who experienced difficulties in integers. The problems in this study consist of closed problems, opened problemsĀ  and some problems are related to integers. The purpose of this study is to provide students with a whole understanding in integers so that they can educate students with the right concepts. The results of this study, Scaffolding based on the game "Telolet" can help students who have difficulty in integer problems. Students excited to solve problems in this game because they felt challenged

    Scaffolding Based on Problems in Graph Theory Learning

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    Scaffolding is assistance provided so students can solve problems or understand concepts that can not be solved independently. When students are considered capable of completing their tasks independently, the assistance is eliminated. In this study, scaffolding was carried out by giving problems about graph theory. Problems given are closed and open contextual problems. The selection of this problem can be seen by students' understanding of graph theory. The results of this study, this problem-based scaffolding can help students who experience difficulties in the problem of graph theory. Students are enthusiastic because through this problem, they can explore and connect blood donation problems and regional tourism with the concept of graph

    Problem-based scaffolding for prospective mathematics teachers in graph theory course

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    This study aimed to give a scaffolding process to improve the preservice teachers' ability in graph theory class. The present study implemented scaffolding techniques by administering graph theory questions. Four scaffoldings are used: (1) questioning, (2) prompting, (3) cueing, and (4) direct explanation. The choice of this problem can be observed through students' comprehension of graph theory. This research indicates that problem-based scaffolding can benefit students with challenges understanding graph theory. The students exhibit enthusiasm as they explore the interconnection between road systems, predatory and isomer, employing graph theory

    TPQ Smart Rudlotul Jannah dengan Tabung Putar Guna Penguatan Kemampuan Menghitung

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    Banyak guru TPQ yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi yang dipersyaratkan oleh peraturan pemerintah. Guru TPQ di sini umumnya telah mengajar selama 5 tahun atau lebih. Sementara itu, pengalaman di bidang pelatihan yang relevan dengan profesinya masih sangat terbatas. Latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman mengajar, pelatihan yang relevan, dan keterampilan yang kurang memadai mempengaruhi kualitas pembelajaran matematika. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan guru di bidang ini, sebagian besar orang tua menginginkan anaknya menjadi melek huruf dan berhitung. Salah satu alasan di balik tingginya permintaan ini adalah persiapan anak-anak untuk memasuki sekolah dasar. Metode kegiatan ini berupa program pendampingan penggunaan media pembelajaran matematika bagi guru TPQ ROUDLOTUL JANNAH Karang Besuki menggunakan Tabung Putar. Sasarannya adalah para guru TPQ dengan latar belakang pendidikan tinggi atau sederajat yang terdaftar di TPQ ROUDLOTUL JANNAH. Oleh karena itu, terbentuklah ā€œTPQ SMART ROUDLOTUL JANNAH Karangbesuki dengan Tabung Putarā€ dengan tujuan untuk memperkuat kemampuan berhitung. Top of Form &nbsp

    The use of e-learning with "PAKSOBRI" to improve of students learning outcomes on Linear Algebra at Wisnuwardhana University

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    This study aims to determine the improvement of elementary linear algebra learning outcomes by applying Elearning with PAKSOBRI. The subjects of this study were 11 students of mathematics education class 2019/2020. The data was collected using the PAKSOBRI method (Graduated Question Package) with three questions in the form of multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions with easy, medium and complex levels of difficulty. This type of research is CAR with data analyzed using quantitative descriptive statistics, namely by looking for the mean, median, mode, absorption and learning completeness. The indicators of the success of this research include individual mastery reaching 70, absorption reaching 70% and learning completeness 80%. Outcome student learning cycle I average 73.54, and learning completeness was 36.26%Ā  in the deficient category. Outcome student learning cycle II average 74, and learning completeness was 72.73%Ā  in the high category. Outcome student learning cycle III average 85.91, and learning completeness was 81.82%Ā  in the high category. The conclusion shows an increase in elementary linear algebra learning outcomes for students of mathematics education, class 2019/2020 through E-learning application with PAKSOBRI