279 research outputs found

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Di SMA Se-kecamatan Tambusai Utara Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    This aims study to investigate the implementation of pedagogical competence of teachers in the teaching ofbiology in high schools in District of Tambusai Utara. This research instrument using a questionnaire andanalyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results of researchin the category ofveryhigh(96,57). Pedagogicalcompetence include: 1) Have an understanding of insight or educational foundation (93.33%), 2) Having anunderstanding of the students (98.33%), 3) Able to develop curriculum / syllabus (93.33%), 4) able to draft thestudy (92.22%), 5) Implement educational and dialogical learning (90.83%), 6) to evaluate learning outcomeswith the correct procedure (87.62%), and 7) able to develop the potential of learners to mengaktulisasikanpotentials (85%)

    Pengaruh Citra Merek dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Produk Kosmetik

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    This research aimed to determine whether there is the influence of  brand image and product quality towardsthe purchase decision of Cosmetic Products. This research uses quantitative method. The number of samples in this research was 100, this research used purposive sampling technique to determine the samples.  Method of completion of data used in this research were a questionare  and google form. Result of t test shows significant influence brand image variable on decision making with tcount 2,432 ≥ ttable 1.660. Significant influence product quality variable on decision making with tcount 5,693 ≥ ttable 1,660. Brand image and product quality variables simultaneously have an effect of purchase decision Keywords: brand image, product quality, purchase decisio

    Analisis Potensi Penyebaran Informasi Kesehatan melalui Jejaring Sosial (Studi Kasus pada \u27Forum Jejaring Peduli AIDS\u27)

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    Background: Predicted in 2015 there was an increase of 924.000 cases with a prevalence of 0.49%, and rose sharply to 2.117 million cases in 2025 with a prevalence of 1.00%. This surge can be prevented to less than half that when the target of universal access can be achieved by 2014. For prevention, FJPA using Facebook as a medium of information delivery. This effort shows remarkable progress. This development becomes interesting to study, how the effectiveness of Facebook Social Media Networking in a process of diffusion of information related to HIV/AIDS. Methods: The method used in this analysis is content analysis. Observations conducted in 2010, March 18, 2010 until December 31, 2010. Result: The results showed a sharp increase in membership FJPA on Facebook that reach 2821 members by 2010. Membership has exceeded the limits of the country, including men and women almost equally, dominated age. FJPA page on Facebook last ten months has been accessed 4278 times, the interaction peak in the first month (March 2010) 430 interactions, and six months subsequent interaction 77-132 per month, and peaked back in December of 309. Posting an entry consisting of 126 wall posts, links 31, and 35 notes. It can be concluded that the Social Networking Media through the Internet very effectively as a medium of diffusion of information which transcends geographical and administrative regions. Social Networking is also an effective medium for dissemination of information to target youth and age. The recommendation is: Social Media Networks need more intensive process of diffusion health information, specially productive age as a target; The review also needs to be continued to look at the effectiveness of other social networking media. Such as Twiter, Koprol, Blogs, and so on

    Penggunaan Pemanis Rendah Kalori Pada Pembuatan Velva Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea Batatas L.)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan pemanis rendah kalori (stevia, madu, dan sorbitol)terhadap sifat sensoris velva ubi jalar ungu, selanjutnya velva pemanis rendah kalori terbaik dibandingkan dengan kontrol (gulapasir) diuji sifat fisik (overrun, dan daya leleh) serta sifat kimia (kadar air, pati, padatan terlarut, aktivitas antioksidan, totalantosianin, dan total kalori). Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu jenis pemanis(stevia, madu dan sorbitol). Tiap perlakuan dilakukan 3 kali ulangan sampel dengan 2 kali analisis. Hasil sensori menunjukkanmadu dan sorbitol adalah pemanis terbaik. Hasil analisa sifat fisik velva ubi jalar ungu antara lain: overrun (gula pasir 23,80%),(madu 26,39%), (sorbitol 25,37%); daya leleh (gula pasir 18,68 menit), (madu 17,29 menit), (sorbitol 18,00 menit). Sedangkan hasilanalisa kimianya antara lain: kadar air (gula pasir 67,77%), (madu 74,34%), (sorbitol 70,98%); pati (gula pasir 88,53%), (madu88,26%), (sorbitol 34,43%); padatan terlarut (gula pasir 27,90 0Brix), (madu 22,00 0Brix), (sorbitol 25,10 0Brix); aktivitasantioksidan (gula pasir 10,74 %/mg bahan), (madu 11,52 %/mg bahan), (sorbitol 3,95 %/mg bahan); total antosianin (gula pasir37,76 ppm), (madu 40,93 ppm), (sorbitol 40,71 ppm); total kalori (gula pasir 3676,85 kal/g), (madu 3230,40 kal/g), (sorbitol3524,34 kal/g)
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