13 research outputs found

    PM10 and Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) in Furniture Industry Workers

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    Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) ranks first among the ten largest diseases in West and East Cilebut, caused by the development of furniture industry. Cross sectional method is used in this study to know the relationship between PM10 and ARI among the whole population of workers in the furniture industry in Cilebut, both in the west and the east of this industry area. The study found concentrations of PM10 50,3 μg/m3 – of 80 μg/m3 with an average of 70,6 μg/m3 in 24 hours of measurement. There were 43 workers who suffered from ARI. The study showed there was a relationship between PM10 concentration, the temperature of the study (p = 0.027), years of service (p = 0.010), use of personal protective equipment (p = 0.001), smoking habits (p = 0.39), and ARI incidences. It is, therefore, necessary to control environmental health and the health of workers periodically through examination of PM10 concentration and through workers’ health checks. In addition, educative information should be disseminated to all parties concerned in order to increase knowledge and the awareness of the impact created by the furniture industry on both the environment and the workers

    Climate and Incidence Rate of Dengue Hemorragic Fever in Serang District

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    One of the impacts of climate change is the possibility of continuous increase in the incidence of vector borne disease. Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a vector-based disease that causes many deaths in tropical countries. Previous research stated that climate variation (number of rainy days, solar radiation, humidity) was significantly related to the high incidence of dengue in Bogor city. The purpose of this research is to know the description and the correlation between climatic factors (temperature, rainfall, rainy days, solar radiation, humidity and wind speed) and the incidence of DHF in Serang District in 2007-2008. The data collected include secondary data on climatic factors and the number of dengue cases. The results of this study indicate that there was no significant correlation between the climate factors (temperature, rainfall, rainy days, solar radiation, humidity, and wind speed) and the incidence rate of DHF in Serang District in 2007-2008. The reasons for this are the following: the data were not collected for a sufficiently long period of time; the obtained climate data were incomplete; and there was insufficient data on the frequency of DHF incidences taken

    Factors Related to Malaria Prevalence in Kampar Kiri Tengah Sub District, Kampar District, Riau Province in 2005 – 2006

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    Kampar Kiri Tengah Sub-District has the highest number of malaria patients (AMI: 79,19) out of 18 sub-district in Kampar district. Malaria is caused by Plasmodium and transmitted out by anopheles sp mosquitoes. Until now, malaria is a major health problem in Indonesia and is one of the top ten high fatality diseases in Indonesia, and detrimental to socio-economic field. This study utilizes a case control research design and the objective was to find out the factors related to the occurrence of malaria disease in Kampar Kiri Tengah Sub-District, Kampar District. The case group consists of patients who visited health centre and showed clinical symptoms of malaria and whose blood examination result was positive. The control group consisted of patients who do not have clinical symptoms of malaria and the blood examination is negative. The number of case group and control group is 69 patients, respectively. Factors studied are mosquito breeding sites, living next to large cattle barns, the use of bed net, anti-mosquito chemical, wire netting, and repellent. The result of the study suggested that there are five variables related to occurrence of malaria, namely mosquito breeding sites with p value = 0,006 (OR 2,8 ; 95% CI 1,381-5,512), living next to large cattle with p value = 0,001 (OR 3,2 ; 95% CI 1,650-6,693), the use of bed net with p value = 0,017 (OR 2,4 ; 95% CI 1,226 - 4,845), the use of anti-mosquito chemicals with p value = 0,026 (OR 2,3; 95% CI 1,158 - 4,564) and the use of wire netting with p value = 0,027 (OR 2,3 ; 95% CI 1,153 - 4,513). Multivariate analysis showed that most dominant factors is living next to large cattle, followed by mosquito breeding sites and the use of anti-mosquito chemical.&nbsp

    Indoor Air Quality in X\u27s University Libraries (Physical, Chemical and Microbial Aspects)

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    The objective of this research was to identify mould in university’s library using cross sectional design. The existence of mould and physical and chemical quality of air in library have been investigated and observed in three faculties; they were in FA, FB, and FC. To identify the mould, it used petri dish in Potato Dextrose Agar medium. There were 6-9 samples from each library. The temperature in three libraries were higher than standard, the intensity of light were very low in location FB and FC, and the dust concentration in FA was very high. It was found the pathogenic mould; they were Aspergillus fumigatus in FA, Scopulariopsis candida in FB, and Fusarium verticilloides in FC. In general, the physical, chemical and microbial quality of air in libraries exceeded the legal standard

    The Effect of Road Traffic Noise on Psychological Health Disorders of School Children at Cipinang Muara Elementary School, Jatinegara Sub District, East Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province, 2005

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    The traffic noise is the main issue of the community who live in urban area because it may cause an adverse human health and psychological effects. The purpose of this study is to describe the effect of road traffic noise to psychological health disorders on school children of Cipinang Muara elementary school at Jatinegara Sub District, and other risk factors such as distance, length of exposure, learning periode in school, and age. This research applied a case-control study with sample population of elementary school students from grade 4 to 6. Total samples were 240 children, including 80 cases and 160 controls. Data were collected through a multistage of random sampling. Data analysis used a computer program of univariate, bivariate and multivariate. Road traffic noise data measure in the classroom using noise logging dosimeter Q-400/500. Bivariate analysis (Chis-Square) and multiple logistic regression analysis are applied in the analysis. Bivariate analysis showed that there were a significantly effect of traffic noise, distance of seat, and length of exposure towards psychological health problems. On the other side, the length of school period and age of respondents did not have any significantly effect to the psychological health problems on the elementary school students. Multivariate analysis indicated that the elementary school students exposed to traffic noise more than 61.8 dBLAeq  in the school area having a risk of psychological health problem 10.9 higher than those who were exposed to traffic noise less than 61.8 dBLAeq,  a long with the distance variable and the length of noice exposure. It is required to socialize and apply the regulation on noise control and its impact in a consistently manner. Also, it is necessary to conduct health promotion and integrated monitoring both with inter-sector and inter-program. At last, to ensure the presence of inferential causal temporality, it is required to conduct further study with design of cohort or experimental study. This includes the increase of variable number and location of study in order to describe the real condition. &nbsp

    Aktivitas Mukolitik Fraksi Metanol Dari Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirih Merah (Piper Crocotum Ruiz and Pav.) Pada Mukosa Usus Sapi Dan Kandungan Kimianya

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    Red betel leaves (Piper crocotum Key words: red betel leaves, mucolitic, cow's mucous Ruiz and Pav.) can cure many kinds of diseases, including cough. The aim of this research is to determine mucolitic activity of methanol fraction from ethanol extract of red betel leaves on cow's intestine mucous in vitro and to identify its active compound group. Ethanol extract of red betel leaves was made by maceration method using ethanol 70%. Methanol fraction was made from ethanol extract by partitioned gradually using petroleum eter, ethyl acetate, and methanol. The obtained methanol fraction was made serial concentration started from 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5%, 0.7%, 0.9% in 80% cow's mucous. The mucolitic activity was tested using Viscometer Rion, and 0.1% acethylcystein as positive control. Identification the active compound using thin layer chromatography. The viscosity cow's mucous analyzed statistically. Normality test using Shapiro Wilk, non parametric statistic test using Kruskal Wallis, and then continued using Mann Whitney Test with degree of trust of 95%.The result shows that methanol fraction has mucolitic activity whether at concentration 0.3% is equivalent to 0.1% acethylcystein. Methanol fraction contains saponin, flavonoid, and polyphenol


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    Background: The leading cause of mortality in children under five years of age is acute lower respiratory tract infections, especially bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Vitamin A supplement has been studied as a potential intervention to decrease severity and prevent acute lower respiratory tract infections from subsequent episodes. This study aimed to determine the relationship between vitamin A deficiency and pneumonia incidence of children under five years of age in West Java. Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted using the secondary data from Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey, 2017 in West Java. A sample of 594 toddlers under 5 years of age was obtained for this study. The dependent variable was pneumonia. The independent variable was Vitamin A intake. The data were collected using questionnaires. The data were analyzed by chi-square. Results: As many as 38.6% children under five years of age did not get Vitamin A supplement. 26.8% of children suffered pneumonia. Inadequate Vitamin A intake increased the risk of pneumonia in children under five years of age (OR= 1.011, 95% CI 0.690 to 1.481; p= 1.000). Conclusion: Inadequate Vitamin A intake increases the risk of pneumonia in children under five years of age, but it is not statistically significant. Keywords: Vitamin A deficiency, pneumonia, prevention, under five years of age, children Correspondence: Magdalena Gultom. Masters Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6281299714873

    Benzene Exposure Analysis in Informal Shoe Industry Workers in Sukajaya Village, West Java Via Leukocyte Count and S-phenylmercapturic Acid Measurement in Urine

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    Background: Benzene is a hematotoxic and carcinogenic compound contained in the glue used in the shoe industry. This compound has been suspected of causing decreased leukocyte counts, which is one of the blood cell production disorders. Benzene exposure can be determined by measuring the concentration of S-phenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA) in urine.Objective: This study was conducted to determine the association between S-PMA urine concentration and the leukocyte count of shoe industry workers.Methods: The study design was cross sectional and the data were collected by conducting interviews, analyzing urine samples for S-PMA concentrations, and conducting blood examinations. Chi square and multiple logistic regression were used for the analysis.Results: The results showed there were no concentrations of S-PMA in urine that exceeded the Biological Exposure Index (BEI) value (≤25 μg/g creatinine). Higher S-PMA concentrations in this study show a higher risk of decreased leukocyte counts. When controlling for age, duration of work, history of infection, Body Mass Index (BMI), smoking, occupation, and exercise, workers with high S-PMA urine concentration were found to be at higher risk of a decreased leukocyte count.Conclusion: Although S-PMA urine concentrations were still below BEI values, workers with higher S-PMA urine concentration were more at risk of leukocyte counts of < 5.0 x 103/μL. The decrease in the minimum BEI S-PMA limit value was lower than the current standard may need to be considered


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    Background: The leading cause of mortality in children under five years of age is acute lower respiratory tract infections, especially bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Vitamin A supplement has been studied as a potential intervention to decrease severity and prevent acute lower respiratory tract infections from subsequent episodes. This study aimed to determine the relationship between vitamin A deficiency and pneumonia incidence of children under five years of age in West Java. Subjects and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted using the secondary data from Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey, 2017 in West Java. A sample of 594 toddlers under 5 years of age was obtained for this study. The dependent variable was pneumonia. The independent variable was Vitamin A intake. The data were collected using questionnaires. The data were analyzed by chi-square. Results: As many as 38.6% children under five years of age did not get Vitamin A supplement. 26.8% of children suffered pneumonia. Inadequate Vitamin A intake increased the risk of pneumonia in children under five years of age (OR= 1.011, 95% CI 0.690 to 1.481; p= 1.000). Conclusion: Inadequate Vitamin A intake increases the risk of pneumonia in children under five years of age, but it is not statistically significant. Keywords: Vitamin A deficiency, pneumonia, prevention, under five years of age, children Correspondence: Magdalena Gultom. Masters Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6281299714873