4 research outputs found

    Grand Design Perencanaan Pembangunan Ekonomi Berbasis Ekonomi Kerakyatan dalam Upaya Mencapai Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Malang

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    The objective of this research is to analyse the possibility of community economybased (ekonomi kerakyatan) implementation in Malang district in order to achievesustainable economic development. This reseach state that there are four stages incommunity economy based design: first, mapping the leading economic sectors inMalang District. Second, mapping of socio-political conditions surrounding thecommunity. Third, identify the existing institutional order. Fourth, designing anappropriate form of partnership in order to accommodate the common good of thegovernment, private sector, and society

    Aktualisasi Nilai-nilai Konstitusi dalam Kebijakan Perdagangan Indonesia di Tingkat Regional dan Multilateral

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    The purposes of this study were to analyze the implementation of the Indonesian con-stitutional values in Indonesia and in the regional level of trade policies (AFTA-ASEAN Free Trade Area). The method used is a qualitative approach. The findings ofthis research stated that there are some trade policy that misses thebasic values of the1945 Constitution and Pancasila, resulting inmismanagement in development policyand therefore contributesto lowering the level of public welfare in general. The policy,among others, is the policy of trade protection is not based on the principle of wealthcreation and equitable distribution, but is based on the behavior of crony-capitalism;government policiesrelated to foreign ownership in an investment is still not heedingthevalues and principles of broad benefit of welfare, justice andequity; and governmentprotection policies in the agriculturalsector is still not optimal to create a high com-petitiveness

    Pengeluaran Sektor Publik, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Kemiskinan Di Indonesia

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    The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of public sector expenditure to economic growth and poverty in all provinces in Indonesia during period 2006 to 2008. Using Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) approach, the result showed that public sector expenditure on education and health sector had significant effect inboosting economic growth. In addition, the output produced by the education and health sector, both of the output had significant effect on economic growth. While, public sector expenditure on infrastructure had insignificant effect. Furthermore, this study showed that public sector expenditure on education and health also had significant effect in reducing the number of poor through the outcome such as form of school enrollment, literacy, infant mortality and life expectancy. On the other hand, the effect of economic growth to reduce the number of poor was not significant

    Identifikasi pada Jenazah yang Ditemukan di Pinggir Pantai

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    Identifikasi merupakan suatu upaya membantu penyidik dalam menentukan identitas serta sebab kematian seseorang. Pada beberapa kasus pemeriksaan identifikasi jenazah dilakukan pada jenazah yang sudah dikuburkan, sehingga pemeriksaan forensik setelah ekshumasi menjadi cara terakhir untuk mendapatkan data terkait identitas dan penyebab kematian korban. Pada artikel ini dilaporkan proses identifikasi sesosok jenazah tanpa identitas dengan anggota tubuh yang tidak lengkap yang ditemukan oleh nelayan di pinggir pantai Pulo Aceh, Propinsi Aceh dalam keadaan telungkup di bawah boat. Jenazah sudah dikuburkan oleh warga, namun setelah terdapat informasi bahwa jenazah kemungkinan warga negara asing, penyidik melakukan prosedur ekshumasi pada jenazah tersebut untuk dilakukan identifikasi. Pada pemeriksaan luar ditemukan jenazah tidak utuh, tanpa kepala, berjenis kelamin laki-laki dengan perkiraan tinggi badan berdasarkan dengan panjang tulang humerus dan radius adalah sekitar 150,83-159,15 cm dan perkiraan tinggi badan dengan menggunakan panjang tulang femur dan tibia adalah sekitar 151,32 – 157,79 cm, usia korban tidak dapat ditentukan. Untuk mendukung proses identifikasi dikirimkan sampel tulang radius dan ulna kiri guna pemeriksaan DNA. Penyebab kematian korban tidak dapat ditentukan karena sudah terjadi adiposera dan perkiraan waktu kematian korban lebih dari satu bulan