6 research outputs found


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    The upbringing of children in the family requires not only the role of the mother but also by the role of the father. However, in everyday life the father is more dominant in using his time to work. Based on the results of research found that Indonesia is in third position from all over the world in terms  of fatherless or also called the absence of the role of fathers in children's lives. Fatherless that children feel will affect the level  of subjective well-being of children. The need for a high role of parents  and subjective well-being can help children in good early childhood education and in child development. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship  between fatherless and subjective well-being  in early childhood in the industrial area of East Java. This study uses a type of quantitative research with data collection in the form of questionnaires. The sample in this study was children aged between 4-6 years in the industrial areas of East Java, namely Surabaya, Sidoarjo and Gersik with a total of 234 children. Data were analyzed using SPSS 26 for hypothesis testing. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship  between fatherless and subjective well-being in early childhood. This is indicated by the value of Sig. obtained correlation test results of 0.000 < 0.05. The lower the fatherless rate  in children, the subjective well-being felt by early childhood is high.Pengasuhan terhadap anak dalam keluarga tidak hanya membutuhkan peran ibu tetapi juga oleh peran ayah. Namun, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari ayah lebih dominan menggunakan waktunya untuk bekerja. Berdasarkan hasil riset ditemukan bahwa Indonesia berada diposisi ketiga dari seluruh dunia dalam hal fatherless atau disebut juga dengan ketiadaan peran ayah dalam kehidupan anak. Fatherless yang anak rasakan akan mempengaruhi tingkat subjective well-being anak. Perlunya peran orang tua dan subjective well-being yang tinggi dapat membantu anak dalam pendidikan usia dini yang baik dan dalam perkembangan anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adakah hubungan fatherless terhadap subjective well-being pada anak usia dini di wilayah industri Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data berupa kuisioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah anak usia antara 4-6 tahun di wilayah industri Jawa Timur yaitu Surabaya, Sidoarjo dan Gersik dengan jumlah 234 anak. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS 26 untuk pengujian hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil penenelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan fatherless dengan subjective well-being anak usia dini. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai Sig. perolehan hasil uji korelasi yaitu 0,000 < 0,05. semakin rendah tingkat fatherless pada anak maka, subjective well-being yang dirasakan oleh anak usia dini tinggi

    Coronavirus-SARS-CoV-2: Biology and Problems in rRT-PCR Detection

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) first appeared in China in December 2019 and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a new virus previously unknown to humans. Here we look at what is known about this virus, the main method for detecting the presence of this virus in a person who is used as a golden standard, and the problems that could arise in this detection method. Understanding the biology of the virus and the strengths and weaknesses of the detection method are important for patient management and for overcoming the pandemic

    Antiproliferative Activity of Black Seed (Nigella sativa) on 7,12-dimethylbenz-[a]antracene (DMBA) Induced Mice Lung Cell

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of death in the world. Nigella sativa is a plant that has an anticancer activity. Previous research showed that the chloroform extract of N. sativahave cytotoxic effect on T47D cells. This study aimed to observe the effect of cloroform extract of N. sativaseed (NSS) on mice lung cell after initiation of 7,12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene. Sprague Dawleystrain female rats were divided intofive groups. Each group consisted of 12 rats. The experiment consisted of five mice groups, corn oil as a solvent control group, the DMBA dose 20 mg/kgBW p.o. twice a week during five weeks, DMBA+NSS dose 250 mg/kgBW, DMBA+NSS dose 500 mg/kgBW, and DMBA+NSS dose 750 mg/kgBW. Extract which was dissolved into corn oil was administered daily by the oral route 1 week before and during the DMBA induction. At the end of the study, the experimental mice were sacrified and colon organs were collected and then stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) and AgNOR method. H&E staining showed there was a decrease damage inthe treatment group compare with DMBA group. In AgNOR staining result showed mAgNOR value in DMBA group was 1.47±0.558, in extract group (250, 500 and 750mg/kgBB) was 0.44±0.172, 1.38±0.140 and 1.25±0.164 respectively and in corn oil group was 0.65±0.050. The results showed that N. sativareduced the damage of colon cells and inhibit colon cell proliferation on mice induced DMBA. This study indicated that N. sativacan be developed into a chemopreventive agent for lung cancer

    Penilaian efektivitas pnpm pada lembaga keswadayaan masyarakat makmur lestari kelurahan prapatan kota balikpapan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil penilaian efektivitas program PNPM di Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat Makmur Lestari Kelurahan Prapatan Kota Balikpapan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis deskiptif kualitatif yangdigunakan untuk mengukur tingkat efektivitas suatu kegiatan atau program objek yang diteliti yang terjadi di Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat berdasarkan perbandingan kriteria serta indikator dalam setiap komponen program pnpm. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan dokumentasi dari laporan hasil pelaksanaankegiatan Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat Makmur Lestariserta studi kepustakaan dari laporan-laporanLembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat Makmur Lestari Kelurahan Prapatan Kota Balikpapan.Hasil penelitianinimenyimpulkan bahwa program kegiatan yang ada di Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat Makmur Lestari telah berjalan efektif dan memberikan manfaat kepada warga. Namun, masih adanya kegiatan yang dilaksanakan tidak sesuai dengan yang direncanakan oleh Lembaga Keswadayaan Masyarakat Makmur Lestari

    Pengaruh TIK Dalam Sistem Pembelajaran Di Era New Normal

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    AbstrakMunculnya pandemi Virus Covid 19 di Indonesia berdampang  dan memberikan pengaruh besar yang signifikan terhadap beberapa aspek seperti memengaruhi ekonomi, pendidikan, industri, dan aspek lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini  kami mendeskripsikan pengaruh dari Virus Covid 19 pada dunia pendidikan. Kebijakan pemerintah diharapkan akan  menerapkan proses pembelajaran secara daring yang mewajibkan peserta didik dapar menguasai dan menjalankan opserasi teknologi terutama media “Blended Learningâ€. Semakin maraknya pandemi Covid 19 ke berbagai daerah-daerah di negara Indonesia menimbulkan dampak serta pengaruh yang besar terhadap sistem pembelajaran di Indonesia, hal ini juga mengakibatkan proses pembelajaran menjadi terhambat, yang pada mulanya tatap muka menjadi pembelajarandaring dari rumah. Era New Normal dinilai menjadi awal masyarakat dapat kembali melaksanakan aktivitas seperti mulanya namun tetap menerapkan prosedur protokol kesehatan yaitu 3M diantaranya mencuci tangan, memakai, masker dan menjaga jarak. Jika pada praktiknya New Normal ini gagal maka tindakan melonggarkan aturan covid19 justru akan menimbulkan peningkatan penyebaran Covid 19. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan keadaan Pandemi COVID-19 yang berangsur membaik di Indonesia sehingga berdampak pada proses Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar yang kembali normal selangkah demi langkah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran daring terhadap motivasi dan semangat belajar siswa. Serta untuk mengetahui proses Kegiatan Beajar Mengajar yang dialami oleh siswa selama kegiatan daring berlangsung hingga kembali pada kegiatan luring. Ketika memasuki proses pembelajan luring tidak jarang dari mereka jurstru menemukan banyak masalah antara lain, kebanyakan siswa mengalami shock culture terhadap lingkungan dan proses pembelajaran.Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran, Covid 19, New Normal, Pendidikan AbstractThe emergence of the Covid-19 virus pandemic in Indonesia has a significant impact on several aspects such as affecting the economy, education, industry, and other aspects. In this study, we describe the influence of the Covid 19 Virus on education. Government policy is expected to implement an online learning process that requires students to master and carry out technological operations, especially "Blended Learning" media. The increasing prevalence of the Covid-19 pandemic to various regions in Indonesia has had a major impact and influence on the learning system in Indonesia, this has also resulted in the learning process being hampered, which at first face-to-face became learning from home. The New Normal era is considered to be the beginning of the community being able to return to activities as before but still implement health protocol procedures, namely 3M, including washing hands, wearing, masks and maintaining distance. If in practice this New Normal fails, the action of loosening covid19 rules will actually cause an increase in the spread of Covid 19. This research is motivated by the situation of the COVID-19 Pandemic which is gradually improving in Indonesia so that it has an impact on the process of Teaching and Learning Activities which return to normal step by step. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of online learning on student motivation and enthusiasm for learning. As well as to find out the process of Teaching and Learning Activities experienced by students during online activities until they return to offline activities. When entering the offline learning process, it is not uncommon for them to find many problems, among others, most students experience shock culture to the environment and learning process.Keywords: Learning, Covid 19, New Normal, Educatio

    Mental health literacy amongst children with common mental health problems and their parents in Java, Indonesia: A qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: Optimising mental health literacy (MHL) at the individual and population level can be an effective mental health improvement and prevention tool. However, concepts of MHL are largely based on evidence from high-income countries. Little is known about the manifestation and role of MHL in countries where collectivist health and social cultures are dominant. AIM: This study aimed to examine the MHL of Indonesian children and young people (CYP) with experience of common mental health problems and their parents. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews with 40 participants (19 CYP aged 11–15 with experience of common mental health problems and 21 parents) from three areas of Java, Indonesia. Data were analysed using framework analysis, informed by Jorm's 1997 Mental Health Literacy Framework. RESULTS: Parents and CYP demonstrated relatively low levels of MHL defined from a conventional perspective. Religiosity and spirituality were salient in participants' accounts, particularly parents, as were narratives about personal responsibility. These beliefs appeared to contribute to a high level of self-blame for mental illness, self-reliance for symptom management, the foregrounding of support from spiritual/traditional healers and a reduced propensity to access professional help. CYP were heavily reliant on family support, but parents often felt they were not best placed to communicate with their children about mental health. Providing trusted, technology-based sources of mental health information were advocated by CYP. CONCLUSION: Robust efforts are needed to improve MHL in low- and middle-income countries drawing on culturally appropriate approaches to reduce stigma and optimise timely, effective help-seeking for CYP. Enhancing parental and family level literacy may be efficacious, especially when combined with mechanisms to facilitate open communication, as may the development of standalone interventions directly developed to reach younger generations. Future research may usefully establish the comparative efficacy and acceptability of these different approaches