168 research outputs found

    Iconologie de la voix : du sermon De voce e verbo au Traitez de la voix et des chants

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    Iconology of voice is investigated through philosophical and theological texts. The treatises of Gregory of Nyssa’s Life of St. Macrina, Augustine’s De voce et verbo and Jean Scot’s Commentary on St. John are analyzed from a musicological point of view. Does voice — and thus sound without words — have any significance? Is sound without words the language and manifestation of psyche? Gregory offers a sonorous picture of the death of his sister in which music, silence, cries and screams are described. Augustine questions the difference between the fragility of sound and the eternity of the word a well as the incarnation of Logos in temporary sounds and voice as the interface between inner life and the external world. Jean Scot, philosophical heir to both Gregory and Augustine, proposes a profound speculation on voice, as the manifestation of otherness. John the Baptist is the voice of another, he, whose identity is to be the voice, is the incarnation of somebody else. This theological speculation finds an echo in Marin Mersenne’s philosophical and musical.Le but de cette contribution est de tracer une iconologie de la voix dans un ensemble de textes de nature théologique et philosophique avant l’époque moderne. Le son signifie-il indépendamment des mots ? Le son manifeste-il l’intériorité de l’âme et est-il miroir de la psyché ? Le récit de Grégoire de Nysse sur la vie de sainte Macrine, le sermon De voce e Verbo d’Augustin et le Commentaire sur l’évangile de saint Jean de Jean Scot Eurigène sont les trois textes analysés d’un point de vue musicologique. Grégoire offre un tableau sonore de la mort de sa sœur introduisant le lecteur dans la sémantique du son et du cri au sein d’un récit hagiographique. Le sermon d’Augustin interroge la nature passagère du son dans son union à la permanence du Verbe ainsi que la voix comme interface entre l’intériorité de l’être et l’extériorité du monde. Enfin Jean Scot pénètre dans les spéculations théologiques sur la voix comme miroir de l’autre : Jean Baptiste est voix d’un autre, voix de l’altérité qui transcende son identité propre. En cela, Augustin et Jean Scot ne sont pas sans rapport avec les considérations sur la voix du Traitez de la Voix et du Chant (1636) de Marin Mersenne qui clôt notre analyse : la voix est miroir de l’âme mais la voix du chanteur, comme celle de Jean, manifeste les passions d’un autre

    Labor intermediation in the local political arena: Local labor recruitment on the Nachtigal dam project in Cameroon

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    peer reviewedCet article traite des pratiques d’intermédiation sur le marché du travail qui se développent dans le cadre du projet de construction du barrage hydro-électrique de Nachtigal au Cameroun. S’appuyant sur une recherche ethnographique, les résultats montrent l’importance des contextes locaux dans les processus de recrutement, en insistant sur les structures politiques et sociales préexistantes aux projets. Plus précisément, par nos résultats, nous mettons en lumière des processus complexes d’intermédiation du travail en confrontant la littérature classique sur les intermédiaires du marché du travail à une approche socio-anthropologique, centrée sur les arènes sociopolitiques locales. Cet article contribue à enrichir la littérature sur l’intermédiation du travail en Afrique subsaharienne, en discutant de l’importance de la politisation des projets sur le recrutement, de l’émergence de nouveaux acteurs intermédiaires, et de l’adaptation de la fonction RH qui découle de la structuration de ces arènes locales.

    Interface flow process audit: using the patient's career as a tracer of quality of care and of system organisation

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    OBJECTIVES: This case study aims to demonstrate the method's feasibility and capacity to improve quality of care. Several drawbacks attached to tracer condition and selected procedure audits oblige clinicians to rely on external evaluators. Interface flow process audit is an alternative method, which also favours integration of health care across institutions divide. METHODS: An action research study was carried out to test the feasibility of interface flow process audit and its impact on quality improvement. An anonymous questionnaire was carried out to assess the participants' perception of the process. RESULTS: In this study, interface flow process audit brought together general practitioners and hospital doctors to analyse the co-ordination of their activities across the primary-secondary interface. Human factors and organisational characteristics had a clear influence on implementation of the solutions. In general, the participants confirmed that the interface flow process audit helped them to analyse the quality of case management both at primary and secondary care level. CONCLUSIONS: The interface flow process audit appears a useful method for regular in-service self-evaluation. Its practice enabled to address a wide scope of clinical, managerial and economical problems. Bridging the primary-secondary care gap, interface flow process audit's focus on the patient's career combined with the broad scope of problems that can be analysed are particularly powerful features. The methodology would benefit from an evaluation of its practice on larger scale

    Comparison of Estetrol Exposure between Women and Mice to Model Preclinical Experiments and Anticipate Human Treatment.

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    peer reviewedEstetrol (E4) is a natural estrogen with promising therapeutic applications in humans. The European Medicines Agency and the Food and Drug Administration have approved the use of 15 mg E4/3 mg drospirenone for contraceptive indication. Phase III clinical trials with 15-20 mg E4 for the relief of climacteric complaints are currently running. Relevant data from preclinical animal models are needed to characterize the molecular mechanisms and the pharmacological effects of E4 and possibly to reveal new therapeutic applications and to anticipate potential adverse effects. Therefore, it is important to design experimental procedures in rodents that closely mimic or anticipate human E4 exposure. In this study, we compared the effects of E4 exposure after acute or chronic administration in women and mice. Women who received chronic E4 treatment per os at a dose of 15 mg once daily reached a steady state within 6 to 8 days, with a mean plasma concentration of 3.20 ng/mL. Importantly, with subcutaneous, intraperitoneal or oral administration of E4 in mice, a stable concentration over time that would mimic human pharmacokinetics could not be achieved. The use of osmotic minipumps continuously releasing E4 for several weeks provided an exposure profile mimicking chronic oral administration in women. Measurements of the circulating concentration of E4 in mice revealed that the mouse equivalent dose necessary to mimic human treatment does not fit with the allometric prediction. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of precise definition of the most appropriate dose and route of administration to utilize when developing predictive preclinical animal models to mimic or anticipate specific human treatment

    Mathématiques générales : chapitres 1 à 10

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    Mathématiques pour l'économie et la gestion: algèbre linéaire

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    Mathématiques pour sciences humaines: exercices

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    Mathématiques supérieures:I

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