483 research outputs found

    Optimal map-making with singularities

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    In this work, we investigate the optimal map-making technique for the linear system d=Ax+n\bm{d}=\bm{A}\bm{x}+\bm{n} while carefully taking into account singularities that may come from either the covariance matrix C=$orthemainmatrix\bm{C} = \$ or the main matrix \bm{A}$. We first describe the general optimal solution, which is quite complex, and then use the modified pseudo inverse to create a near-optimal solution, which is simple, robust, and can significantly alleviate the unwanted noise amplification during map-making. The effectiveness of the nearly optimal solution is then compared to that of the naive co-adding solution and the standard pseudo inverse solution, showing noticeable improvements. Interestingly, all one needs to get the near-optimal solution with singularity is just a tiny change to the traditional optimal solution that is designed for the case without singularity.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, and 2 appendice

    Bootstrap Generalization Ability from Loss Landscape Perspective

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    Domain generalization aims to learn a model that can generalize well on the unseen test dataset, i.e., out-of-distribution data, which has different distribution from the training dataset. To address domain generalization in computer vision, we introduce the loss landscape theory into this field. Specifically, we bootstrap the generalization ability of the deep learning model from the loss landscape perspective in four aspects, including backbone, regularization, training paradigm, and learning rate. We verify the proposed theory on the NICO++, PACS, and VLCS datasets by doing extensive ablation studies as well as visualizations. In addition, we apply this theory in the ECCV 2022 NICO Challenge1 and achieve the 3rd place without using any domain invariant methods.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Graph Reinforcement Learning Application to Co-operative Decision-Making in Mixed Autonomy Traffic: Framework, Survey, and Challenges

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    Proper functioning of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) is crucial for the safety and efficiency of future intelligent transport systems. Meanwhile, transitioning to fully autonomous driving requires a long period of mixed autonomy traffic, including both CAVs and human-driven vehicles. Thus, collaboration decision-making for CAVs is essential to generate appropriate driving behaviors to enhance the safety and efficiency of mixed autonomy traffic. In recent years, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has been widely used in solving decision-making problems. However, the existing DRL-based methods have been mainly focused on solving the decision-making of a single CAV. Using the existing DRL-based methods in mixed autonomy traffic cannot accurately represent the mutual effects of vehicles and model dynamic traffic environments. To address these shortcomings, this article proposes a graph reinforcement learning (GRL) approach for multi-agent decision-making of CAVs in mixed autonomy traffic. First, a generic and modular GRL framework is designed. Then, a systematic review of DRL and GRL methods is presented, focusing on the problems addressed in recent research. Moreover, a comparative study on different GRL methods is further proposed based on the designed framework to verify the effectiveness of GRL methods. Results show that the GRL methods can well optimize the performance of multi-agent decision-making for CAVs in mixed autonomy traffic compared to the DRL methods. Finally, challenges and future research directions are summarized. This study can provide a valuable research reference for solving the multi-agent decision-making problems of CAVs in mixed autonomy traffic and can promote the implementation of GRL-based methods into intelligent transportation systems. The source code of our work can be found at https://github.com/Jacklinkk/Graph_CAVs.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 10 tables. Currently under review at IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System

    Lawyer LLaMA Technical Report

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    Large Language Models (LLMs), like LLaMA, have exhibited remarkable performances across various tasks. Nevertheless, when deployed to specific domains such as law or medicine, the models still confront the challenge of a deficiency in domain-specific knowledge and an inadequate capability to leverage that knowledge to resolve domain-related problems. In this paper, we focus on the legal domain and explore how to inject domain knowledge during the continual training stage and how to design proper supervised finetune tasks to help the model tackle practical issues. Moreover, to alleviate the hallucination problem during model's generation, we add a retrieval module and extract relevant articles before the model answers any queries. Augmenting with the extracted evidence, our model could generate more reliable responses. We release our data and model at https://github.com/AndrewZhe/lawyer-llama.Comment: Work in progres

    Video-Text Modeling with Zero-Shot Transfer from Contrastive Captioners

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    This work explores an efficient approach to establish a foundational video-text model for tasks including open-vocabulary video classification, text-to-video retrieval, video captioning and video question-answering. We present VideoCoCa that reuses a pretrained image-text contrastive captioner (CoCa) model and adapt it to video-text tasks with minimal extra training. While previous works adapt image-text models with various cross-frame fusion modules (for example, cross-frame attention layer or perceiver resampler) and finetune the modified architecture on video-text data, we surprisingly find that the generative attentional pooling and contrastive attentional pooling layers in the image-text CoCa design are instantly adaptable to ``flattened frame embeddings'', yielding a strong zero-shot transfer baseline for many video-text tasks. Specifically, the frozen image encoder of a pretrained image-text CoCa takes each video frame as inputs and generates NN token embeddings per frame for totally TT video frames. We flatten N×TN \times T token embeddings as a long sequence of frozen video representation and apply CoCa's generative attentional pooling and contrastive attentional pooling on top. All model weights including pooling layers are directly loaded from an image-text CoCa pretrained model. Without any video or video-text data, VideoCoCa's zero-shot transfer baseline already achieves state-of-the-art results on zero-shot video classification on Kinetics 400/600/700, UCF101, HMDB51, and Charades, as well as zero-shot text-to-video retrieval on MSR-VTT and ActivityNet Captions. We also explore lightweight finetuning on top of VideoCoCa, and achieve strong results on video question-answering (iVQA, MSRVTT-QA, MSVD-QA) and video captioning (MSR-VTT, ActivityNet, Youcook2). Our approach establishes a simple and effective video-text baseline for future research.Comment: Technical repor

    LATITUDE: Robotic Global Localization with Truncated Dynamic Low-pass Filter in City-scale NeRF

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    Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have made great success in representing complex 3D scenes with high-resolution details and efficient memory. Nevertheless, current NeRF-based pose estimators have no initial pose prediction and are prone to local optima during optimization. In this paper, we present LATITUDE: Global Localization with Truncated Dynamic Low-pass Filter, which introduces a two-stage localization mechanism in city-scale NeRF. In place recognition stage, we train a regressor through images generated from trained NeRFs, which provides an initial value for global localization. In pose optimization stage, we minimize the residual between the observed image and rendered image by directly optimizing the pose on tangent plane. To avoid convergence to local optimum, we introduce a Truncated Dynamic Low-pass Filter (TDLF) for coarse-to-fine pose registration. We evaluate our method on both synthetic and real-world data and show its potential applications for high-precision navigation in large-scale city scenes. Codes and data will be publicly available at https://github.com/jike5/LATITUDE.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ICRA 202