5,598 research outputs found

    Constraints on the Asymptotic Baryon Fractions of Galaxy Clusters at Large Radii

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    While X-ray measurements have so far revealed an increase in the volume-averaged baryon fractions fb(r)f_b(r) of galaxy clusters with cluster radii rr, fb(r)f_b(r) should asymptotically reach a universal value fb(∞)=fbf_b(\infty)=f_b, provided that clusters are representative of the Universe. In the framework of hydrostatic equilibrium for intracluster gas, we have derived the necessary conditions for fb(∞)=fbf_b(\infty)=f_b: The X-ray surface brightness profile described by the β\beta model and the temperature profile approximated by the polytropic model should satisfy γ≈2(1−1/3β)\gamma\approx2(1-1/3\beta) and γ≈1+1/3β\gamma\approx1+1/3\beta for β1\beta1, respectively, which sets a stringent limit to the polytropic index: γ<4/3\gamma<4/3. In particular, a mildly increasing temperature with radius is required if the observationally fitted β\beta parameter is in the range 1/3<β<2/31/3<\beta<2/3. It is likely that a reliable determination of the universal baryon fraction can be achieved in the small β\beta clusters because the disagreement between the exact and asymptotic baryon fractions for clusters with β>2/3\beta>2/3 breaks down at rather large radii (\ga30r_c) where hydrostatic equilibrium has probably become inapplicable. We further explore how to obtain the asymptotic value fb(∞)f_b(\infty) of baryon fraction from the X-ray measurement made primarily over the finite central region of a cluster. We demonstrate our method using a sample of 19 strong lensing clusters, which enables us to place a useful constraint on fb(∞)f_b(\infty): 0.094±0.035≤fb(∞)≤0.41±0.180.094\pm0.035 \leq f_b(\infty) \leq 0.41\pm0.18. An optimal estimate of fb(∞)f_b(\infty) based on three cooling flow clusters with β=0.142±0.007\beta = 0.142\pm0.007 or ΩM=0.35±0.09\Omega_M = 0.35\pm0.09.Comment: 6 pages + 4 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Constraints on the warm dark matter model from gravitational lensing

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    Formation of sub-galactic halos is suppressed in warm dark matter (WDM) model due to thermal motion of WDM particles. This may provide a natural resolution to some puzzles in standard cold dark matter (CDM) theory such as the cusped density profiles of virialized dark halos and the overabundance of low mass satellites. One of the observational tests of the WDM model is to measure the gravitationally lensed images of distant quasars below sub-arcsecond scales. In this Letter, we report a comparison of the lensing probabilities of multiple images between CDM and WDM models using a singular isothermal sphere model for the mass density profiles of dark halos and the Press-Schechter mass function for their distribution and cosmic evolution. It is shown that the differential probability of multiple images with small angular separations down to 10 milliarcseconds should allow one to set useful constraints on the WDM particle mass. We discuss briefly the feasibility and uncertainties of this method in future radio surveys (e.g. VLBI) for gravitational lensing.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Let

    Sweeping cluster algorithm for quantum spin systems with strong geometric restrictions

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    Quantum spin systems with strong geometric restrictions give rise to rich quantum phases such as valence bond solids and spin liquid states. However, the geometric restrictions often hamper the application of sophisticated numerical approaches. Based on the stochastic series expansion method, we develop an efficient and exact quantum Monte Carlo "sweeping cluster" algorithm which automatically satisfies the geometrical restrictions. Here we use the quantum dimer model as a benchmark to demonstrate the reliability and power of this algorithm. Comparing to existing numerical methods, we can obtain higher accuracy results for a wider parameter region and much more substantial system sizes
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