12,214 research outputs found

    Effect of finite computational domain on turbulence scaling law in both physical and spectral spaces

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    The well-known translation between the power law of the energy spectrum and that of the correlation function or the second order structure function has been widely used in analyzing random data. Here, we show that the translation is valid only in proper scaling regimes. The regimes of valid translation are different for the correlation function and the structure function. Indeed, they do not overlap. Furthermore, in practice, the power laws exist only for a finite range of scales. We show that this finite range makes the translation inexact even in the proper scaling regime. The error depends on the scaling exponent. The current findings are applicable to data analysis in fluid turbulence and other stochastic systems

    Retractions and Gorenstein homological properties

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    We associate to a localizable module a left retraction of algebras; it is a homological ring epimorphism that preserves singularity categories. We study the behavior of left retractions with respect to Gorenstein homological properties (for example, being Gorenstein algebras or CM-free). We apply the results to Nakayama algebras. It turns out that for a connected Nakayama algebra AA, there exists a connected self-injective Nakayama algebra AA' such that there is a sequence of left retractions linking AA to AA'; in particular, the singularity category of AA is triangle equivalent to the stable category of AA'. We classify connected Nakayama algebras with at most three simple modules according to Gorenstein homological properties

    Demonstration of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering with Enhanced Subchannel Discrimination

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    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering describes a quantum nonlocal phenomenon in which one party can nonlocally affect the other's state through local measurements. It reveals an additional concept of quantum nonlocality, which stands between quantum entanglement and Bell nonlocality. Recently, a quantum information task named as subchannel discrimination (SD) provides a necessary and sufficient characterization of EPR steering. The success probability of SD using steerable states is higher than using any unsteerable states, even when they are entangled. However, the detailed construction of such subchannels and the experimental realization of the corresponding task are still technologically challenging. In this work, we designed a feasible collection of subchannels for a quantum channel and experimentally demonstrated the corresponding SD task where the probabilities of correct discrimination are clearly enhanced by exploiting steerable states. Our results provide a concrete example to operationally demonstrate EPR steering and shine a new light on the potential application of EPR steering.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, appendix include

    Attentional Factorization Machines: Learning the Weight of Feature Interactions via Attention Networks

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    Factorization Machines (FMs) are a supervised learning approach that enhances the linear regression model by incorporating the second-order feature interactions. Despite effectiveness, FM can be hindered by its modelling of all feature interactions with the same weight, as not all feature interactions are equally useful and predictive. For example, the interactions with useless features may even introduce noises and adversely degrade the performance. In this work, we improve FM by discriminating the importance of different feature interactions. We propose a novel model named Attentional Factorization Machine (AFM), which learns the importance of each feature interaction from data via a neural attention network. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of AFM. Empirically, it is shown on regression task AFM betters FM with a 8.6%8.6\% relative improvement, and consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning methods Wide&Deep and DeepCross with a much simpler structure and fewer model parameters. Our implementation of AFM is publicly available at: https://github.com/hexiangnan/attentional_factorization_machineComment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Monomial Hopf Algebras

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    Let KK be a field of characteristic 0 containing all roots of unity. We classify all the Hopf structures on monomial KK-coalgebras, or, in dual version, on monomial KK-algebras.Comment: 24 page

    Graph Contrastive Learning with Cohesive Subgraph Awareness

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    Graph contrastive learning (GCL) has emerged as a state-of-the-art strategy for learning representations of diverse graphs including social and biomedical networks. GCL widely uses stochastic graph topology augmentation, such as uniform node dropping, to generate augmented graphs. However, such stochastic augmentations may severely damage the intrinsic properties of a graph and deteriorate the following representation learning process. We argue that incorporating an awareness of cohesive subgraphs during the graph augmentation and learning processes has the potential to enhance GCL performance. To this end, we propose a novel unified framework called CTAug, to seamlessly integrate cohesion awareness into various existing GCL mechanisms. In particular, CTAug comprises two specialized modules: topology augmentation enhancement and graph learning enhancement. The former module generates augmented graphs that carefully preserve cohesion properties, while the latter module bolsters the graph encoder's ability to discern subgraph patterns. Theoretical analysis shows that CTAug can strictly improve existing GCL mechanisms. Empirical experiments verify that CTAug can achieve state-of-the-art performance for graph representation learning, especially for graphs with high degrees. The code is available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10594093, or https://github.com/wuyucheng2002/CTAug