229 research outputs found

    Deep Koopman Learning of Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems

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    A data-driven method is developed to approximate an nonlinear time-varying system (NTVS) by a linear time-varying system (LTVS), based on Koopman Operator and deep neural networks. Analysis on the approximation error in system states of the proposed method is investigated. It is further shown by simulation on a simple NTVS that the resulted LTVS approximate the NTVS very well with small approximation errors in states. Furthermore, simulations on a cartpole further show that optimal controller developed based on the achieved LTVS works very well to control the original NTVS

    The Air Distribution Around Nozzles Based On Active Chilled Beam System

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    During the past two decades, the utilization of Active Chilled Beam (ACB) systems as promising air-conditioning systems has becoming increasingly prevalent in Europe, North America and Asia. Due to the advantages of energy efficient, low acoustic effect and less space requirement, ACB systems are extensively applied in offices, laboratories and hospitals. However, the studies on air distribution uniformity of ACB systems are still inadequate. The air distribution has a great impact on thermal comfort. The un-uniformity of air distribution will easily lead to turbulent flow which can cause unpleased feeling such as draft in the occupied zone. ACB terminal unit is the source of the air flow entering into the occupied place, which plays a crucial role on the air distribution inside the room. Therefore, it’s of great importance to evaluate the air distribution uniformity in the vicinity of ACB nozzles. In order to fulfil the gap, air distribution for a two-way discharge ACB terminal unit is investigated in this study. The air velocities around the nozzles under different conditions are tested in a 7.3m*3.3m*2.5m thermal isolated room and simulated by a three dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). After being verified, the CFD model is utilized to examine the effects of nozzle diameter and inlet pressure. From the results of experiments and simulation, it is found out that the air flow is discharged in an asymmetric way from nozzles, which is ascribed to un-uniformity of pressure distribution inside ACB caused by the layout of the duct. Moreover, the un-uniformity is significant when the nozzle diameter is large and the elevation of the inlet pressure would aggravate this un-uniformity. Therefore, as we design the ACB systems, high attention on the nozzle diameter should be paid to prevent the un-uniformity air flow when the nozzles and the inlet pressure are large. Eventually, a proper strategy to solve this problem is also proposed and validated by CFD simulation.

    A Matlab Toolbox for Feature Importance Ranking

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    More attention is being paid for feature importance ranking (FIR), in particular when thousands of features can be extracted for intelligent diagnosis and personalized medicine. A large number of FIR approaches have been proposed, while few are integrated for comparison and real-life applications. In this study, a matlab toolbox is presented and a total of 30 algorithms are collected. Moreover, the toolbox is evaluated on a database of 163 ultrasound images. To each breast mass lesion, 15 features are extracted. To figure out the optimal subset of features for classification, all combinations of features are tested and linear support vector machine is used for the malignancy prediction of lesions annotated in ultrasound images. At last, the effectiveness of FIR is analyzed according to performance comparison. The toolbox is online (https://github.com/NicoYuCN/matFIR). In our future work, more FIR methods, feature selection methods and machine learning classifiers will be integrated

    When do tripdoublet states fluoresce? A theoretical study of copper(II) porphyrin

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    Open-shell molecules rarely fluoresce, due to their typically faster non-radiative relaxation rates compared to closed-shell ones. Even rarer is the fluorescence from states that have two more unpaired electrons than the open-shell ground state, since they involve excitations from closed-shell orbitals to vacant-shell orbitals, which are typically higher in energy compared to excitations from or out of open-shell orbitals. States that are dominated by the former type of excitations are known as tripdoublet states when they can be described as a triplet excitation antiferromagnetically coupled to a doublet state, and their description by unrestricted single-reference methods (e.g., U-TDDFT) is notoriously inaccurate due to large spin contamination. In this work, we applied our spin-adapted TDDFT method, X-TDDFT, and the efficient and accurate static-dynamic-static second order perturbation theory (SDSPT2), to the study of the excited states as well as their relaxation pathways of copper(II) porphyrin; previous experimental works suggested that the photoluminescence of some substituted copper(II) porphyrins originate from a tripdoublet state, formed by a triplet ligand π → π* excitation antiferromagnetically coupled with the unpaired d electron. Our results demonstrated favorable agreement between the X-TDDFT, SDSPT2 and experimental excitation energies, and revealed noticeable improvements of X-TDDFT compared to U-TDDFT, not only for vertical excitation energies but also for adiabatic energy differences. These suggest that X-TDDFT is a reliable tool for the study of tripdoublet state fluorescence. Intriguingly, we showed that the aforementioned tripdoublet state is only slightly above the lowest doublet excited state and lies only slightly higher than the lowest quartet state, which suggests that the tripdoublet of copper(II) porphyrin is long-lived enough to fluoresce due to a lack of efficient non-radiative relaxation pathways; an explanation for this unusual state ordering is given. Indeed, thermal vibration correlation function (TVCF)-based calculations of internal conversion, intersystem crossing, and radiative transition rates confirm that copper(II) porphyrin emits thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) and a small amount of phosphorescence at low temperature (83 K), in accordance with experiment. The present contribution is concluded by a few possible approaches of designing new molecules that fluoresce from tripdoublet states

    Spectrophotometric determinationof trace nitrite with a novel self-coupling diazotizing reagent: J-acid

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    A simple and sensitive method for the spectrophotometric determination of nitrite was described and optimum reaction conditions along with other important analytical parameters were established. In the presence of potassium bromide at 25°C, nitrite reacted with J-acid in hydrochloric acid producing diazonium salt and then coupled with excess J-acid in the sodium carbonate solution yielding red colored azo compounds. At wavelength of 500 nm, Beer’s law was obeyed over the concentration range of 0,02 – 0,60 mg∙L⁻¹. The molar absorptivity was 3,92∙10⁴ L∙mol⁻¹∙cm⁻¹. This method was easily applied to the determination of trace nitrite in environmental water with recoveries of 9₈,7 – 101,2%

    New early oligocene zircon U-Pb dates for the ‘Miocene’ Wenshan Basin, Yunnan, China: Biodiversity and paleoenvironment

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    The sedimentary basins of Yunnan, Southwest China, record detailed histories of Cenozoic paleoenvironmental change. They track regional tectonic and palaeobiological evolution, both of which are critically important for the development of modern floral diversity in southwestern China and throughout Asia more generally. However, to be useful, the sedimentary archives within the basins have to be placed within a well-constrained timeframe independent of biostratigraphy. Using high resolution U-Pb dating, we redefine the age of fossil-bearing strata in the Wenshan Basin. Regarded as Miocene for the last half century, these basin sediments encompass 30±2 and 32±1 Ma early Oligocene tuffaceous horizons, thus indicating a significantly greater antiquity than previously recognized. Together with other regional age revisions our result points to widespread Yunnan basin and orographic development as largely having taken place by the end Paleogene. This age revision provides an important new perspective on the preserved biotas and their evolution in Yunnan, and especially our understanding of the origin of Asian biodiversity which, regionally, had a near-modern composition by the early Oligocene. Crucially, this revised age evidences late Eocene-early Oligocene regional tectonism, pointing to the rise of eastern Tibet and the Hengduan Mountains before the growth of the Himalaya, and that Asia's high plant diversity has a Paleogene origin

    New early oligocene zircon U-Pb dates for the ‘Miocene’ Wenshan Basin, Yunnan, China: Biodiversity and paleoenvironment

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    The sedimentary basins of Yunnan, Southwest China, record detailed histories of Cenozoic paleoenvironmental change. They track regional tectonic and palaeobiological evolution, both of which are critically important for the development of modern floral diversity in southwestern China and throughout Asia more generally. However, to be useful, the sedimentary archives within the basins have to be placed within a well-constrained timeframe independent of biostratigraphy. Using high resolution U-Pb dating, we redefine the age of fossil-bearing strata in the Wenshan Basin. Regarded as Miocene for the last half century, these basin sediments encompass 30±2 and 32±1 Ma early Oligocene tuffaceous horizons, thus indicating a significantly greater antiquity than previously recognized. Together with other regional age revisions our result points to widespread Yunnan basin and orographic development as largely having taken place by the end Paleogene. This age revision provides an important new perspective on the preserved biotas and their evolution in Yunnan, and especially our understanding of the origin of Asian biodiversity which, regionally, had a near-modern composition by the early Oligocene. Crucially, this revised age evidences late Eocene-early Oligocene regional tectonism, pointing to the rise of eastern Tibet and the Hengduan Mountains before the growth of the Himalaya, and that Asia's high plant diversity has a Paleogene origin

    Cortical morphological heterogeneity of schizophrenia and its relationship with glutamatergic receptor variations

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    Abstract Background Recent genetic evidence implicates glutamatergic-receptor variations in schizophrenia. Glutamatergic excess during early life in people with schizophrenia may cause excitotoxicity and produce structural deficits in the brain. Cortical thickness and gyrification are reduced in schizophrenia, but only a subgroup of patients exhibits such structural deficits. We delineate the structural variations among unaffected siblings and patients with schizophrenia and study the role of key glutamate-receptor polymorphisms on these variations. Methods Gaussian Mixture Model clustering was applied to the cortical thickness and gyrification data of 114 patients, 112 healthy controls, and 42 unaffected siblings to identify subgroups. The distribution of glutamate-receptor (GRM3, GRIN2A, and GRIA1) and voltage-gated calcium channel (CACNA1C) variations across the MRI-based subgroups was studied. The comparisons in clinical symptoms and cognition between patient subgroups were conducted. Results We observed a “hypogyric,” “impoverished-thickness,” and “supra-normal” subgroups of patients, with higher negative symptom burden and poorer verbal fluency in the hypogyric subgroup and notable functional deterioration in the impoverished-thickness subgroup. Compared to healthy subjects, the hypogyric subgroup had significant GRIN2A and GRM3 variations, the impoverished-thickness subgroup had CACNA1C variations while the supra-normal group had no differences. Conclusions Disrupted gyrification and thickness can be traced to the glutamatergic receptor and voltage-gated calcium channel dysfunction respectively in schizophrenia. This raises the question of whether MRI-based multimetric subtyping may be relevant for clinical trials of agents affecting the glutamatergic system

    ATRA treatment slowed P-selectin-mediated rolling of flowing HL60 cells in a mechano-chemical-dependent manner

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    All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced differentiation of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) toward granulocytes may trigger APL differentiation syndrome (DS), but there is less knowledge about the mechano-chemical regulation mechanism of APL DS under the mechano-microenvironment. We found that ATRA-induced changes in proliferation, morphology, and adhesive molecule expression levels were either dose or stimulus time dependent. An optimal ATRA stimulus condition for differentiating HL60 cells toward neutrophils consisted of 1 × 10-6 M dose and 120 h of stimulus time. Under wall shear stresses, catch–slip bond transition governs P-selectin-mediated rolling for neutrophils and untreated or ATRA-treated (1 × 10-6 M, 120 h) HL60 cells. The ATRA stimuli slowed down the rolling of HL60 cells on immobilized P-selectin no matter whether ICAM-1 was engaged. The β2 integrin near the PSGL-1/P-selectin axis would be activated within sub-seconds for each cell group mentioned above, thus contributing to slow rolling. A faster β2 integrin activation rate and the higher expression levels of PSGL-1 and LFA-1 were assigned to induce the over-enhancement of ATRA-treated HL60 adhesion in flow, causing APL DS development. These findings provided an insight into the mechanical–chemical regulation for APL DS development via ATRA treatment of leukemia and a novel therapeutic strategy for APL DS through targeting the relevant adhesion molecules