21 research outputs found

    Seeing a Rose in Five Thousand Ways

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    What is a rose, visually? A rose comprises its intrinsics, including the distribution of geometry, texture, and material specific to its object category. With knowledge of these intrinsic properties, we may render roses of different sizes and shapes, in different poses, and under different lighting conditions. In this work, we build a generative model that learns to capture such object intrinsics from a single image, such as a photo of a bouquet. Such an image includes multiple instances of an object type. These instances all share the same intrinsics, but appear different due to a combination of variance within these intrinsics and differences in extrinsic factors, such as pose and illumination. Experiments show that our model successfully learns object intrinsics (distribution of geometry, texture, and material) for a wide range of objects, each from a single Internet image. Our method achieves superior results on multiple downstream tasks, including intrinsic image decomposition, shape and image generation, view synthesis, and relighting.Comment: Project page: https://cs.stanford.edu/~yzzhang/projects/rose

    Self-Supervised Localisation between Range Sensors and Overhead Imagery

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    Publicly available satellite imagery can be an ubiquitous, cheap, and powerful tool for vehicle localisation when a prior sensor map is unavailable. However, satellite images are not directly comparable to data from ground range sensors because of their starkly different modalities. We present a learned metric localisation method that not only handles the modality difference, but is cheap to train, learning in a self-supervised fashion without metrically accurate ground truth. By evaluating across multiple real-world datasets, we demonstrate the robustness and versatility of our method for various sensor configurations. We pay particular attention to the use of millimetre wave radar, which, owing to its complex interaction with the scene and its immunity to weather and lighting, makes for a compelling and valuable use case.Comment: Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 202

    Stanford-ORB: A Real-World 3D Object Inverse Rendering Benchmark

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    We introduce Stanford-ORB, a new real-world 3D Object inverse Rendering Benchmark. Recent advances in inverse rendering have enabled a wide range of real-world applications in 3D content generation, moving rapidly from research and commercial use cases to consumer devices. While the results continue to improve, there is no real-world benchmark that can quantitatively assess and compare the performance of various inverse rendering methods. Existing real-world datasets typically only consist of the shape and multi-view images of objects, which are not sufficient for evaluating the quality of material recovery and object relighting. Methods capable of recovering material and lighting often resort to synthetic data for quantitative evaluation, which on the other hand does not guarantee generalization to complex real-world environments. We introduce a new dataset of real-world objects captured under a variety of natural scenes with ground-truth 3D scans, multi-view images, and environment lighting. Using this dataset, we establish the first comprehensive real-world evaluation benchmark for object inverse rendering tasks from in-the-wild scenes, and compare the performance of various existing methods.Comment: NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks Track. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. Project page: https://stanfordorb.github.io

    SEGA: Structural Entropy Guided Anchor View for Graph Contrastive Learning

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    In contrastive learning, the choice of ``view'' controls the information that the representation captures and influences the performance of the model. However, leading graph contrastive learning methods generally produce views via random corruption or learning, which could lead to the loss of essential information and alteration of semantic information. An anchor view that maintains the essential information of input graphs for contrastive learning has been hardly investigated. In this paper, based on the theory of graph information bottleneck, we deduce the definition of this anchor view; put differently, \textit{the anchor view with essential information of input graph is supposed to have the minimal structural uncertainty}. Furthermore, guided by structural entropy, we implement the anchor view, termed \textbf{SEGA}, for graph contrastive learning. We extensively validate the proposed anchor view on various benchmarks regarding graph classification under unsupervised, semi-supervised, and transfer learning and achieve significant performance boosts compared to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: ICML'2

    MagicPony: Learning Articulated 3D Animals in the Wild

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    We consider the problem of learning a function that can estimate the 3D shape, articulation, viewpoint, texture, and lighting of an articulated animal like a horse, given a single test image. We present a new method, dubbed MagicPony, that learns this function purely from in-the-wild single-view images of the object category, with minimal assumptions about the topology of deformation. At its core is an implicit-explicit representation of articulated shape and appearance, combining the strengths of neural fields and meshes. In order to help the model understand an object's shape and pose, we distil the knowledge captured by an off-the-shelf self-supervised vision transformer and fuse it into the 3D model. To overcome common local optima in viewpoint estimation, we further introduce a new viewpoint sampling scheme that comes at no added training cost. Compared to prior works, we show significant quantitative and qualitative improvements on this challenging task. The model also demonstrates excellent generalisation in reconstructing abstract drawings and artefacts, despite the fact that it is only trained on real images.Comment: Project Page: https://3dmagicpony.github.io