254 research outputs found

    Lepton-portal Dark Matter in Hidden Valley model and the DAMPE recent results

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    We study the recent eΒ±e^\pm cosmic ray excess reported by DAMPE in a Hidden Valley Model with lepton-portal dark matter. We find the electron-portal can account for the excess well and satisfy the DM relic density and direct detection bounds, while electron+muon/electron+muon+tau-portal suffers from strong constraints from lepton flavor violating observables, such as ΞΌβ†’3e\mu \to 3 e. We also discuss possible collider signatures of our model, both at the LHC and a future 100 TeV hadron collider.Comment: invited by Science China, accepted versio

    Single top partner production in the Higgs to diphoton channel in the Littlest Higgs Model with TT-parity

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    The top partner as a hallmark of the Littlest Higgs model with TT-parity (LHT model) has been extensively searched for during the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Run-1. With the increasing mass limits on the top partner, the single production of the top partner will be dominant over the pair production. Under the constraints from the Higgs data, the electroweak precision observables and RbR_b, we find that the mass of TT-even top partner (T+T_+) has to be heavier than 730 GeV. Then, we investigate the observability of the single TT-even top partner production through the process ppβ†’T+jpp \to T_+ j with the sequent decay T+β†’thT_+ \to th in the di-photon channel in the LHT model at the LHC. We find that the mass of T+T_+ can be excluded up to 800 GeV at 2Οƒ2\sigma level at 14 TeV LHC with the integrated luminosity L=3{\cal L}=3 abβˆ’1^{-1}

    Higgs Phenomenology in the Minimal Dilaton Model after Run I of the LHC

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    The Minimal Dilaton Model (MDM) extends the Standard Model (SM) by a singlet scalar, which can be viewed as a linear realization of general dilaton field. This new scalar field mixes with the SM Higgs field to form two mass eigenstates with one of them corresponding to the 125 GeV SM-like Higgs boson reported by the LHC experiments. In this work, under various theoretical and experimental constrains, we perform fits to the latest Higgs data and then investigate the phenomenology of Higgs boson in both the heavy dilaton scenario and the light dilaton scenario of the MDM. We find that: (i) If one considers the ATLAS and CMS data separately, the MDM can explain each of them well, but refer to different parameter space due to the apparent difference in the two sets of data. If one considers the combined data of the LHC and Tevatron, however, the explanation given by the MDM is not much better than the SM, and the dilaton component in the 125-GeV Higgs is less than about 20% at 2 sigma level. (ii) The current Higgs data have stronger constrains on the light dilaton scenario than on the heavy dilaton scenario. (iii) The heavy dilaton scenario can produce a Higgs triple self coupling much larger than the SM value, and thus a significantly enhanced Higgs pair cross section at hadron colliders. With a luminosity of 100 fb^{-1} (10 fb^{-1}) at the 14-TeV LHC, a heavy dilaton of 400 GeV (500 GeV) can be examined. (iv) In the light dilaton scenario, the Higgs exotic branching ratio can reach 43% (60%) at 2 sigma (3 sigma) level when considering only the CMS data, which may be detected at the 14-TeV LHC with a luminosity of 300 fb^{-1} and the Higgs Factory.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, discussions added, to appear in JHE

    Higgs self-coupling in the MSSM and NMSSM after the LHC Run 1

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    Measuring the Higgs self-coupling is one of the crucial physics goals at the LHC Run-2 and other future colliders. In this work, we attempt to figure out the size of SUSY effects on the trilinear self-coupling of the 125 GeV Higgs boson in the MSSM and NMSSM after the LHC Run-1. Taking account of current experimental constraints, such as the Higgs data, flavor constraints, electroweak precision observables and dark matter detections, we obtain the observations: (1) In the MSSM, the ratio of Ξ»3hMSSM/Ξ»3hSM\lambda^{MSSM}_{3h}/\lambda^{SM}_{3h} has been tightly constrained by the LHC data, which can be only slightly smaller than 1 and minimally reach 97\%; (2) In the NMSSM with Ξ»<0.7\lambda<0.7, a sizable reduction of Ξ»3h2NMSSM/Ξ»3h2SM\lambda^{NMSSM}_{3h_2}/\lambda^{SM}_{3h_2} can occur and minimally reach 10\% when the lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass mh1m_{h_1} is close to the SM-like Higgs boson mh2m_{h_2} due to the large mixing angle between the singlet and doublet Higgs bosons; (3) In the NMSSM with Ξ»>0.7\lambda>0.7, a large enhancement or reduction βˆ’1.1<Ξ»3h1NMSSM/Ξ»3h1SM<2-1.1<\lambda^{NMSSM}_{3h_1}/\lambda^{SM}_{3h_1}<2 can occur, which is accompanied by a sizable change of h1Ο„+Ο„βˆ’h_1\tau^+\tau^- coupling. The future colliders, such as the HL-LHC and ILC, will have the capacity to test these large deviations in the NMSSM.Comment: 28 pages, discussions and references added, matched to journal versio

    750 GeV Diphoton Resonance, 125 GeV Higgs and Muon g-2 Anomaly in Deflected Anomaly Mediation SUSY Breaking Scenario

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    We propose to interpret the 750 GeV diphoton excess in deflected anomaly mediation supersymmetry breaking scenarios, which can naturally predict couplings between a singlet field and vector-like messengers. The CP-even scalar component (S) of the singlet field can serve as the 750 GeV resonance. The messenger scale, which is of order the gravitino scale, can be as light as F_\phi \sim {\cal O}(10) TeV when the messenger species N_F and the deflection parameter d are moderately large. Such messengers can induce the large loop decay process S \to \gamma\gamma. Our results show that such a scenario can successfully accommodate the 125 GeV Higgs boson, the 750 GeV diphoton excess and the muon g-2 without conflicting with the LHC constraints. We also comment on the possible explanations in the gauge mediation supersymmetry breaking scenario.Comment: Published version in PLB; 15 pages,2 figure
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