27 research outputs found

    Persuasive Technology in Reducing Prolonged Sedentary Behavior at Work: A Systematic Review

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    Prolonged sedentary behavior is prevalent among office workers and has been found to be detrimental to health. Preventing and reducing prolonged sedentary behavior require interventions, and persuasive technology is expected to make a contribution in this domain. In this paper, we use the framework of persuasive system design (PSD) principles to investigate the utilization and effectiveness of persuasive technology in intervention studies at reducing sedentary behavior at work. This systematic review reveals that reminders are the most frequently used PSD principle. The analysis on reminders shows that hourly PC reminders alone have no significant effect on reducing sedentary behavior at work, while coupling with education or other informative session seems to be promising. Details of deployed persuasive technology with behavioral theories and user experience evaluation are expected to be reported explicitly in the future intervention studies

    Altered Brain Activities Associated with Craving and Cue Reactivity in People with Internet Gaming Disorder: Evidence from the Comparison with Recreational Internet Game Users

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    Although the neural substrates of cue reactivity in Internet gaming disorder (IGD) have been examined in previous studies, most of these studies focused on the comparison between IGD subjects and healthy controls, which cannot exclude a potential effect of cue-familiarity. To overcome this limitation, the current study focuses on the comparison between IGD subjects and recreational Internet game users (RGU) who play online games recreationally but do not develop dependence. Data from 40 RGU and 30 IGD subjects were collected while they were performing an event-related cue reactivity task in the fMRI scanner. The results showed that the IGD subjects were associated with enhanced activation in the left orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and decreased activation in the right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), right precuneus, left precentral gyrus and right postcentral gyrus in comparison with the RGU subjects. OFC is involved in reward evaluation and ACC is implicated in executive control function based on previous researches. Moreover, the activation of OFC were correlated with the desire for game-playing. Thus, the higher activation in OFC might suggests high desire for game playing, and the lower activation in ACC might indicates impaired ability in inhibiting the urge to gaming-related stimuli in IGD subjects. Additionally, decreased activation in the precuneus, the precentral and postcentral gyrus may suggest the deficit in disentangling from game-playing stimuli. These findings explain why IGD subjects develop dependence on game-playing while RGU subjects can play online games recreationally and prevent the transition from voluntary game-playing to eventually IGD

    Emotionsregulation bei abhÀngigen Rauchern

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    Background: Nicotine addiction is the most prevalent type of drug addiction that has been described as a cycle of spiraling dysregulation of the brain reward systems. Imaging studies have shown that nicotine addiction is associated with abnormal function in prefrontal brain regions that are important for cognitive emotion regulation. It was assumed that addicts may perform less well than healthy nonsmokers in cognitive emotion regulation tasks. The primary aims of this thesis were to investigate emotional responses to natural rewards among smokers and nonsmokers and to determine whether smokers differ from nonsmokers in cognitive regulation of positive and negative emotions. To address these aims, two forms of appraisal paradigms (i.e., appraisal frame and reappraisal) were applied to compare changes in emotional responses of smokers with that of nonsmokers as a function of appraisal strategies. Experiment 1: The aim of the first experiment was to evaluate whether and how appraisal frames preceding positive and negative picture stimuli affect emotional experience and facial expression of individuals. Twenty participants were exposed to 125 pairs of auditory appraisal frames (either neutral or emotional) followed by picture stimuli reflecting five conditions: unpleasant-negative, unpleasant-neutral, pleasant-positive, pleasant-neutral and neutral-neutral. Ratings of valence and arousal as well as facial EMG activity over the corrugator supercilii and the zygomaticus major were measured simultaneously. The results indicated that appraisal frames could alter both subjective emotional experience and facial expressions, irrespective of the valence of the pictorial stimuli. These results suggest and support that appraisal frame is an efficient paradigm in regulation of multi-level emotional responses. 8 Experiment 2: The second experiment applied the appraisal frame paradigm to investigate how smokers differ from nonsmokers on cognitive emotion regulation. Sixty participants (22 nonsmokers, 19 nondeprived smokers and 19 12-h deprived smokers) completed emotion regulation tasks as described in Experiment 1 while emotional responses were concurrently recorded as reflected by self-ratings and psychophysiological measures (i.e., facial EMG and EEG). The results indicated that there was no group difference on emotional responses to natural rewards. Moreover, nondeprived smokers and deprived smokers performed as well as nonsmokers on the emotion regulation task. The lack of group differences in multiple emotional responses (i.e., self-reports, facial EMG activity and brain EEG activity) suggests that nicotine addicts have no deficit in cognitive emotion regulation of natural rewards via appraisal frames. Experiment 3: The third experiment aimed to further evaluate smokers’ emotion regulation ability by comparing performances of smokers and nonsmokers in a more challenging cognitive task (i.e., reappraisal task). Sixty-five participants (23 nonsmokers, 22 nondeprived smokers and 20 12-h deprived smokers) were instructed to regulate emotions by imagining that the depicted negative or positive scenario would become less negative or less positive over time, respectively. The results showed that nondeprived smokers and deprived smokers responded similarly to emotional pictures and performed as well as nonsmokers in down-regulating positive and negative emotions via the reappraisal strategy. These results indicated that nicotine addicts do not have deficit in emotion regulation using cognitive appraisal strategies. In sum, the three studies consistently revealed that addicted smokers were capable to regulate emotions via appraisal strategies. This thesis establishes the groundwork for therapeutic use of appraisal instructions to cope with potential self-regulation failures in nicotine addicts.Hintergrund: Nikotinsucht ist die am weitesten verbreitete Form von DrogenabhĂ€ngigkeit und wird beschrieben als eine immer stĂ€rker werdende Dysregulation des Belohnungssystems im Gehirn. Bildgebende Studien zeigten, dass NikotinabhĂ€ngige eine abnormale Funktion der prĂ€frontalen Gehirnregionen aufweisen, die fĂŒr die kognitive Emotionsregulation von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. Es wurde angenommen, dass SĂŒchtige bei kognitiven Aufgaben zur Emotionsregulation schlechter abschneiden als gesunde Nichtraucher. Vorrangige Ziele dieser Thesis waren die Untersuchung emotionaler Reaktionen auf natĂŒrliche, Raucher-irrelevante Stimuli bei Rauchern und Nichtrauchern. Außerdem sollte herausgefunden werden, ob sich Raucher von Nichtrauchern bezĂŒglich ihrer kognitiven Regulation von positiven und negativen Emotionen unterscheiden. Um diese VerĂ€nderungen in der emotionalen Reaktion in AbhĂ€ngigkeit der Interpretationsstrategie vergleichen zu können, wurden zwei Paradigmen zur EinschĂ€tzung emotionaler Stimuli eingesetzt: Eine prospektive Interpretationsstrategie des kommenden Stimulus (appraisal frame) und eine retrospektive Interpretationsstrategie nach der StimulusprĂ€sentation (reappraisal). Experiment 1: Ziel des ersten Experiments war die Evaluierung ob und wie Interpretationen vor positiven oder negativen Stimulusbildern die emotionale Erfahrung und den Gesichtsausdruck von Personen beeinflussen. 20 Versuchspersonen wurden 125 Paare auditiver Beschreibungen (entweder neutral oder emotional) prĂ€sentiert, gefolgt von Stimulusbildern, die zusammen fĂŒnf Stimulus-Kategorien bildeten: unangenehm – negativ, unangenehm – neutral, angenehm – positiv, angenehm – neutral und neutral – neutral. Valenz- und Arousal-Ratings wurden abgefragt und die EMG-AktivitĂ€t der Gesichtsmuskeln corrugator supercilii und zygomaticus 10 major wurden zeitgleich aufgenommen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass appraisal frames sowohl emotionale Reaktionen einschließlich subjektiver emotionaler Erfahrungen beeinflussen als auch den Gesichtsausdruck verĂ€ndern können, unabhĂ€ngig von der Valenz des Bildstimulus. Dies zeigt und beweist die Effizienz des appraisal frame Paradigmas bei der Regulation von emotionalen Reaktionen auf mehreren Verarbeitungsebenen. Experiment 2: Das zweite Experiment bezog sich auf das appraisal frame Paradigma und sollte untersuchen wie sich Raucher von Nichtrauchern in ihrer kognitiven Emotionsregulation unterscheiden. 60 Probanden (22 Nichtraucher, 19 Raucher ohne Entzug und 19 Raucher mit 12 Stunden Zigarettenentzug) fĂŒhrten Emotionsregulationsaufgaben wie in Experiment 1 beschrieben aus, wĂ€hrend ihre emotionalen Reaktionen stĂ€ndig ĂŒber SelbsteinschĂ€tzungen und psychophysiologische Messungen aufgenommen wurden (faziales EMG und EEG). Die Ergebnisse zeigten keine Gruppenunterschieden bei den emotionalen Reaktionen auf natĂŒrliche Stimuli, ohne Bezug zum Rauchen; Außerdem schnitten Raucher mit und ohne Zigarettenentzug in der Emotionsregulationsaufgabe genauso gut ab wie Nichtraucher. Die gleichen Ergebnisse in allen Gruppen hinsichtlich emotionaler Reaktionen (SelbsteinschĂ€tzung, faziale EMG AktivitĂ€t und EEG AktivitĂ€t) machten deutlich, dass NikotinabhĂ€ngige keine EinschrĂ€nkungen in der kognitiven Emotionsregulation auf natĂŒrliche Stimuli mittels Vorbeurteilungen haben. Experiment 3: Der dritte Versuch wurde durchgefĂŒhrt, um die FĂ€higkeiten von Rauchern bei der Emotionsregulation zu untersuchen, indem die Erfolge von Rauchern und Nichtrauchern in einer schwierigeren kognitiven Aufgabe (reappraisal task) verglichen wurden. 65 Versuchspersonen (23 Nichtraucher, 22 Raucher ohne Entzug und 20 Raucher mit 12 Stunden Zigarettenentzug) wurden instruiert ihre Emotionen zu regulieren, indem sie emotionale Bilder 11 mit neutralem GefĂŒhl interpretieren. Die Probanden sollten sich vorstellen, dass die negativen oder positiven Syenarios immer weniger negativ oder weniger positiv werden. Die Ergebnisse stellen heraus, dass Raucher mit und ohne Zigarettenentzug Ă€hnlich auf emotionale Bilder reagierten und ihre positiven und negativen Emotionen mit der reappraisal Strategie genauso gut herunterregulierten wie Nichtraucher. Zusammenfassend machen die drei Studien deutlich, dass NikotinabhĂ€ngige mittels Interpretationsstrategien ihre Emotionen regulieren können. Diese Thesis bilden das Fundament fĂŒr den therapeutischen Nutzen von Interpretationsstrategien, damit NikotinabhĂ€ngige mit potenziellen Selbstregulationsstörungen umgehen können

    Recognition of facial expressions in individuals with elevated levels of depressive symptoms: an eye-movement study

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    Previous studies consistently reported abnormal recognition of facial expressions in depression. However, it is still not clear whether this abnormality is due to an enhanced or impaired ability to recognize facial expressions, and what underlying cognitive systems are involved. The present study aimed to examine how individuals with elevated levels of depressive symptoms differ from controls on facial expression recognition and to assess attention and information processing using eye tracking. Forty participants (18 with elevated depressive symptoms) were instructed to label facial expressions depicting one of seven emotions. Results showed that the high-depression group, in comparison with the low-depression group, recognized facial expressions faster and with comparable accuracy. Furthermore, the high-depression group demonstrated greater leftwards attention bias which has been argued to be an indicator of hyperactivation of right hemisphere during facial expression recognition

    Short-term Internet search using makes people rely on search engines when facing unknown issues

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    The Internet search engines, which have powerful search/sort functions and ease of use features, have become an indispensable tool for many individuals. The current study is to test whether the short-term Internet search training can make people more dependent on it. Thirty-one subjects out of forty subjects completed the search training study which included a pre-test, a six-day's training of Internet search, and a post-test. During the pre- and post- tests, subjects were asked to search online the answers to 40 unusual questions, remember the answers and recall them in the scanner. Un-learned questions were randomly presented at the recalling stage in order to elicited search impulse. Comparing to the pre-test, subjects in the post-test reported higher impulse to use search engines to answer un-learned questions. Consistently, subjects showed higher brain activations in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex in the post-test than in the pre-test. In addition, there were significant positive correlations self-reported search impulse and brain responses in the frontal areas. The results suggest that a simple six-day's Internet search training can make people dependent on the search tools when facing unknown issues. People are easily dependent on the Internet search engines.publishe

    Arousal, valence, and the uncanny valley: psychophysiological and self-report findings

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    The main prediction of the Uncanny Valley Hypothesis (UVH) is that observation of humanlike characters that are difficult to distinguish from the human counterpart will evoke a state of negative affect. Well-established electrophysiological [late positive potential (LPP) and facial electromyography (EMG)] and self-report [Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM)] indices of valence and arousal, i.e., the primary orthogonal dimensions of affective experience, were used to test this prediction by examining affective experience in response to categorically ambiguous compared with unambiguous avatar and human faces (N = 30). LPP and EMG provided direct psychophysiological indices of affective state during passive observation and the SAM provided self-reported indices of affective state during explicit cognitive evaluation of static facial stimuli. The faces were drawn from well-controlled morph continua representing the UVH' dimension of human likeness (DHL). The results provide no support for the notion that category ambiguity along the DHL is specifically associated with enhanced experience of negative affect. On the contrary, the LPP and SAM-based measures of arousal and valence indicated a general increase in negative affective state (i.e., enhanced arousal and negative valence) with greater morph distance from the human end of the DHL. A second sample (N = 30) produced the same finding, using an ad hoc self-rating scale of feelings of familiarity, i.e., an oft-used measure of affective experience along the UVH' familiarity dimension. In conclusion, this multi-method approach using well-validated psychophysiological and self-rating indices of arousal and valence rejects - for passive observation and for explicit affective evaluation of static faces - the main prediction of the UVH

    Development and Validation of a Self-reported Questionnaire for Measuring Internet Search Dependence

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    Internet search has become the most common way that people deal with issues and problems in everyday life. The wide use of Internet search has largely changed the way people search for and store information. There is a growing interest in the impact of Internet search on users' affect, cognition, and behavior. Thus, it is essential to develop a tool to measure the changes in psychological characteristics as a result of long-term use of Internet search. The aim of this study is to develop a Questionnaire on Internet Search Dependence (QISD) and test its reliability and validity. We first proposed a preliminary structure and items of the QISD based on literature review, supplemental investigations, and interviews. And then, we assessed the psychometric properties and explored the factor structure of the initial version via exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The EFA results indicated that four dimensions of the QISD were very reliable, i.e., habitual use of Internet search, withdrawal reaction, Internet search trust, and external storage under Internet search. Finally, we tested the factor solution obtained from EFA through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The results of CFA confirmed that the four dimensions model fits the data well. In all, this study suggests that the 12-item QISD is of high reliability and validity and can serve as a preliminary tool to measure the features of Internet search dependence.publishe

    Empathy, Pain and Attention: Cues that Predict Pain Stimulation to the Partner and the Self Capture Visual Attention

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    Empathy motivates helping and cooperative behaviors and plays an important role in social interactions and personal communication. The present research examined the hypothesis that a state of empathy guides attention towards stimuli significant to others in a similar way as to stimuli relevant to the self. Sixteen couples in romantic partnerships were examined in a pain-related empathy paradigm including an anticipation phase and a stimulation phase. Abstract visual symbols (i.e., arrows and flashes) signaled the delivery of a Pain or Nopain stimulus to the partner or the self while dense sensor event-related potentials (ERPs) were simultaneously recorded from both persons. During the anticipation phase, stimuli predicting Pain compared to Nopain stimuli to the partner elicited a larger early posterior negativity (EPN) and late positive potential (LPP), which were similar in topography and latency to the EPN and LPP modulations elicited by stimuli signaling pain for the self. Noteworthy, using abstract cue symbols to cue Pain and Nopain stimuli suggests that these effects are not driven by perceptual features. The findings demonstrate that symbolic stimuli relevant for the partner capture attention, which implies a state of empathy to the pain of the partner. From a broader perspective, states of empathy appear to regulate attention processing according to the perceived needs and goals of the partner