10 research outputs found

    L’héritage de Confucius

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    Né en 551 av. J.-C. dans le pays de Lu, lors de la fin chaotique de la dynastie Zhou, Confucius développe sa pensée autour de deux concepts- clés qu’il juge nécessaires pour une société harmonieuse : le respect des rites, qui caractérisait la période heureuse de la dynastie ; et l’humanité, typique des « hommes de bien » de sa région. Si, dans les générations suivantes, ces deux concepts sont l’objet d’évolutions ou de stagnations, selon les périodes, le confucianisme influence toujours la culture chinoise et asiatique. Les trois dimensions (qualitative, quantitative et transformationnelle) de l’homme de bien identifiées par Confucius restent prégnantes : la diversité des personnes et des élèves, qui demande des stratégies adaptées ; peu d’enseignements mais approfondis ; le choix des méthodes pour passer du concret à l’abstrait, dans un effort continu. Actuellement, le confucianisme fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches et pénètre tous les domaines de la vie sociale, non seulement en Chine mais aussi au Japon, à Singapour et en Corée.Born in 551 BCE in the land of Lu, during the chaotic final days of the Zhou dynasty, Confucius developed his thinking around two key concepts he deemed necessary for a harmonious society: respect for rites, which characterized the successful period of the dynasty, and humanity, typical of the “good men” of his region. While in subsequent generations these two concepts were subject to change or stagnation, depending on the period, Confucianism has always influenced Chinese and Asian culture. The three dimensions of the good man identified by Confucius (qualitative, quantitative and transformational) remain significant: the diversity of people and students, which requires tailored strategies; teachings that are few in number but thorough; and the choice of methods to move in a continuous effort from the concrete to the abstract. Currently, Confucianism is the subject of much research and penetrates all areas of social life, not only in China but also in Japan, Singapore and Korea.Confucio nació en el año 551 a.C. en el estado de Lu, durante el caótico fin de la dinastía Zhou, y desarrolló su pensamiento alrededor de dos conceptos clave que consideraba necesarios para una sociedad armoniosa: el respeto de los ritos, que caracterizaron el periodo feliz de la dinastía, y la humanidad, propia de los “hombres de bien” de su región. Pese a que en las siguientes generaciones estos dos conceptos sufrieron transformaciones o estancamientos, en función del periodo, el confucianismo ha mantenido su ascendiente sobre la cultura china y asiática. Las tres dimensiones (cualitativa, cuantitativa y transformadora) del hombre de bien identificadas por Confucio siguen vigentes: la diversidad de las personas y de los alumnos, que requiere de estrategias adaptadas; transmitir pocas enseñanzas, pero profundas; y la elección de métodos para pasar de lo concreto a lo abstracto en un esfuerzo continuo. Actualmente, el confucianismo es objeto de numerosos proyectos de investigación e impregna todos los aspectos de la vida social, no solo en China, sino también en Japón, Singapur y Corea

    Leakage current simulations of Low Gain Avalanche Diode with improved Radiation Damage Modeling

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    We report precise TCAD simulations of IHEP-IME-v1 Low Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD) calibrated by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). Our setup allows us to evaluate the leakage current, capacitance, and breakdown voltage of LGAD, which agree with measurements' results before irradiation. And we propose an improved LGAD Radiation Damage Model (LRDM) which combines local acceptor removal with global deep energy levels. The LRDM is applied to the IHEP-IME-v1 LGAD and able to predict the leakage current well at -30 ^{\circ}C after an irradiation fluence of Φeq=2.5×1015 neq/cm2 \Phi_{eq}=2.5 \times 10^{15} ~n_{eq}/cm^{2}. The charge collection efficiency (CCE) is under development

    Seismic Fragility of a Multi-Frame Box-Girder Bridge Influenced by Seismic Excitation Angles and Column Height Layouts

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    Curved multi-frame box-girder bridges with hinges are widely used in the United States due to the large spanning capacity, construction simplification and construction cost economy. This type of bridge frequently has the characteristics of column height asymmetry, adjacent bridge frames vibrating discrepancy. The combination of curved shape and random seismic excitation angles could aggravate the irregularity of the structural seismic response. In this study, an OpenSees model is established for an example bridge, and the hinge is taken as a key component to observe. The impacts of seismic excitation angles and column height layouts on fragility are investigated through the comparison of the fragility curves. The conclusions list the most unfavorable seismic excitation angles corresponding to the fragilities of bridge system, plug-type concrete elements in hinges, hinge restrainers, columns, abutment bearings as well as the secondary components, respectively. The symmetrical column height layout is proved to be beneficial to mitigate the damage risks of restrainers in intermediate hinges and reduce the fragility of the bridge system. This study can provide a reference for the rapid assessment of the fragile position and damage degree of bridges through structural configuration and shape, as well as the seismic excitation angle

    The Influence of Geological Conditions in the Hangzhou Bay Area on the Deformation Behavior of Deep Excavations

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    The deformation behavior of deep excavations is affected by many factors, among which the geological conditions are greatly affected. Hangzhou Bay is affected by marine siltation and river alluvium, and the geological conditions within the urban area of Hangzhou are quite different. In this paper, the geological and deformation data of 79 deep excavation cases in the Hangzhou urban area were collected, and the statistical analysis showed that the deformation control of excavations in the silt area was poor. The average maximum lateral wall displacement of deep excavations of the Hangzhou urban area was 0.41%H (H was the depth of the excavation), the average value of the alluvial area was 0.22%H, and the average value of the silted area was 0.55%H. The influence of geological conditions, wall type, and construction period on the deformation of excavations was compared, and the deformation behavior of excavations in the silted area was clearly affected by various factors

    Seismic Fragility of a Multi-Frame Box-Girder Bridge Influenced by Seismic Excitation Angles and Column Height Layouts

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    Curved multi-frame box-girder bridges with hinges are widely used in the United States due to the large spanning capacity, construction simplification and construction cost economy. This type of bridge frequently has the characteristics of column height asymmetry, adjacent bridge frames vibrating discrepancy. The combination of curved shape and random seismic excitation angles could aggravate the irregularity of the structural seismic response. In this study, an OpenSees model is established for an example bridge, and the hinge is taken as a key component to observe. The impacts of seismic excitation angles and column height layouts on fragility are investigated through the comparison of the fragility curves. The conclusions list the most unfavorable seismic excitation angles corresponding to the fragilities of bridge system, plug-type concrete elements in hinges, hinge restrainers, columns, abutment bearings as well as the secondary components, respectively. The symmetrical column height layout is proved to be beneficial to mitigate the damage risks of restrainers in intermediate hinges and reduce the fragility of the bridge system. This study can provide a reference for the rapid assessment of the fragile position and damage degree of bridges through structural configuration and shape, as well as the seismic excitation angle

    Low Gain Avalanche Detectors with Good Time Resolution Developed by IHEP and IME for ATLAS HGTD project

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    This paper shows the simulation and test results of 50um thick Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) sensors designed by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) and fabricated by the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IME). Three wafers have been produced with four different gain layer implant doses each. Different production processes, including variation in the n++ layer implant energy and carbon co-implantation were used. Test results show that the IHEP-IME sensors with the higher dose of gain layer have lower breakdown voltages and higher gain layer voltages from capacitance-voltage properties, which are consistent with the TCAD simulation. Beta test results show that the time resolution of IHEP-IME sensors is better than 35ps when operated at high voltage and the collected charges of IHEP-IME sensors are larger than 15fC before irradiation, which fulfill the required specifications of sensors before irradiations for the ATLAS HGTD project.Comment: 11 pages,8 figure

    Figures de l’éducation dans le monde

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    Dans son nouveau numéro, la Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres s’intéresse à de grandes figures qui, au fil des siècles, ont fait évoluer l’éducation et ont eu une influence au-delà de leur époque et du contexte dans lequel elles sont apparues. De Confucius à Averroès et Ibn Khaldûn, de Dewey à Montessori, Vygotski ou Piaget, de Freire à Freud, Abreu, Condorcet, Rousseau ou Ferry, de la Paideia à l’évolution des conceptions de l’éducation en Afrique, un large éventail d’époques et de contextes est proposé au lecteur. Ce panorama, qui s’intéresse aussi bien à des personnalités qu’à des mouvements, permet de mettre en évidence quatre grands chemins, au sein de quatre civilisations, qui continuent d’être empruntés aujourd’hui. En ces temps actuels de grandes mutations sociétales, est-il possible, en étudiant la chaîne des événements, des idées et des ruptures, d’entrevoir le cheminement futur de l’éducation ? C’est le défi que tente de relever ce nouveau dossier de la Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres. The 79th issue of the Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres focuses on the great figures who, over the centuries, have changed education and had an influence extending beyond the time in which they lived. The selected authors have striven to present the figures or movements in question to the best of their ability. They situate them with precision in the context in which they emerged and clearly show the dreamlike or utopian dimension of what they conveyed. In the introduction to this dossier, the coordinator of this issue articulates the paths that draw these figures together, potentially invoking links woven over the centuries with other figures or movements that are not covered in the contributions. The introduction thus responds to the objective that informed the development of this issue: to attempt to foreground the chain of events, ideas and ruptures that hint at the future path of education. El número 79 de la Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres, está dedicado a las grandes personalidades que, a lo largo de los siglos, han hecho avanzar la educación y han ejercido una influencia más allá de su época y del contexto en el que se inscribieron. Los autores invitados han centrado sus generosos esfuerzos a en presentar de la mejor manera a las personalidades o movimientos estudiados. Los sitúan con precisión en el contexto en el que surgieron y exponen claramente la dimensión idealista y utópica que encarnaban. Como introducción a esta publicación, el coordinador del presente número enuncia el hilo conductor entre estas personalidades, revelando los lazos que se han ido tejiendo a lo largo de los siglos con otras personalidades o movimientos que no han sido objeto de estudio. Responde así al objetivo que ha regido la elaboración de este número: el de intentar poner de manifiesto una cadena de acontecimientos, ideas y rupturas que permite entrever hacia dónde se encaminará la educación en el futuro

    Design and testing of LGAD sensor with shallow carbon implantation

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    The low gain avalanche detectors (LGADs) are thin sensors with fast charge collection which in combination with internal gain deliver an outstanding time resolution of about 30 ps. High collision rates and consequent large particle rates crossing the detectors at the upgraded Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2028 will lead to radiation damage and deteriorated performance of the LGADs. The main consequence of radiation damage is loss of gain layer doping (acceptor removal) which requires an increase of bias voltage to compensate for the loss of charge collection efficiency and consequently time resolution. The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has developed a process based on the Institute of Microelectronics (IME), CAS capability to enrich the gain layer with carbon to reduce the acceptor removal effect by radiation. After 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence of 2.5×\times1015^{15} neq_{eq}/cm2^{2}, which is the maximum fluence to which sensors will be exposed at ATLAS High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD), the IHEP-IME second version (IHEP-IMEv2) 50 μ\mum LGAD sensors already deliver adequate charge collection > 4 fC and time resolution < 50 ps at voltages < 400 V. The operation voltages of these 50 μ\mum devices are well below those at which single event burnout may occur