14 research outputs found

    Significance of climate and hydrochemistry on shape variation – a case study on Neotropical cytheroidean Ostracoda

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    How environmental change affects a species' phenotype is crucial not only for taxonomy and biodiversity assessments but also for its application as a palaeo-ecological and ecological indicator. Previous investigations addressing the impact of the climate and hydrochemical regime on ostracod valve morphology have yielded contrasting results. Frequently identified ecological factors influencing carapace shape are salinity, cation, sulfate concentrations, and alkalinity. Here, we present a thorough approach integrating data with the carapace outline and surface details of the ubiquitous Neotropical cytheroidean ostracod species Cytheridella ilosvayi, as well as several climatic and hydrochemical variables, in order to investigate a potential link between morphology and environmental conditions. A recent study previously demonstrated considerable biogeographical variation in valve morphology among Floridian, Mexican and Brazilian populations of this species. We hypothesize that the climatic differences between the regions it inhabits and associated differences in hydrochemical regimes have influenced valve morphology and eventually led to biogeographically distinctive groups. Generalized least-squares Procrustes analyses based on outline and structural features were applied to the left and right valves of adult females and males. The analyses identified relative carapace length and shape symmetry as most important morphological characteristics representing shape differences across all datasets. Two-block partial least-squares analyses and multiple regressions indicate strong relationships between morphological and environmental variables, specifically with temperature seasonality, annual precipitation and chloride and sulfate concentrations. We suggest that increased temperature seasonality slowed down growth rates during colder months, potentially triggering the development of shortened valves with well-developed brood pouches. Differences in chloride and sulfate concentrations, related to fluctuations in precipitation, are considered to affect valve development via controlling osmoregulation and carapace calcification. The factors identified by our analyses represent hitherto unknown drivers for ostracod ecophenotypy in other species and therefore suggest that environmental predictors for morphological variability are not consistent across non-marine ostracods.</p

    Modeling calcification periods of <i>Cytheridella ilosvayi</i> from Florida based on isotopic signatures and hydrological data

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    The isotopic signatures of ostracod shells are the result of the temperature and composition of their host water and the phenology and ecology of the target species. Investigations addressing the influence of site-specific environmental variations on the isotopic ranges of ostracod shells are still rare but can provide important information on habitat-dependent variations and may signify a seasonally restricted timing of calcification periods. Here we present isotopic signatures (δ18Oostr, δ13Costr) of living Cytheridella ilosvayi (Ostracoda) and physical, chemical, and isotopic (δD, δ18Owater, δ13CDIC) compositions of 14 freshwater habitats (rivers, lakes, canals, marshes, sinkholes) in South Florida from winter 2013 and summer 2014. We also present instrumental data of river temperatures and δ18O of precipitation (δ18Oprec) from this region. The physicochemical and isotopic compositions of the selected sites characterize the different habitats and show the influence of the source water, biological activity, and duration of exposure to the surface. Mean δ18Oostr and δ13Costr signatures of C. ilosvayi shells correlate well with the isotopic composition of their host waters. Within-sample variabilities in repeated isotopic measurements of single ostracod shells reflect habitat-dependent ranges. The similarly high range of ostracod δ18O in rivers and one marsh sample indicates that both temperature and δ18Oprec are responsible for their variation in the whole study area. Rivers and canals, which are predominantly influenced by the input and mixing of inorganic carbon from the catchment, show smaller δ13Costr ranges than the marsh dominated by local fluctuations in biological activities. Based on these observations, background data of water temperatures and δ18Oprec were used to calculate monthly δ18O variations in a theoretical calcite formed in rivers in Florida assuming a direct reaction on precipitation changes. The calculated values showed a high variation coupled with low mean values during the summer wet season, while during the winter dry season the variation remains small and mean values increased. Inferred configurations were used to approximate possible calcification periods of C. ilosvayi. For a plausible calcification period, mean values and ranges of δ18Oostr had to be equal to the theoretical calcite with a slight positive offset (vital effect). The applied model suggests a seasonal calcification period of C. ilosvayi in early spring that is probably coupled to the hydrologic cycle of Florida

    Giant clam (Tridacna) distribution in the Gulf of Oman in relation to past and future climate

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    The Oman upwelling zone (OUZ) creates an unfavorable environment and a major biogeographic barrier for many coral reef species, such as giant clams, thus promoting and maintaining faunal differences among reefs on the east and west side of the Arabian Peninsula. We record the former existence of Tridacna in the Gulf of Oman and review its stratigraphic distribution in the Persian Gulf to provide new insights on the connectivity of coral reef habitats around southern Arabia under changing climate and ocean conditions. Fossil shells were carbon-14 dated and employed as sclerochronological proxy archives. This reveals that the Omani population represents a last glacial colonization event during the Marine Isotope Stage 3 interstadial under colder-than-present temperatures and variable upwelling intensity linked to Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations. It was favored by temperatures just above the lower threshold for the habitat-forming reef coral communities and instability of the upwelling barrier. We conclude that the distribution of Tridacna in the northern Arabian Sea is generally limited by either strong upwelling or cool sea surface temperature under gradually changing climate conditions at the interglacial-glacial scale. Opportunities for dispersal and temporary colonization existed only when there was a simultaneous attenuation of both limiting factors due to high-frequency climate variability. The OUZ will unlikely become a future climate change refuge for giant clams because they will be exposed either to thermal stress by rapid anthropogenic Indian Ocean warming or to unfavorable upwelling conditions

    Muted diatom responses to recent environmental change on the southeast Tibetan Plateau during the last two centuries.

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    A general mean annual temperature increase accompanied with substantial glacial retreat has been noted on the Tibetan Plateau during the last two centuries but most significantly since the mid 1950s. These climate trends are particularly apparent on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. However, the Tibetan Plateau (due to its heterogeneous mountain landscape) has very complex and spatially differing temperature and precipitations patterns. As a result, intensive palaeolimnological investigations are necessary to decipher these climatic patterns and to understand ecological responses to recent environmental change. Here we present palaeolimnological results from a Pb-210/Cs-137-dated sediment core spanning approximately the last 200 years from a remote high-mountain lake (LC6 Lake, working name) on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Sediment profiles of diatoms, organic variables (TOC, C:N) and grain size were investigated. The Pb-210 record suggests a period of rapid sedimentation, which might be linked to major tectonic events in the region ca. 1950. Furthermore, unusually high Pb-210 supply rates over the last 50 years suggest that the lake has possibly been subjected to increasing precipitation rates, sediment focussing and/or increased spring thaw. The majority of diatom taxa encountered in the core are typical of slightly acidic to circumneutral, oligotrophic, electrolyte-poor lakes. Diatom species assemblages were rich, and dominated by Cyclotella sp., Achnanthes sp., Aulacoseira sp. and fragilarioid taxa. Diatom compositional change was minimal over the 200-year period (DCCA = 0.85 SD, p = 0.59); only a slightly more diverse but unstable diatom assemblage was recorded during the past 50 years. The results indicate that large-scale environmental changes recorded in the twentieth century (i.e. increased precipitation and temperatures) are likely having an affect on the LC6 Lake, but so far these impacts are more apparent on the lake geochemistry than on the diatom flora. Local and/or regional peculiarities, such as increasing precipitation and cloud cover, or localized climatic phenomena, such as negative climate feedbacks, might have offset the effects of increasing mean surface temperatures