8 research outputs found

    Mycobacterium gordonae infection in a free-ranging green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Brazil

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    Mycobacteriosis is a well-known disease that has been reported in a variety of reptiles species. However, the occurrence of mycobacteriosis in sea turtles has been rarely documented, and most reports are from captive-reared animals. A juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) was found stranded in March 2020, in Guanabara Bay, one of the most urbanized and polluted coastal areas in Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil. The turtle was in fair body condition and exhibited multiple cutaneous fibropapillomas, covering almost 60% of its body. Despite continued medical therapy, the animal died 60 days after initial supportive care. Necropsy revealed granulomatous pneumonia, hydropericardium, small granulomas in the myocardium, liver, spleen, thyroid and brain and caseous exudate in the meninges of the brain. The histopathological analysis showed disseminated granulomatous inflammation in various organs examined during necropsy. Intrahistiocytic acid-fast bacteria were observed in the liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen, brain and adrenals. The blood culture collected shortly after the animal was admitted tested positive for Mycobacterium gordonae, after an 8-week incubation period; however, the animal had already died by the time the results were obtained. Postmortem examination confirmed systemic mycobacteriosis, identified as M. gordonae in blood, liver and lung cultures and by PCR amplification of DNA extracts from frozen tissue samples. This is the first report of a disseminated infection caused by M. gordonae in a free-ranging sea turtle. Although the source of this Mycobacterium remains unknown, it could potentially be related to anthropogenic activities (e.g., waste dumping or leakage from landfill sites). Increasing surveillance of Mycobacterium in wild sea turtles is of paramount importance to better understand the role of mycobacterial species as causative agents of infections in marine species

    Green turtle head trauma with intracerebral hemorrhage: image diagnosis and treatment Traumatismo craniano com hemorragia intracerebral em tartaruga verde: diagnóstico por imagem e tratamento

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    Sea turtles are threatened to the point of extinction. The major goal of rehabilitating injured individuals is to eventually reintroduce them back into their habitat. Sea turtles are vulnerable to anthropogenic effects, and impact traumas are a common cause of death among these animals. Carapace and skull fractures are usually related to vessel collisions or propeller impacts. However, intentional traumas inflicted by humans are also considered as a potential threat. The purpose of this article is to describe the diagnosis and rehabilitation procedures of a juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) after severe head trauma with brain hemorrhage. The data presented here can be used as a reference for future cases of head trauma in chelonians.Tartarugas marinhas são animais ameaçados de extinção. Por isso, o principal objetivo em reabilitar indivíduos feridos é posteriormente reintroduzi-los em seu habitat. Quelônios marinhos apresentam grande vulnerabilidade a efeitos antropogênicos, e a ocorrência de traumatismos impactantes constituem uma importante causa de óbitos entre esses animais. Fraturas de carapaça e crânio estão normalmente associadas a colisões por embarcações. No entanto, lesões intencionais provocadas por humanos também podem ser consideradas ameaças em potencial. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o diagnóstico e a reabilitação de um indivíduo jovem de tartaruga verde (C. mydas) após traumatismo craniano severo com hemorragia cerebral. Os dados apresentados poderão ser utilizados como referências para casos futuros de traumatismos afetando a região da cabeça de quelônios

    Ingestão de resíduos antropogênicos por tartarugas marinhas no litoral norte do estado da Bahia, Brasil Anthropogenic debris ingestion by sea turtles in the northern coast of Bahia, Brazil

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    Este trabalho descreve a presença de resíduos antropogênicos no trato digestório de tartarugas marinhas no Litoral Norte da Bahia, Brasil. Foram realizadas necropsias no trato digestório de 45 tartarugas marinhas encontradas mortas (Chelonia mydas n=36; Eretmochelys imbricata n=9), no período de janeiro de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Em 60% (27/45) das tartarugas necropsiadas foram encontrados resíduos, especialmente aqueles relacionados à atividade de pesca. Os resíduos encontravam-se ao longo de todo o trato gastrointestinal, com predominância no intestino grosso. A ingestão de resíduos pelas tartarugas marinhas do Litoral Norte da Bahia pode levar a debilidade e até mesmo provocar a morte destes animais.<br>This study investigates the presence of anthropogenic debris in the digestive tract of sea turtles in the Northern Coast of Bahia, Brazil. Necropsies were performed on 45 turtles, 36 green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and 9 hawksbills (Eretmochelys imbricata), found dead between january 2006 and october 2007. Debris was found in 60% of the animals, especially those related to fishing activities. Litter could be found throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract, but it was found predominantly in the large intestine (47.53%). The ingestion of debris by turtles from the Northern coast of Bahia may lead these animals to starvation, weakness and even death

    Bioquímica plasmática de cascavéis (Caudisona durissa LINNAEUS, 1758) em cativeiro Blood biochemical parameters from captivity rattlesnake (Caudisona durissa LINNAEUS, 1758)

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    Acidentes com seres humanos envolvendo a espécie Caudisona durissa possuem a mais alta taxa de letalidade dentre os viperídeos brasileiros. Ressalta-se então a importância para a saúde pública da criação dessa espécie em cativeiro para produção de soro antiofídico. No entanto, essa atividade ainda hoje encontra alguns desafios como a instalação de doenças no plantel, evidenciando a importância de estudos sobre a fisiologia de serpentes. Dessa forma, foram realizadas análises de bioquímica plasmática em 53 serpentes da espécie Caudisona durissa, mantidas em cativeiro. Foram utilizadas amostras de plasma com heparina e as dosagens bioquímicas realizadas em aparelho automatizado (Ciba Corning - Express Plus®). Os resultados e seus respectivos desvios-padrões foram: uréia -1,32mg dL-1 (&plusmn;1,1); ácido úrico - 2,08mg dL-1 (&plusmn;1,4); creatinina - 0,52mg dL-1 (&plusmn;0,2); proteína total - 3,7g dL-1 (&plusmn;0,7); albumina - 1,62g dL-1 (&plusmn;0,4); globulinas - 2,08g dL-1 (&plusmn;0,5); cálcio - 15,25mg dL-1 (&plusmn;2,8); fósforo - 4,61mg dL-1 (&plusmn;1,9); colesterol - 171,58mg dL-1 (&plusmn;52,7); triglicerídeos - 19,29mg dL-1 (&plusmn;14,3); fosfatase alcalina - 31,04U L-1 (&plusmn;12,4); aspartato aminotransferase (AST) - 22,25U L-1 (&plusmn;11,4); alanina aminotransferase (ALT) - 7,11U L-1 (&plusmn;5,4) e Amilase - 1385,23U L-1 (&plusmn;568,7). Foram calculados os seguintes índices: relação uréia/creatinina - 2,5 e relação cálcio/fósforo - 3,3. O conjunto de resultados das análises bioquímicas do sangue das cascavéis em cativeiro pode servir como referência para apoio diagnóstico na espécie estudada e para outros trabalhos com o mesmo caráter de observação.<br>Human accidents involving rattlesnake Caudisona durissa have the highest fatality rate among the Brazilian Viperidae family. Breeding this specie in captivity in order to produce antivenoms is very important to public health. Nevertheless, there are some challenges that this activity must face, like the onset of diseases on the breeding stock, justifying the importance of studying these snakes' physiology. Blood biochemical analysis of 53 Caudisona durissa was performed using plasma samples in an automated equipment (Ciba Corning - Express Plus®). Mean values and its respective Standard deviations are: blood urea nitrogen (BUN) -1.32mg dL-1 (&plusmn;1.1); uric acid - 2.08mg dL-1 (&plusmn;1.4); creatinine - 0.52mg dL-1 (&plusmn;0.2); total protein - 3.7g dL-1 (&plusmn;0.7); albumin - 1.62g dL-1 (&plusmn;0.4); globulins - 2.08g dL-1 (&plusmn;0.5); calcium - 15.25mg dL-1 (&plusmn;2.8); phosphorus - 4.61mg dL-1 (&plusmn;1.9); cholesterol - 171.58mg dL-1 (&plusmn;52.7); triglycerides - 19.29mg dL-1 (&plusmn;14.3); alkaline phosfatase - 31.04U L-1 (&plusmn;12.4); aspartate aminotransferase (AST) - 22.25U L-1 (&plusmn;11.4); alanin aminotransferase (ALT) 7.11U L-1 (&plusmn;5.4); amylases - 1385.23U L-1 (&plusmn;568.7). The following indexes were calculated: BUN/creatinine ratio - 2.5 and calcium/phosphorus ratio -3.3. Rattlesnake blood biochemical results above could be used as reference in clinical evaluation for captivity C. durissa