7 research outputs found

    Guided Discovery Modules for Statics and Dynamics

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    Students struggle to conceptualize Engineering Mechanics (i.e. Newtonian Physics, Statics, and Dynamics) fundamentals because they cannot successfully visualize the effects of external loads on physical systems and/or do not intuitively comprehend the static or dynamic response. Traditionally, Engineering Mechanics courses like Statics and Dynamics have been primarily lecture-based with little experimentation. The authors contend that through the use of inquirybased, multimodal activities, lower-division engineering students can more effectively interpret Engineering Mechanics concepts. Instructors must place emphasis on engendering properly conceived engineering intuition and contextualizing concepts and fundamentals. The authors hypothesize that by utilizing often simple, multimodal, inquiry-based exercises, instructors can better overcome misconceptions. A novel methodology termed “guided discovery” is presented herein. It borrows aspects of challenge-based and discovery learning. The method, however, is optimized for short in-class activities and homework assignments. Several modules are presented to illustrate the processes used and some preliminary results are included

    Ethnic Context and Immigration Policy Preferences Among Latinos and Anglos

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    Objective. We examine how the immigration policy preferences of Anglos and Latinos vary according to ethnic context. Specifically, we hypothesize that immigration policy attitudes are a product of both Latino immigrant and Latino native born group size. In contrast to previous work, which found that Latinos and Anglos react to contextual forces in an identical manner, we argue that Latino group size produces opposite reactions for Anglos and Latinos. Methods. These hypotheses are tested using an original state-wide survey of Anglos and Latinos in Texas conducted during 2006, which is supplemented with data from the 2000 Census. Results. Our findings show that residing in a heavily Latino area produces more liberal immigration attitudes among Latinos and more conservative attitudes among Anglos. However, this result is driven not by the size of the foreign-born Latino population, but by the size of the native-born Latino population. Conclusion. Anti-immigrant sentiments among Anglos appear to result, at least in part, from ethnic concerns

    Mobilizing the Latino Youth Vote: Some Experimental Results

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    The objectives of this article are to test whether Latino canvassers are more effective than non-Latino canvassers at increasing voter turnout among young Latinos, and to test whether young Latinos are more receptive to a mobilization message that stresses ethnic group solidarity or one that emphasizes civic duty. Copyright (c) 2006 Southwestern Social Science Association.

    Chapter II: Conditions that Make Effective Guidance Possible

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    Teacher Competence

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