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11 research outputs found
You're Only as Old as Your Arteries: Translational Strategies for Preserving Vascular Endothelial Function with Aging
Cines DB
Gioscia-Ryan RA
+6Â more
Luscher TF
Mirea O
Paul V
Pearson TA
Walker AE
Wrick KL
Publication venue
'American Physiological Society'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Differences in perceptions of functional foods: UK public vs. nutritionists
Blades M
Childs NM
+11Â more
Diplock AT
Fife-Schaw C
Heasman M
Lawrence M
McCrea D
NCC (National Consumer Council
Raats M
Roberfroid MB
Sparks P
Wrick KL
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effect of dietary oat and soy fiber on bowel function and clinical tolerance in a tube feeding dependent population.
Anderson JW
Bach KE
+20Â more
Benya R
Benya R
Bourquin LD
Connor WE
Edes TE
Fischer M
Frankenfield DC
Frankenfield DC
Frankenfield DC
Gottschlich MM
Harju E
Heymsfield SB
Holt S
Lampe J
Parmar JR
Ray TK
Scheppach W
Trowell HC
Tsai AC
Wrick KL
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Shift from a mixed diet to a lactovegetarian diet: Influence on some cancerâassociated intestinal bacterial enzyme activities
Bruce WR
Burkitt DP
+20Â more
Cummings JH
Geltner U
Goldin BR
Goldin BR
Goldin BR
Gunnar K. Johansson
Haenzel W
Hirayama T
Hylemon PB
Janâ[Agrave]ke Gustafsson
Johansson G
Laqueur GL
Larsen GL
Laurell E
Ludmila Ottova
Reddy BS
Scheune RR
Simon GL
van Faassen A
Wrick KL
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Dietary fiber and cancer: A supplement for intervention studies
Beaton GH
BrightâSee E
+21Â more
BrightâSee E
Burkitt DP
Dales LG
E. A. Jacobson
E. BrightâSee
G. McKeownâEyssen
H. W. Newmark
Jacobson AE
Jain M
Kahaner N
Kay RM
L. Morson
McKeownâEyssen GE
Modan B
R. Mathews
Reddy BS
Sestili MA
Smith MD
V. Jazmaji
W. R. Bruce
Wrick KL
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The effect of rice fibre fractions on the growth of co-cultures of probiotics
A Angelov
A Bezkorovainy
+29Â more
AD Beverly
AMP Gomes
AMP Gomes
AS Gupthat
C Lönner
C Shortt
E Giraud
EC Titgemeyer
FV Passos
G Tzortzis
GR Gibson
GR Gibson
GR Gibson
GW Tannock
HS Shin
I Marklinder
J Jaskari
KL Wrick
M Yoshimoto
MG Ganzle
MR Smiricky-Tjardes
P Mercier
R Crittenden
T Mitsuoka
T Yaeshima
WEV Lankaputhra
WMADB Fernando
X Wang
Y Bouhnik
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Cultural, socioeconomic and nutritional determinants of functional food consumption patterns
A Saremi
AT Erkkila
+28Â more
CL Craig
CM Hasler
E Degrave
E Landstrom
European Commission Concerted Action on Functional Food Science
G Vansant
G Vansant
I Guelinckx
J Bogue
JH Kelly
KL Wrick
M Anttolainen
M Hulens
M Kornitzer
M Niva
M Niva
M Simojoki
MF Jacobson
MJ Davies
N de Jong
N Urala
P Autier
P Clarys
P Mullie
P Mullie
PM Kris-Etherton
SM Grundy
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effect of wheat bran on bowel function and fecal calcium in older adults.
Adams CF
Allen LH
+35Â more
Andersson H
Battle EH
Brauer PM
Clarke ANG
Cummings JH
Dintzis FR
Eastwood MA
Eastwood MA
Findlay JM
Fischer M
Graham DY
Guncaga J
Harland BF
Heaney RP
Hull C
Iseminger M
Johnson EJ
Kelsay JL
Kelsay JL
Malawer SJ
Marlett JA
Marlett JA
Marlett JA
Neilson MJ
Payler DK
Reinhold JG
Sandberg AS
Sandman PO
Slavin JL
Stasse-Wolthuis M
Stephan AM
Theander O
Van Dokkum W
Wrick KL
Zimring JG
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Colonic carcinogenesis: The microbial feast or famine mechanism
Baig MM
Bjelke E
+59Â more
Bjelke E
Chang MLW
Cummings JH
Cummings JH
Cummings JH
De Wever I
Dean G
Enstrom JE
Fisher N
Fleming S
Haenszel W
Hanson CF
Horvath PJ
Hoskins LC
Howe GR
Hunt JN
Ikeda K
Jain M
Joseph L. Jeraci
Low AG
McBurney MI
McBurney MI
Mendeloff A
Meyers S
Michael I. McBurney
Miller AB
Miller TL
Moore WEC
Moore WEC
Newmark HL
Nigro ND
Nigro ND
Oakenfull DG
Perman JA
Peter J. Van Soest
Phillips R
Platt SR
Rea RL
Read NW
Rees WDW
Ruckebusch Y
Salyers AA
Salyers AA
Schang JC
Schemann M
Shiau S
StasseâWolthuis M
Thompson LU
Van Soest PJ
Van Soest PJ
Van Soest PJ
Vimr ER
Visek WJ
Weisbrodt NW
Wolin MJ
Wolin MJ
Wrick KL
Wynder EL
Yoon JH
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Nutritional advantages of oats and opportunities for its processing as value added foods - a review
A Ahmad
A Aigster
+136Â more
A Berg
A Blandino
A Fasano
A Kaukovirta-Norja
A Laca
A Lapvetelainen
A Mohamed
A Stark
A Wilhelmson
AL Amundsen
AM Bode
AS Dissanayake
AS Hager
BO Schneeman
C Ballabio
C Klose
CM Crehan
CM Ripsin
CT Ponne
CW Hsueh
D Deane
D Klensporf
D Ryan
DA Gray
DC Zhang
DD Gallaher
DG Daniels
DG Stevenson
DM Peterson
DM Peterson
DS Head
E Martinelli
EA Murphy
EJ Hoffenberg
EK Janatuinen
EL Moltenberg
EM White
F Meuser
FR Valle Del
FW Collins
G Onning
GA Mansoori
GE Inglett
I Capouchova
I Capouchova
I Nakurte
I Yilmaz
J Chen
J Hallfrisch
J He
JH Kim
JK Chavan
JL Sun
JM Harper
JM Valle Del
JR Trevithick
JW Anderson
JW Anderson
K Holm
KC Srivastava
KD Kaur
KL Wrick
KL Wrick
L Flander
L Hogberg
L Liu
L Marquart
L Nie
L Packer
L Ryan
L Wang
LH Dimberg
LS Robert
M Huth
M Kova cova
M Meydani
M Panasiewicz
M Ramesh
M Sadiq Butt
M Skoglund
M Zhang
ME Sanchez-Pardo
MJ Morello
MM Murphy
MO Creigton
N Tapola
N Uengkimbuan
N Yao
O Martensson
P Lehtinen
P Linko
P Matilla
PG Baker
PJ Kumar
PJ Wahab
PK Zwer
PM Kanerva
PR Shewry
PW Caton
Q Keying
R Hartono
R Hoover
R Hoover
R Hoover
R Lasztity
R McKechnie
R Shen
R Wang
RA Forsberg
RS Farag
S Cenkowski
S Chillo
S Gupta
S Kusch
S Lee
S Poinerou
S Ramos
S Salminen
S Storsrud
SM Fors
T Jiaxun
T Oku
T Vasanthan
T Yoshikawa
TS Kahlon
TS Kahlon
TT Liu
W Berski
W Bushuk
W Ganssmann
WEW Roediger
WK Dicke
WM Ross
Z Zdunczyk
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text