5 research outputs found

    Electrical resistance oven baking as a tool to study crumb structure formation in gluten-free bread

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    Gradientless baking by means of ohmic heating was used for the first time in gluten-free (GF) bread making. Combination thereof with in-line measurements of batter height, viscosity and carbon dioxide (CO2) release proved to be powerful for studying structure formation in GF breads. GF breads studied here were based on (i) a mixture of potato and cassava starches and egg white powder (C/P-S+EW), (ii) rice flour (RF) or (iii) a mixture of RF and egg white powder (RF+EW). The work revealed that bread volume and crumb structure rely heavily on the balance between the moment of CO2 release from batter during baking and that of crumb setting. At the moment of CO2 release, C/P-S+EW bread crumb had already (partly) set, while this was not the case for RF bread crumb, resulting in a collapse and thus low volume of the latter. When a part of RF was replaced by egg white powder, the moment of CO2 release was postponed and the batter collapse was less pronounced, leading to a higher volume and a finer crumb. The presence of egg white proteins in C/P-S+EW or RF+EW batters improved gas cell stabilization. Thus, increasing batter stability or altering the moment of crumb setting results in GF breads with higher volume and a finer crumb structure.status: publishe

    Enzymatically Hydrolyzed Wheat Gluten as a Foaming Agent in Food: Incorporation in a Meringue Recipe as a Proof-of-Concept

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    There is a growing interest in substituting animal proteins with plant protein sources in food systems. A notable example is the replacement of hen egg white (EW) protein, which is used in a wide range of food products because of its excellent foaming characteristics. Here, enzymatically hydrolyzed wheat gluten, which has greater solubility and better foaming properties than wheat gluten itself, was prepared and incorporated in a classical meringue recipe to investigate its potential as a foaming agent. Meringues based on gluten hydrolysates (GHs) had batters with lower density and greater apparent viscosity than those based solely on EW protein. Furthermore, after baking, these GH containing meringues had greater specific volume than those based on EW protein alone and no notable differences in color or texture between the different samples were noted. These outcomes were related to basic insights in the air-water interfacial behavior of GHs obtained in earlier studies. More specifically, the greater foaming capacity of GH than of EW protein solutions was related to their superior meringue batter (density and apparent viscosity) and product (specific volume) properties. While EW protein solutions had better foam stability than GH solutions (in the absence of sugar), this was apparently less relevant for meringue properties, probably due to the very high viscosity of the sugar rich batter, which could obscure differences in the intrinsic foam stabilizing ability of the samples. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Replacing animal proteins with plant protein sources in the food industry is desirable from an economic and environmental perspective. Enzymatic hydrolysis serves as a tool to improve the foaming properties of water-insoluble wheat gluten proteins. We conclude that wheat gluten hydrolysates can be a valid functional alternative for egg white proteins in meringues, and possibly other food systems.status: publishe

    Linear and Non-linear Rheology of Bread Doughs Made from Blends of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Rye (Secale cereale L.) Flour

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    Strain hardening of wheat flour (WF) proteins during fermentation and baking is at the basis of the excellent quality of wheat breads. Yet, there are good reasons to use rye flour (RF), such as its high content of dietary fiber and other bioactives. However, rye proteins lack the ability to form dough with sufficient strain hardening capacity under extension, which partially explains the inferior quality of rye breads. A promising strategy to make high-quality breads with high nutritional value is the use of WF and RF blends. Despite this, the rheological behavior of WF/RF bread doughs has not yet been investigated. This study examines their rheology by non-linear uniaxial extensional and small-amplitude oscillatory shear measurements, and relates these measurements to the quality of the resulting breads. The strain hardening index (SHI), derived from extensional measurements, is expressed as the transient extensional viscosity at maximum strain [ηₑ⁺(εmax)] relative to the linear extensional viscosity extrapolated to maximum strain [ηₑₒ⁺(εmax)]. Both the SHI and bread volume decreased when the level of RF in the blend increased. As an example, replacing 60% WF by RF led to a relative decrease of the SHI and bread volume of 34 and 64%, respectively. The decrease of the SHI is correlated to an increase in ηₑₒ⁺(εmax). Comparison of the extensional curves of doughs made with blends of WF and RF and doughs made with blends of WF and wheat starch (WS) further revealed that RF components play a major role in the rheology of the doughs. In conclusion, it was found that WF/RF blends need to contain at least 60% WF to obtain bread of proper quality.status: publishe

    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lipid species distribution in the different stages of straight dough bread making

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    Although wheat endogenous lipids strongly impact bread quality, knowledge on their detailed distribution throughout the different stages of straight dough bread making is lacking. We here compared the lipid populations in hexane [containing free lipids (FLs)] and water-saturated butanol extracts [containing bound lipids (BLs)] of wheat flour, freshly mixed and fermented doughs, and bread crumb using high-performance liquid-chromatography [for nonpolar lipids, i.e. mainly free fatty acids (FFA) and triacylglycerols] and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (for polar lipids). Freshly mixed doughs had lower FL and higher BL levels than flour, a phenomenon referred to as lipid-binding. Furthermore, probably due to the disintegration of flour particles, the overall extractability of nonpolar lipids was higher in freshly mixed dough than in flour. Dough fermentation decreased the extractability of glycolipids, but increased that of nonpolar lipids and phospholipids. We hypothesize that these phenomena result from stretching of the gluten network due to gas cell expansion, which leads to the replacement of some lipids associated with gluten proteins by others. Baking increased the extractability of bound lysophospatidylcholine (LPC) levels, but decreased that of free FFA. This is probably due to in situ dissociation of amylose-LPC inclusion complexes and formation of amylose-FFA inclusion complexes during bread baking and cooling, respectively. The approach and ESI-MS/MS methodology we developed provided valuable insights regarding the distribution of lipids at the different stages of bread making. Hence, it opens perspectives for future efforts to relate differences in lipid composition between wheat cultivars to their bread making quality.status: publishe

    The role of lipids in determining the air-water interfacial properties of wheat, rye, and oat dough liquor constituents

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    Bread is mainly made from wheat but also from other cereals such as rye and oats. We here report on the role of dough liquor (DL) proteins and lipids in determining the stability of gas cell air-water (A-W) interfaces in wheat, rye, and oat bread making. Surprisingly, most lipids in DLs of these cereals are nonpolar. Their main polar DL lipids are phospholipids. Lipids at wheat and rye DL stabilized A-W interfaces impair interactions between its proteins, as reflected by an increased A-W interfacial shear viscosity of the adsorbed film upon defatting. In contrast, removing most lipids from oat DL pronouncedly increased the A-W interface surface tension, demonstrating that lipids are the prominent adsorbed species.status: publishe