12 research outputs found

    Fishery biomass trends of exploited fish populations in marine ecoregions, climatic zones and ocean basins

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    Highlights: • 1st global long-term fishery biomass trends evaluation of 1300 exploited marine populations. • Decline in average fishery biomass observed across oceans and climate zones. • Systemic wide-spread overfishing of the world's coastal and continental shelf water. Abstract: This contribution presents time series of the ‘fishery biomass’ of fish populations, defined as the weight (whole-body, wet weight) of the in-water part of a fishable population, i.e., that part of a population (also called ‘stock’) that is exposed to a certain fishing gear. Detailed data of this type are only available for a limited number of species that are targets of the fisheries in the waters of economically developed regions, such as Europe, the USA, Canada or Australia. However, similar fishery biomass assessments are generally lacking for developing countries, even for many of their most heavily fished species. Here, an estimation of the long-term fishery biomass trends of 1320 fish and invertebrate populations for 483 species exploited by fisheries in the 232 coastal Marine Ecoregions (MEs) around the world was undertaken. Fishery biomass trends were derived using the Bayesian CMSY stock assessment method applied to the global fisheries catch database for 1950–2014 as reconstructed by the Sea Around Us for every maritime fishing country in the world. Overall, the results suggest a consistent decline in the fishery biomass of exploited populations, in virtually all climatic zones and ocean basins in the world. The only zone with currently higher fishery biomass than in 1950 is the northern Pacific polar-boreal zone, likely due to environmental changes that occurred in the region positively affecting fish populations, combined with prudent management of the fisheries. For populations in MEs that are known to have highly questionable catch statistics, the results suggested smaller declines in fishery biomass than likely occurred in reality, implying that these results do not exaggerate declining trends in fishery biomass. This study used informative Bayesian priors to improve the trend analyses in areas where systematic stock assessments were conducted. The use of these independent assessments reduced the uncertainty associated with the findings of this study

    Thermomodernisation of the historic churches

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    W czterech zabytkowych kościołach zlokalizowanych na terenie diecezji Drohiczyńskiej przeprowadzono termomodernizację. Przedstawiono roczne efekty energetyczne, jakie można uzyskać w wyniku zaproponowanych usprawnień oraz zaproponowany optymalny zakres przeprowadzenia prac termomodernizacyjnych w tych obiektach.The thermosmodernisation was carried out in four historic churches located in the area of the Drohiczyn Diocese. The annual energy effects that could be archived as a result of the proposed improvements were shown. Optimal range of thermomodernisation in these facilities was proposed

    The energetical, economical and ecological effects of the hotel building thermomodernization in Białystok

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    W hotelu wybudowanym w latach 1973-1975, charakteryzującym się wysokim wskaźnikiem rocznego zapotrzebowania na ciepło do ogrzewania wynoszącym 342,84 kWh/m2rok, przeprowadzono kompleksową termomodernizację bryły budynku, modernizację instalacji c.o. i c.w.u. oraz źródła ciepła. Określono roczne efekty energetyczne, ekonomiczne i ekologiczne, jakie można uzyskać w wyniku tych usprawnień. Przedstawiono zakres przeprowadzenia prac termomodernizacyjnych budynku i zaproponowane rozwiązanie technologiczne modernizacji starej kotłowni olejowej wykorzystującej energię odnawialną do wspomagania podgrzewu ciepłej wody użytkowej.In the hotel, built in the years 1973-1975, characterized by a high rate of annual heat demand for heating (342.84 kWh/m2year), a complex thermal modernization of the body building, the heating system and warm water one and a heat source were performed. The annual energy performance, as well as economical and ecological effects were determined, that can be obtained as a result of these improvements. The range of thermomodernization works carried out of the body building and modernization of the proposed technological solution using the old oil boiler to support renewable energy hot water heating were presented

    Reduction of emission pollution as a result of thermomodernisation historic sacral buildings

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    W artykule przedstawiono efekty ekologiczne, jakie można uzyskać po wykonaniu przedsięwzięć termomodernizacyjnych na podstawie audytów energetycznych wykonanych w zabytkowych budynkach sakralnych. Analizie poddane zostały cztery kościoły zlokalizowane na terenie diecezji Drohiczyńskiej, w dekanacie sarnackim – kościół numer 1 i numer 2, w dekanacie sokołowskim – kościół numer 3 i w dekanacie bielskim – kościół numer 4.The paper presents the environmental effect that can be archived after thermomodernisation based on energy audits carried out in historic sacra buildings. Four church were analysed, all of them were located in the are of the Drohiczyn Diocese

    Adaptation of the modified pulse method for determination of thermal diffusivity of solids in the vicinity of the second-order phase transition points

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    The paper presents the adaptation of the modified pulse method for investigating temperature characteristics of thermal diffusivity in the vicinity of the second-order phase transition points. The principle of the adaptation consists in the modified in relation to the original method, development of the characteristics of temperature changes between boundary surfaces of a flat-parallel specimen after the laser shot onto its front surface. The application of this adaptation was illustrated with investigation into thermal diffusivity of nickel (99.9% wt) in the temperature range of 20–380°C. In all cases the measurement error was less than 3%, and the averaging interval for the measured values of thermal diffusivity was not greater than 1.2 K

    Investigation of transient heat transfer in composite walls using carbon/epoxy composites as an example

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    The paper presents the application of similarity theory to investigations of transient heat transfer in materials with complex structure. It describes the theoretical-experimental method for identification and design of the structure of two-component composite walls based on the research of the thermal diffusivity for the composite and its matrix separately. The thermal diffusivity was measured by means of the modified flash method. The method was tested on two samples of double-layer ‘epoxy resin – polyamide’. All the investigated samples had the same diameter of 12 mm and thickness ranging from 1.39–2.60 mm and their equivalent value of thermal diffusivity ranging from (1.21–1.98)×10-7 m2/s. Testing the method and research on carbon/epoxy composites was carried out at temperatures close to room temperature