4 research outputs found
Taking account of Land-Sea Interactions in Marine Spatial Planning
- Author
- DG Environment
- Ecorys
- European MSP Platform
- European MSP Platform
- F Douvere
- F Maes
- Future Earth Coasts
- Government of Malta
- K Pınarbaşı
- Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
- Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment
- MM Foley
- Nautical Institute and the World Ocean Council
- R Ramesh
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- University of Liverpool
- University of Liverpool
- University of Liverpool
- University of Liverpool
- W Szydarowski
- Publication venue
- Palgrave Macmillan
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
Exploring a Resilience-Based Approach to Spatial Planning in Fathom Five National Marine Park, Lake Huron, Canada, Using Marxan with Zones
- Author
- [CCSP] Climate Change Science Program
- [CHS] Canadian Hydrographic Service
- [IUCN WCPA] International Union for Conservation of Nature World Commission on Protected Areas
- [MEA] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
- [OMNR] Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
- [USGS] US Geological Survey
- Agostini V.N.
- Ardron J.A.
- Assel R.A.
- Beak Consultants Ltd
- C. Harpur
- Canada
- Cruce T.
- Environment Canada
- Environment Canada and the US Environmental Protection Agency
- Goodyear C.D.
- Holling C.S.
- J. Truscott
- Lebel L.
- Mercier F.
- Parker S.R.
- Parks Canada
- Parks Canada
- Parks Canada
- Resilience Alliance
- Riley S.C.
- S.D. Murphy
- Scholz A.
- Scott R. Parker
- Strayer D.L.
- Walker B.
- Watts M.E.
- Watts M.E.
- Watts M.E.
- World Ocean Conference
- Yurick D.
- Zolli A.
- Publication venue
- 'Natural Areas Journal'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Power and Energy Directly from Water
- Author
- Atkins W.
- Bedard R.
- Bedard R.
- Bertsch D.
- Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
- Conference
- Crettenand N.
- Dorf R.
- Fyall J.
- Gauntlett D.
- Green Tech
- Howey D.
- International Energy Agency
- International Rivers
- James P.
- Jha A.
- Johnson K.
- Khandker S.
- Koch L.
- Kraemer S.
- Lalander E.
- Lima J.
- Lockheed Martin
- Miller C.
- Minerals Management Service
- Ocean Energy Council
- Ortega-Achury S.
- Pelamis Wave Power
- PEW Center on Global Climate Change
- Ponia B.
- Previsic M.
- Previsic M.
- Red
- Reedsport OPT
- Robbins P.
- Sautter J.A.
- Sentürk F.
- Sharp D.
- The Economist
- Thomas B.
- US Department of Energy Wind and Water Power Program Marine and Hydrokinetic Technologies
- Vega L.A.
- Walsh M.B.
- World Watch Institute
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Advancing the framework for considering the effects of climate change on worker safety and health
- Author
- A. Bhattacharya
- American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
- American Public Health Association
- Arbury S.
- B. Jacklitsch
- Bennett C.M.
- Berry H.L.
- Bloom A.J.
- Brown J.
- C.R. Butler
- California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Centers for Disease Control Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC)
- Chorley A.
- Clayton S.
- Colón-González F.J.
- Cozzetto K
- Crider K.G.
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
- Fritze J.G.
- G.R. Wagner
- H.K. Chun
- Hambach R.
- Hanna E.G.
- Hatfield J.
- Hebisch R.
- Hess J.J.
- Institute of Medicine (IOM)
- Institute of Medicine (IOM)
- J. Lincoln
- J. Shire
- J. Watson
- Kjellstrom T.
- Kjellstrom T.
- Law B.F.
- Leithead C.S.
- Letcher T.M.
- Levy S.
- Luber G.
- M. Kiefer
- Malcolm S.
- Mallick F.H.
- Manangan A.P.
- McMichael A.J.
- Melillo J.M.
- Mulloy K.B.
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Ocean Studies Board
- Ocean Studies Board
- P.A. Schulte
- Parham P.E.
- Pollack E.
- Portier C.
- S. Pendergrass
- Shelton C.
- Smith K.
- Spengler J.
- T. Jacobs
- Talamon A.
- Tawatsupa B.
- Thomsen C.
- Tibbetts J.
- Tomei F.
- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Weaver S.
- World Health Organization
- World Meterological Organization (WMO)
- Zhang Y.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study