7 research outputs found

    American Jewish Congress records, undated, 1916-2005.

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    The records of the American Jewish Congress, a national Jewish agency, concerned primarily with Jewish and other minority civil rights, include the constitution, by-laws, and minutes of the Administrative and Executive Committees and Governing Council of the Congress. The collection has materials generated by the National Biennial Conventions, Executive Directors, including Phil Baum and Henry Siegman, and the General Counsel files of Will Maslow, Commissions and the Jerusalem Conferences of Mayors, Regional Chapters, National Women's Division, Business and Professional Chapters, Public Relations, and miscellaneous activities conducted by American Jewish Congress.Microfilm available for Congress Monthly, January 1935-May 1940, 1989-2007.American Jewish CongressFinding Aid available in Reading Room and on Internet

    Chapter 10. Religion in the University in the Closing Phase of the Presidency of Nathan Pusey and the Advent of President Derek Bok, 1971–1991, Dean of its Law School During the Harvard Upheaval (1969)

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