3,131 research outputs found

    Working with Gekidan Kaitaisha: Addressing the complexity of the self of the performer as other

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    This project focuses on performance-making practices for contemporary audiences and addresses the complexity of the self of the performer as other, drawing primarily on the author’s collaborative practice with Japanese performance company Gekidan Kaitaisha. The investigation approaches the enquiry from a practitioner’s perspective and addresses questions that emerge from that practice. The aim of this is to establish accounts of the self of the performer, performer expertise, collaborative performance processes and cultural hybridization. The project specifically transcribes the sensed and felt experience, and knowledge, of the expert practitioner. This offers insights into the complexity of the self of the performer as other, transcultural collaboration, and performance making. Through a qualitative research based inquiry, the project draws on a practice-centred approach, with the inquiry taking place through both practice as research and literature-based research, culminating in a written thesis and the DVD documentation of the rehearsal processes and performances from a range of collaborative projects. The inquiry constructs a layered, multifaceted, and multi-linear map of performer-bodyness and performer-selfhood that operates within the compositional processes of performance-making, and draws out an ‘actional self’ in-process and constantly altered, composed, recomposed, and difficult to grasp as a singular static unchanging “thing” or quality. The investigation addresses post-colonial complexities through an understanding of the work of certain twentieth century writers and practitioners, in terms of a desire for difference, and addresses the complexity of the self of the performer as other in a culturally complex context. It locates ‘otherness’ in terms of identity within the framework of cultural distinctions, where the other might be perceived to be a site of desire. The practice reveals that something is being played out, in performance-making terms, that is much more complex, complicated, and ungraspable than the idea of the ambiguities of cultural distinctiveness

    Effects of introduced trout predation on non-diadromous galaxiid fish populations across invaded riverscapes

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    Abstract We assessed the landscape-scale effect of predation pressure from trout on the population integrity and distributions of non-diadromous galaxiids in high-country streams of the South Island, New Zealand. The effects of trout (brown trout, Salmo trutta, and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss) on two widespread species, the Canterbury galaxias (Galaxias vulgaris Stokell) and the alpine galaxias (G. paucispondylus Stokell) were assessed. Experiments confirmed that both species were vulnerable to trout predation and that habitat (size and disturbance regime) may be a factor in local co-occurrence. Quantitative electrofishing surveys indicated that G. paucispondylus distributions were less affected by trout than G. vulgaris distributions and that the species’ range was limited by temperature. Trout created demographic sinks for G. vulgaris across most invaded reaches, while refuge populations in streams above barriers to trout acted as demographic sources for this species. G. vulgaris was consistently absent from small, stable stream reaches far from sources, indicating that trout predation pressure and propagule pressure (driven by immigration from sources) interact to drive local G. vulgaris persistence in trout-invaded reaches. Predation pressure is likely to be highest in areas where infrequent flooding allows high densities of large trout (> 150 mm FL) to occur and where there are few refugia for galaxiids. A spatial model was developed to predict exclusion of galaxiids by trout across invaded networks. If used appropriately, the model could be used to find new refuge populations of non-diadromous galaxiids and to aid planning of active rehabilitation of trout-invaded river networks

    Bioavailability and activity of 0.1% amcinonide preparations: comparison with proprietary topical corticosteroid formulations of differing potencies

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    The activity of a 0.1% amcinonide cream was compared with those of selected proprietary topical corticosteroid formulations of potencies differing according to the United Kingdom (U.K.) MIMS classification (very potent, potent and moderately potent) using a standard six hour vasoconstrictor assay with multiple reading times. Statistical analysis indicated that 0.1% amcinonide cream feU within the category of a very potent preparation. Three 0.1% amcinonide formulations (cream, combination cream and combination ointment, the last two containing anti-infective agents) were equipotent in the skin-blanching test

    Possible dosage regimens for topical steroids assessed by vasoconstrictor assays using multiple applications

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    The bioavailabilities and activities of three amcinonide preparations and Betnovate cream were assessed using three multiple-dosage regimen vasoconstrictor assays in 10 volunteers. Applications were made once daily, twice daily and every alternate day with an initial three times daily loading dose applied on the first day only. Blanching responses first increased and then decreased due to tachyphylaxis. It is proposed that clinically the most advantageous dosage regimen is a once daily application with no loading dose

    Le test de McKenzie-Stoughton: méthode de mesure de l’effect réservoir

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    A la suite de I'observation que firent Mac Kenzie et Stoughton en 1962, montrant que I'application locale de cortico'ldes anti-inflammatoires peut produire un blanchiment de la peau, des tests ont ete mis au point pour apprecier la constitution d'une telle paleur chez des sujets volontaires. Les techniques qui ont ete publiees sont variables quant a la methode d'application (avec ou sans occlusion), la duree d'application du cortico'lde (.c'est-a-dire duree breve de 6 a 8 heures ou prolongee de 16 a 20 heures) et quant a la methode d'appreciation de la reponse, enregistree par exemple comme etant presente ou absente, ou bien cotee, soit avec une simple lecture,. soit avec des lectures repetees, pendant un certain temps. Les auteurs ont mis au point des essais standart de vasoconstriction avec et sans occlusion, pour apprecier les preparations quant a leur efficacite clinique pour determiner la biodisponibilite des cortico'ldes a partir des supports pour applications locales. A condition que I'investigateur et Ie volontaire se conforment strictement au protocole du test les methodes suivantes ont une precision surprenante d'appreciation (Barry et Woodford, 1978)

    Victimization and microaggressions targeting LGBTQ college students: Gender identity as a moderator of psychological distress

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    LGBTQ discrimination continues to be common on college campuses. While a number of studies have examined blatant victimization among students, little attention has been given to LGBTQ microaggressions. In this study, we examine both blatant victimization and microaggressions and their association with psychological distress among LGBTQ college students (N=497) and look at whether gender identity moderates these relationships. Both forms of discrimination are associated with lower self-esteem and greater stress and anxiety. Victimization is more negatively associated with self-esteem among trans* students. Our findings emphasize the importance of addressing both blatant and subtle forms of discrimination targeting LGBTQ college students