13,754 research outputs found

    Generating a Schr\"odinger-cat-like state via a coherent superposition of photonic operations

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    We propose an optical scheme to generate a superposition of coherent states with enhanced size adopting an interferometric setting at the single-photon level currently available in the laboratory. Our scheme employs a nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier together with two beam splitters so that the detection of single photons at the output conditionally implements the desired superposition of second-order photonic operations. We analyze our proposed scheme by considering realistic on-off photodetectors with nonideal efficiency in heralding the success of conditional events. A high-quality performance of our scheme is demonstrated in view of various criteria such as quantum fidelity, mean output energy, and measure of quantum interference

    Isobar of an ideal Bose gas within the grand canonical ensemble

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    We investigate the isobar of an ideal Bose gas confined in a cubic box within the grand canonical ensemble, for a large yet finite number of particles, N. After solving the equation of the spinodal curve, we derive precise formulae for the supercooling and the superheating temperatures which reveal an N^{-1/3} or N^{-1/4} power correction to the known Bose-Einstein condensation temperature in the thermodynamic limit. Numerical computations confirm the accuracy of our analytical approximation, and further show that the isobar zigzags on the temperature-volume plane if N is greater than or equal to 14393. In particular, for the Avogadro's number of particles, the volume expands discretely about 10^5 times. Our results quantitatively agree with a previous study on the canonical ensemble within 0.1% error.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; Reference added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Protein Clusters on the T Cell Surface May Suppress Spurious Early Signaling Events

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    T cells play an important role in the adaptive immune system, quickly activating effector functions in response to small numbers of antigenic peptides but rarely activating in response to constant interaction with most endogenous peptides. Emerging experimental evidence suggests that key membrane-bound signaling proteins such as the T cell receptor and the adaptor protein Lat are spatially organized into small clusters on the T cell membrane. We use spatially resolved, stochastic computer simulations to study how the inhomogeneous distribution of molecules affects the portion of the T cell signaling network in which the kinase ZAP-70, originating in T cell receptor clusters, phosphorylates Lat. To gain insight into the effects of protein clustering, we compare the signaling response from membranes with clustered proteins to the signaling response from membranes with homogeneously distributed proteins. Given a fixed amount of ZAP-70 (a proxy for degree of TCR stimulation) that must diffuse into contact with Lat molecules, the spatially homogeneous system responds faster and results in higher levels of phosphorylated Lat. Analysis of the spatial distribution of proteins demonstrates that, in the homogeneous system, nearest ZAP-70 and Lat proteins are closer on average and fewer Lat molecules share the same closest ZAP-70 molecule, leading to the faster response time. The results presented here suggest that spatial clustering of proteins on the T cell membrane may suppress the propagation of signal from ZAP-70 to Lat, thus providing a regulatory mechanism by which T cells suppress transient, spurious signals induced by stimulation of T cell receptors by endogenous peptides. Because this suppression of spurious signals may occur at a cost to sensitivity, we discuss recent experimental results suggesting other potential mechanisms by which ZAP-70 and Lat may interact to initiate T cell activation.United States. National Institutes of Health (Grant 1P01AI091580-01

    Wave Mechanics of Two Hard Core Quantum Particles in 1-D Box

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    The wave mechanics of two impenetrable hard core particles in 1-D box is analyzed. Each particle in the box behaves like an independent entity represented by a {\it macro-orbital} (a kind of pair waveform). While the expectation value of their interaction, ,vanishesforeverystateoftwoparticles,theexpectationvalueoftheirrelativeseparation,, vanishes for every state of two particles, the expectation value of their relative separation, , satisfies λ/2 \ge \lambda/2 (or qπ/dq \ge \pi/d, with 2d=L2d = L being the size of the box). The particles in their ground state define a close-packed arrangement of their wave packets (with =λ/2 = \lambda/2, phase position separation Δϕ=2π\Delta\phi = 2\pi and momentum qo=π/d|q_o| = \pi/d) and experience a mutual repulsive force ({\it zero point repulsion}) fo=h2/2md3f_o = h^2/2md^3 which also tries to expand the box. While the relative dynamics of two particles in their excited states represents usual collisional motion, the same in their ground state becomes collisionless. These results have great significance in determining the correct microscopic understanding of widely different many body systems.Comment: 12 pages, no figur

    The UV Continuum of Quasars: Models and SDSS Spectral Slopes

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    We measure long (2200-4000 ang) and short (1450-2200 ang) wavelength spectral slopes \alpha (F_\nu proportional to \nu^\alpha) for quasar spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The long and short wavelength slopes are computed from 3646 and 2706 quasars with redshifts in the z=0.76-1.26 and z=1.67-2.07 ranges, respectively. We calculate mean slopes after binning the data by monochromatic luminosity at 2200 ang and virial mass estimates based on measurements of the MgII line width and 3000 ang continuum luminosity. We find little evidence for mass dependent variations in the mean slopes, but a significant luminosity dependent trend in the near UV spectral slopes is observed with larger (bluer) slopes at higher luminosities. The far UV slopes show no clear variation with luminosity and are generally lower (redder) than the near UV slopes at comparable luminosities, suggesting a slightly concave quasar continuum shape. We compare these results with Monte Carlo distributions of slopes computed from models of thin accretion disks, accounting for uncertainties in the mass estimates. The model slopes produce mass dependent trends which are larger than observed, though this conclusion is sensitive to the assumed uncertainties in the mass estimates. The model slopes are also generally bluer than observed, and we argue that reddening by dust intrinsic to the source or host galaxy may account for much of the discrepancy.Comment: To be published in ApJ, 18 pages, 10 figure

    Heralded quantum steering over a high-loss channel

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    Entanglement is the key resource for many long-range quantum information tasks, including secure communication and fundamental tests of quantum physics. These tasks require robust verification of shared entanglement, but performing it over long distances is presently technologically intractable because the loss through an optical fiber or free-space channel opens up a detection loophole. We design and experimentally demonstrate a scheme that verifies entanglement in the presence of at least 14.8±0.114.8\pm0.1 dB of added loss, equivalent to approximately 8080 km of telecommunication fiber. Our protocol relies on entanglement swapping to herald the presence of a photon after the lossy channel, enabling event-ready implementation of quantum steering. This result overcomes the key barrier in device-independent communication under realistic high-loss scenarios and in the realization of a quantum repeater.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Linear Momentum Transfer in 40-150-MeV Proton-induced Reactions with 238-U

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440