1,712 research outputs found

    Generative Adversarial Networks via a Composite Annealing of Noise and Diffusion

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    Generative adversarial network (GAN) is a framework for generating fake data using a set of real examples. However, GAN is unstable in the training stage. In order to stabilize GANs, the noise injection has been used to enlarge the overlap of the real and fake distributions at the cost of increasing variance. The diffusion (or smoothing) may reduce the intrinsic underlying dimensionality of data but it suppresses the capability of GANs to learn high-frequency information in the training procedure. Based on these observations, we propose a data representation for the GAN training, called noisy scale-space (NSS), that recursively applies the smoothing with a balanced noise to data in order to replace the high-frequency information by random data, leading to a coarse-to-fine training of GANs. We experiment with NSS using DCGAN and StyleGAN2 based on benchmark datasets in which the NSS-based GANs outperforms the state-of-the-arts in most cases

    All but One: Surgical Concept Erasing with Model Preservation in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

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    Text-to-Image models such as Stable Diffusion have shown impressive image generation synthesis, thanks to the utilization of large-scale datasets. However, these datasets may contain sexually explicit, copyrighted, or undesirable content, which allows the model to directly generate them. Given that retraining these large models on individual concept deletion requests is infeasible, fine-tuning algorithms have been developed to tackle concept erasing in diffusion models. While these algorithms yield good concept erasure, they all present one of the following issues: 1) the corrupted feature space yields synthesis of disintegrated objects, 2) the initially synthesized content undergoes a divergence in both spatial structure and semantics in the generated images, and 3) sub-optimal training updates heighten the model's susceptibility to utility harm. These issues severely degrade the original utility of generative models. In this work, we present a new approach that solves all of these challenges. We take inspiration from the concept of classifier guidance and propose a surgical update on the classifier guidance term while constraining the drift of the unconditional score term. Furthermore, our algorithm empowers the user to select an alternative to the erasing concept, allowing for more controllability. Our experimental results show that our algorithm not only erases the target concept effectively but also preserves the model's generation capability.Comment: Main paper with supplementary material

    Prioritized LT Codes

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    The original Luby Transform (LT) coding scheme is extended to account for data transmissions where some information symbols in a message block are more important than others. Prioritized LT codes provide unequal error protection (UEP) of data on an erasure channel by modifying the original LT encoder. The prioritized algorithm improves high-priority data protection without penalizing low-priority data recovery. Moreover, low-latency decoding is also obtained for high-priority data due to fast encoding. Prioritized LT codes only require a slight change in the original encoding algorithm, and no changes at all at the decoder. Hence, with a small complexity increase in the LT encoder, an improved UEP and low-decoding latency performance for high-priority data can be achieved. LT encoding partitions a data stream into fixed-sized message blocks each with a constant number of information symbols. To generate a code symbol from the information symbols in a message, the Robust-Soliton probability distribution is first applied in order to determine the number of information symbols to be used to compute the code symbol. Then, the specific information symbols are chosen uniform randomly from the message block. Finally, the selected information symbols are XORed to form the code symbol. The Prioritized LT code construction includes an additional restriction that code symbols formed by a relatively small number of XORed information symbols select some of these information symbols from the pool of high-priority data. Once high-priority data are fully covered, encoding continues with the conventional LT approach where code symbols are generated by selecting information symbols from the entire message block including all different priorities. Therefore, if code symbols derived from high-priority data experience an unusual high number of erasures, Prioritized LT codes can still reliably recover both high- and low-priority data. This hybrid approach decides not only "how to encode" but also "what to encode" to achieve UEP. Another advantage of the priority encoding process is that the majority of high-priority data can be decoded sooner since only a small number of code symbols are required to reconstruct high-priority data. This approach increases the likelihood that high-priority data is decoded first over low-priority data. The Prioritized LT code scheme achieves an improvement in high-priority data decoding performance as well as overall information recovery without penalizing the decoding of low-priority data, assuming high-priority data is no more than half of a message block. The cost is in the additional complexity required in the encoder. If extra computation resource is available at the transmitter, image, voice, and video transmission quality in terrestrial and space communications can benefit from accurate use of redundancy in protecting data with varying priorities

    Simulating Operation of a Complex Sensor Network

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    Simulation Tool for ASCTA Microsensor Network Architecture (STAMiNA) ["ASCTA" denotes the Advanced Sensors Collaborative Technology Alliance.] is a computer program for evaluating conceptual sensor networks deployed over terrain to provide military situational awareness. This or a similar program is needed because of the complexity of interactions among such diverse phenomena as sensing and communication portions of a network, deployment of sensor nodes, effects of terrain, data-fusion algorithms, and threat characteristics. STAMiNA is built upon a commercial network-simulator engine, with extensions to include both sensing and communication models in a discrete-event simulation environment. Users can define (1) a mission environment, including terrain features; (2) objects to be sensed; (3) placements and modalities of sensors, abilities of sensors to sense objects of various types, and sensor false alarm rates; (4) trajectories of threatening objects; (5) means of dissemination and fusion of data; and (6) various network configurations. By use of STAMiNA, one can simulate detection of targets through sensing, dissemination of information by various wireless communication subsystems under various scenarios, and fusion of information, incorporating such metrics as target-detection probabilities, false-alarm rates, and communication loads, and capturing effects of terrain and threat

    Constraint Embedding Technique for Multibody System Dynamics

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    Multibody dynamics play a critical role in simulation testbeds for space missions. There has been a considerable interest in the development of efficient computational algorithms for solving the dynamics of multibody systems. Mass matrix factorization and inversion techniques and the O(N) class of forward dynamics algorithms developed using a spatial operator algebra stand out as important breakthrough on this front. Techniques such as these provide the efficient algorithms and methods for the application and implementation of such multibody dynamics models. However, these methods are limited only to tree-topology multibody systems. Closed-chain topology systems require different techniques that are not as efficient or as broad as those for tree-topology systems. The closed-chain forward dynamics approach consists of treating the closed-chain topology as a tree-topology system subject to additional closure constraints. The resulting forward dynamics solution consists of: (a) ignoring the closure constraints and using the O(N) algorithm to solve for the free unconstrained accelerations for the system; (b) using the tree-topology solution to compute a correction force to enforce the closure constraints; and (c) correcting the unconstrained accelerations with correction accelerations resulting from the correction forces. This constraint-embedding technique shows how to use direct embedding to eliminate local closure-loops in the system and effectively convert the system back to a tree-topology system. At this point, standard tree-topology techniques can be brought to bear on the problem. The approach uses a spatial operator algebra approach to formulating the equations of motion. The operators are block-partitioned around the local body subgroups to convert them into aggregate bodies. Mass matrix operator factorization and inversion techniques are applied to the reformulated tree-topology system. Thus in essence, the new technique allows conversion of a system with closure-constraints into an equivalent tree-topology system, and thus allows one to take advantage of the host of techniques available to the latter class of systems. This technology is highly suitable for the class of multibody systems where the closure-constraints are local, i.e., where they are confined to small groupings of bodies within the system. Important examples of such local closure-constraints are constraints associated with four-bar linkages, geared motors, differential suspensions, etc. One can eliminate these closure-constraints and convert the system into a tree-topology system by embedding the constraints directly into the system dynamics and effectively replacing the body groupings with virtual aggregate bodies. Once eliminated, one can apply the well-known results and algorithms for tree-topology systems to solve the dynamics of such closed-chain system

    OTJR: Optimal Transport Meets Optimal Jacobian Regularization for Adversarial Robustness

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    The Web, as a rich medium of diverse content, has been constantly under the threat of malicious entities exploiting its vulnerabilities, especially with the rapid proliferation of deep learning applications in various web services. One such vulnerability, crucial to the fidelity and integrity of web content, is the susceptibility of deep neural networks to adversarial perturbations, especially concerning images - a dominant form of data on the web. In light of the recent advancements in the robustness of classifiers, we delve deep into the intricacies of adversarial training (AT) and Jacobian regularization, two pivotal defenses. Our work {is the} first carefully analyzes and characterizes these two schools of approaches, both theoretically and empirically, to demonstrate how each approach impacts the robust learning of a classifier. Next, we propose our novel Optimal Transport with Jacobian regularization method, dubbed~\SystemName, jointly incorporating the input-output Jacobian regularization into the AT by leveraging the optimal transport theory. In particular, we employ the Sliced Wasserstein (SW) distance that can efficiently push the adversarial samples' representations closer to those of clean samples, regardless of the number of classes within the dataset. The SW distance provides the adversarial samples' movement directions, which are much more informative and powerful for the Jacobian regularization. Our empirical evaluations set a new standard in the domain, with our method achieving commendable accuracies of 51.41\% on the ~\CIFAR-10 and 28.49\% on the ~\CIFAR-100 datasets under the AutoAttack metric. In a real-world demonstration, we subject images sourced from the Internet to online adversarial attacks, reinforcing the efficacy and relevance of our model in defending against sophisticated web-image perturbations