7,708 research outputs found

    Less is More: Micro-expression Recognition from Video using Apex Frame

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    Despite recent interest and advances in facial micro-expression research, there is still plenty room for improvement in terms of micro-expression recognition. Conventional feature extraction approaches for micro-expression video consider either the whole video sequence or a part of it, for representation. However, with the high-speed video capture of micro-expressions (100-200 fps), are all frames necessary to provide a sufficiently meaningful representation? Is the luxury of data a bane to accurate recognition? A novel proposition is presented in this paper, whereby we utilize only two images per video: the apex frame and the onset frame. The apex frame of a video contains the highest intensity of expression changes among all frames, while the onset is the perfect choice of a reference frame with neutral expression. A new feature extractor, Bi-Weighted Oriented Optical Flow (Bi-WOOF) is proposed to encode essential expressiveness of the apex frame. We evaluated the proposed method on five micro-expression databases: CAS(ME)2^2, CASME II, SMIC-HS, SMIC-NIR and SMIC-VIS. Our experiments lend credence to our hypothesis, with our proposed technique achieving a state-of-the-art F1-score recognition performance of 61% and 62% in the high frame rate CASME II and SMIC-HS databases respectively.Comment: 14 pages double-column, author affiliations updated, acknowledgment of grant support adde

    A middleware for a large array of cameras

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    Large arrays of cameras are increasingly being employed for producing high quality image sequences needed for motion analysis research. This leads to the logistical problem with coordination and control of a large number of cameras. In this paper, we used a lightweight multi-agent system for coordinating such camera arrays. The agent framework provides more than a remote sensor access API. It allows reconfigurable and transparent access to cameras, as well as software agents capable of intelligent processing. Furthermore, it eases maintenance by encouraging code reuse. Additionally, our agent system includes an automatic discovery mechanism at startup, and multiple language bindings. Performance tests showed the lightweight nature of the framework while validating its correctness and scalability. Two different camera agents were implemented to provide access to a large array of distributed cameras. Correct operation of these camera agents was confirmed via several image processing agents

    Computational Aspects of Optional P\'{o}lya Tree

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    Optional P\'{o}lya Tree (OPT) is a flexible non-parametric Bayesian model for density estimation. Despite its merits, the computation for OPT inference is challenging. In this paper we present time complexity analysis for OPT inference and propose two algorithmic improvements. The first improvement, named Limited-Lookahead Optional P\'{o}lya Tree (LL-OPT), aims at greatly accelerate the computation for OPT inference. The second improvement modifies the output of OPT or LL-OPT and produces a continuous piecewise linear density estimate. We demonstrate the performance of these two improvements using simulations

    Opioid-sparing effects of perioperative paracetamol and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in children.

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    Perioperative pain in children can be effectively managed with systemic opioids, but addition of paracetamol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may reduce opioid requirements and potentially improve analgesia and/or reduce adverse effects

    Vision-based tracking of a dynamic target with application to multi-axis position control

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    Two sub-pixel resolution approaches to measure in-plane displacements and in-plane rotation of a known target, through image processing, are described in this research. A dynamic known target is displayed on a pixel grid, which is attached to one end of the kinematic chain of an XYθZ stage; the latter represents the experimental testbed. At the other end of the kinematic chain, a digital monochrome camera is fixed to the bottom of the stage and provides 3D position information used as the feedback signal to the vision-based control system in charge of the tool’s motion. The illuminated pixels on the display are captured in real time by the digital camera, and the stage motion control system attempts to keep the displayed image in the proper location with respect to the camera image plane. The result is a direct sensing multi-DOF position feedback system. The proposed camera-pixel grid sensing setup eliminates the reliance on the kinematic model and also avoids the need for traditional error compensation techniques, along with their associated cost and complexity. Positioning resolutions on the order of 1/100th of the pixel size on the display are achieved

    Anachronistic Grain Growth and Global Structure of the Protoplanetary Disk Associated with the Mature Classical T Tauri Star, PDS 66

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    We present ATCA interferometric observations of the old (13 Myr), nearby (86pc) classical T Tauri star, PDS 66. Unresolved 3 and 12 mm continuum emission is detected towards PDS 66, and upper limits are derived for the 3 and 6 cm flux densities. The mm-wave data show a spectral slope flatter than that expected for ISM-sized dust particles, which is evidence of grain growth. We also present HST/NICMOS 1.1 micron PSF-subtracted coronagraphic imaging of PDS 66. The HST observations reveal a bilaterally symmetric circumstellar region of dust scattering about 0.32% of the central starlight, declining radially in surface brightness. The light-scattering disk of material is inclined 32 degrees from face-on, and extends to a radius of 170 AU. These data are combined with published optical and longer wavelength observations to make qualitative comparisons between the median Taurus and PDS 66 spectral energy distributions (SEDs). By comparing the near-infrared emission to a simple model, we determine that the location of the inner disk radius is consistent with the dust sublimation radius (1400 K at 0.1 AU). We place constraints on the total disk mass using a flat-disk model and find that it is probably too low to form gas giant planets according to current models. Despite the fact that PDS 66 is much older than a typical classical T Tauri star (< 5 Myr), its physical properties are not much different.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure