43,845 research outputs found

    Two gamma quarkonium and positronium decays with Two-Body Dirac equations of constraint dynamics

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    Two-Body Dirac equations of constraint dynamics provide a covariant framework to investigate the problem of highly relativistic quarks in meson bound states. This formalism eliminates automatically the problems of relative time and energy, leading to a covariant three dimensional formalism with the same number of degrees of freedom as appears in the corresponding nonrelativistic problem. It provides bound state wave equations with the simplicity of the nonrelativistic Schroedinger equation. Unlike other three-dimensional truncations of the Bethe-Salpeter equation, this covariant formalism has been thoroughly tested in nonperturbatives contexts in QED, QCD, and nucleon-nucleon scattering. Here we continue the important studies of this formalism by extending a method developed earlier for positronium decay into two photons to tests on the sixteen component quarkonium wave function solutions obtained in meson spectroscopy. We examine positronium decay and then the two-gamma quarkonium decays of eta_c, eta'_c, chi_0c, chi_2c, and pi-zero The results for the pi-zero, although off the experimental rate by 13%, is much closer than the usual expectations from a potential model.Comment: 4 pages. Presented at Second Meeting of APS Topical Group on Hadron Physics, Nashville, TN, Oct 22-24. Proceedings to be published by Journal of Physics (UK), Conference Serie

    Asymptotic properties of eigenmatrices of a large sample covariance matrix

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    Let Sn=1nXnXnS_n=\frac{1}{n}X_nX_n^* where Xn={Xij}X_n=\{X_{ij}\} is a p×np\times n matrix with i.i.d. complex standardized entries having finite fourth moments. Let Yn(t1,t2,σ)=p(xn(t1)(Sn+σI)1xn(t2)xn(t1)xn(t2)mn(σ))Y_n(\mathbf {t}_1,\mathbf {t}_2,\sigma)=\sqrt{p}({\mathbf {x}}_n(\mathbf {t}_1)^*(S_n+\sigma I)^{-1}{\mathbf {x}}_n(\mathbf {t}_2)-{\mathbf {x}}_n(\mathbf {t}_1)^*{\mathbf {x}}_n(\mathbf {t}_2)m_n(\sigma)) in which σ>0\sigma>0 and mn(σ)=dFyn(x)x+σm_n(\sigma)=\int\frac{dF_{y_n}(x)}{x+\sigma} where Fyn(x)F_{y_n}(x) is the Mar\v{c}enko--Pastur law with parameter yn=p/ny_n=p/n; which converges to a positive constant as nn\to\infty, and xn(t1){\mathbf {x}}_n(\mathbf {t}_1) and xn(t2){\mathbf {x}}_n(\mathbf {t}_2) are unit vectors in Cp{\Bbb{C}}^p, having indices t1\mathbf {t}_1 and t2\mathbf {t}_2, ranging in a compact subset of a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. In this paper, we prove that the sequence Yn(t1,t2,σ)Y_n(\mathbf {t}_1,\mathbf {t}_2,\sigma) converges weakly to a (2m+1)(2m+1)-dimensional Gaussian process. This result provides further evidence in support of the conjecture that the distribution of the eigenmatrix of SnS_n is asymptotically close to that of a Haar-distributed unitary matrix.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AAP748 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Algebraic techniques in designing quantum synchronizable codes

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    Quantum synchronizable codes are quantum error-correcting codes that can correct the effects of quantum noise as well as block synchronization errors. We improve the previously known general framework for designing quantum synchronizable codes through more extensive use of the theory of finite fields. This makes it possible to widen the range of tolerable magnitude of block synchronization errors while giving mathematical insight into the algebraic mechanism of synchronization recovery. Also given are families of quantum synchronizable codes based on punctured Reed-Muller codes and their ambient spaces.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. The framework presented in this article supersedes the one given in arXiv:1206.0260 by the first autho

    Non-preemptive Scheduling in a Smart Grid Model and its Implications on Machine Minimization

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    We study a scheduling problem arising in demand response management in smart grid. Consumers send in power requests with a flexible feasible time interval during which their requests can be served. The grid controller, upon receiving power requests, schedules each request within the specified interval. The electricity cost is measured by a convex function of the load in each timeslot. The objective is to schedule all requests with the minimum total electricity cost. Previous work has studied cases where jobs have unit power requirement and unit duration. We extend the study to arbitrary power requirement and duration, which has been shown to be NP-hard. We give the first online algorithm for the general problem, and prove that the problem is fixed parameter tractable. We also show that the online algorithm is asymptotically optimal when the objective is to minimize the peak load. In addition, we observe that the classical non-preemptive machine minimization problem is a special case of the smart grid problem with min-peak objective, and show that we can solve the non-preemptive machine minimization problem asymptotically optimally