598 research outputs found

    Injury Severity Score (ISS) vs. ICD-derived Injury Severity Score (ICISS) in a patient population treated in a designated Hong Kong trauma centre

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    Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) has been the benchmark of mortality risk in trauma centers for over 30 years. TRISS utilizes the Injury Severity Score (ISS) as an index of anatomical injury. This study investigated the efficacy of a new type of index of anatomical injury called the ICD-derived Injury Severity Score (ICISS) compared to the ISS using a logistic regression analysis and a global chi-square test of the areas under the Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curves. We found that the empirically derived ICISS performed as well as the consensus derived ISS with no statistical differences between their respective area under the ROC curves

    Persistence in a Stationary Time-series

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    We study the persistence in a class of continuous stochastic processes that are stationary only under integer shifts of time. We show that under certain conditions, the persistence of such a continuous process reduces to the persistence of a corresponding discrete sequence obtained from the measurement of the process only at integer times. We then construct a specific sequence for which the persistence can be computed even though the sequence is non-Markovian. We show that this may be considered as a limiting case of persistence in the diffusion process on a hierarchical lattice.Comment: 8 pages revte

    Persistence of a Continuous Stochastic Process with Discrete-Time Sampling: Non-Markov Processes

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    We consider the problem of `discrete-time persistence', which deals with the zero-crossings of a continuous stochastic process, X(T), measured at discrete times, T = n(\Delta T). For a Gaussian Stationary Process the persistence (no crossing) probability decays as exp(-\theta_D T) = [\rho(a)]^n for large n, where a = \exp[-(\Delta T)/2], and the discrete persistence exponent, \theta_D, is given by \theta_D = \ln(\rho)/2\ln(a). Using the `Independent Interval Approximation', we show how \theta_D varies with (\Delta T) for small (\Delta T) and conclude that experimental measurements of persistence for smooth processes, such as diffusion, are less sensitive to the effects of discrete sampling than measurements of a randomly accelerated particle or random walker. We extend the matrix method developed by us previously [Phys. Rev. E 64, 015151(R) (2001)] to determine \rho(a) for a two-dimensional random walk and the one-dimensional random acceleration problem. We also consider `alternating persistence', which corresponds to a < 0, and calculate \rho(a) for this case.Comment: 14 pages plus 8 figure

    Large-Deviation Functions for Nonlinear Functionals of a Gaussian Stationary Markov Process

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    We introduce a general method, based on a mapping onto quantum mechanics, for investigating the large-T limit of the distribution P(r,T) of the nonlinear functional r[V] = (1/T)\int_0^T dT' V[X(T')], where V(X) is an arbitrary function of the stationary Gaussian Markov process X(T). For T tending to infinity at fixed r we find that P(r,T) behaves as exp[-theta(r) T], where theta(r) is a large deviation function. We present explicit results for a number of special cases, including the case V(X) = X \theta(X) which is related to the cooling and the heating degree days relevant to weather derivatives.Comment: 8 page

    A strong pair correlation bound implies the CLT for Sinai Billiards

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    For Dynamical Systems, a strong bound on multiple correlations implies the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) [ChMa]. In Chernov's paper [Ch2], such a bound is derived for dynamically Holder continuous observables of dispersing Billiards. Here we weaken the regularity assumption and subsequently show that the bound on multiple correlations follows directly from the bound on pair correlations. Thus, a strong bound on pair correlations alone implies the CLT, for a wider class of observables. The result is extended to Anosov diffeomorphisms in any dimension.Comment: 13 page

    Effective action approach and Carlson-Goldman mode in d-wave superconductors

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    We theoretically investigate the Carlson-Goldman (CG) mode in two-dimensional clean d-wave superconductors using the effective ``phase only'' action formalism. In conventional s-wave superconductors, it is known that the CG mode is observed as a peak in the structure factor of the pair susceptibility S(Ω,K)S(\Omega, \mathbf{K}) only just below the transition temperature T_c and only in dirty systems. On the other hand, our analytical results support the statement by Y.Ohashi and S.Takada, Phys.Rev.B {\bf 62}, 5971 (2000) that in d-wave superconductors the CG mode can exist in clean systems down to the much lower temperatures, T0.1TcT \approx 0.1 T_c. We also consider the manifestations of the CG mode in the density-density and current-current correlators and discuss the gauge independence of the obtained results.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX4, 12 EPS figures; final version to appear in PR

    Fraction of uninfected walkers in the one-dimensional Potts model

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    The dynamics of the one-dimensional q-state Potts model, in the zero temperature limit, can be formulated through the motion of random walkers which either annihilate (A + A -> 0) or coalesce (A + A -> A) with a q-dependent probability. We consider all of the walkers in this model to be mutually infectious. Whenever two walkers meet, they experience mutual contamination. Walkers which avoid an encounter with another random walker up to time t remain uninfected. The fraction of uninfected walkers is investigated numerically and found to decay algebraically, U(t) \sim t^{-\phi(q)}, with a nontrivial exponent \phi(q). Our study is extended to include the coupled diffusion-limited reaction A+A -> B, B+B -> A in one dimension with equal initial densities of A and B particles. We find that the density of walkers decays in this model as \rho(t) \sim t^{-1/2}. The fraction of sites unvisited by either an A or a B particle is found to obey a power law, P(t) \sim t^{-\theta} with \theta \simeq 1.33. We discuss these exponents within the context of the q-state Potts model and present numerical evidence that the fraction of walkers which remain uninfected decays as U(t) \sim t^{-\phi}, where \phi \simeq 1.13 when infection occurs between like particles only, and \phi \simeq 1.93 when we also include cross-species contamination.Comment: Expanded introduction with more discussion of related wor

    Survival in equilibrium step fluctuations

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    We report the results of analytic and numerical investigations of the time scale of survival or non-zero-crossing probability S(t)S(t) in equilibrium step fluctuations described by Langevin equations appropriate for attachment/detachment and edge-diffusion limited kinetics. An exact relation between long-time behaviors of the survival probability and the autocorrelation function is established and numerically verified. S(t)S(t) is shown to exhibit simple scaling behavior as a function of system size and sampling time. Our theoretical results are in agreement with those obtained from an analysis of experimental dynamical STM data on step fluctuations on Al/Si(111) and Ag(111) surfaces.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Fast-track adaptive laboratory evolution of Cupriavidus necator H16 with divalent metal cations

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    Microbial strain improvement through adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) has been a key strategy in biotechnology for enhancing desired phenotypic traits. In this Biotech Method paper, we present an accelerated ALE (aALE) workflow and its successful implementation in evolving Cupriavidus necator H16 for enhanced tolerance toward elevated glycerol concentrations. The method involves the deliberate induction of genetic diversity through controlled exposure to divalent metal cations, enabling the rapid identification of improved variants. Through this approach, we observed the emergence of robust variants capable of growing in high glycerol concentration environments, demonstrating the efficacy of our aALE workflow. When cultivated in 10% v/v glycerol, the adapted variant Mn-C2-B11, selected through aALE, achieved a final OD600 value of 56.0 and a dry cell weight of 15.2 g L−1, compared to the wild type (WT) strain's final OD600 of 39.1 and dry cell weight of 8.4 g L−1. At an even higher glycerol concentration of 15% v/v, Mn-C2-B11 reached a final OD600 of 48.9 and a dry cell weight of 12.7 g L−1, in contrast to the WT strain's final OD600 of 9.0 and dry cell weight of 3.1 g L−1. Higher glycerol consumption by Mn-C2-B11 was also confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis. This adapted variant consumed 34.5 times more glycerol compared to the WT strain at 10% v/v glycerol. Our method offers several advantages over other reported ALE approaches, including its independence from genetically modified strains, specialized genetic tools, and potentially carcinogenic DNA-modifying agents. By utilizing divalent metal cations as mutagens, we offer a safer, more efficient, and cost-effective alternative for expansion of genetic diversity. With its ability to foster rapid microbial evolution, aALE serves as a valuable addition to the ALE toolbox, holding significant promise for the advancement of microbial strain engineering and bioprocess optimization