493 research outputs found

    Enjoy the Popcorn: helping your child re-script the bully horror show

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    The script theory in social psychology provides the major foundation for a range of strategies in this book for parents to guide their children to manage situations that involve bullying. The practical techniques covered include breathing and imagery skills as well as cognitive and interpersonal skills for expanding the children's positive social circles

    Automated Tessellated Fundus Detection in Color Fundus Images

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    In this work, we propose an automated tessellated fundus detection method by utilizing texture features and color features. Color moments, Local Binary Patterns (LBP), and Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) are extracted to represent the color fundus image. After feature extraction, a SVM classifier is trained to detect the tessellated fundus. Both linear and RBF kernels are applied and compared in this work. A dataset with 836 fundus images is built to evaluate the proposed method. For linear SVM, the mean accuracy of 98% is achieved, with sensitivity of 0.99 and specificity of 0.98. For RBF kernel, the mean accuracy is 97%, with sensitivity of 0.99 and specificity of 0.95. The detection results indicate that color features and texture features are able to describe the tessellated fundus

    Obesity and the microvasculature

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    Overweight and obesity are thought to significantly influence a person's risk of cardiovascular disease, possibly via its effect on the microvasculature. Retinal vascular caliber is a surrogate marker of microvascular disease and a predictor of cardiovascular events. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine the association between body mass index (BMI) and retinal vascular caliber. Relevant studies were identified by searches of the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases from 1966 to August 2011. Standardized forms were used for data extraction. Among over 44,000 individuals, obese subjects had narrower arteriolar and wider venular calibers when compared with normal weight subjects, independent of conventional cardiovascular risk factors. In adults, a 1 kg/m(2) increase in BMI was associated with a difference of 0.07 μm [95% CI: -0.08; -0.06] in arteriolar caliber and 0.22 μm [95% CI: 0.21; 0.23] in venular caliber. Similar results were found for children. Higher BMI is associated with narrower retinal arteriolar and wider venular calibers. Further prospective studies are needed to examine whether a causative relationship between BMI and retinal microcirculation exists

    Patient-defined recovery from depression in primary care in Singapore

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    Research on consumer-defined recovery from mental illness has been criticised for a lack of quantitative analyses and conceptual clarity. This study aims to address this by statistically testing the possible associations between a major model of the stages of recovery and five postulated processes that have been theorised to drive recovery. Eighty-eight participants, who attended psychological consultation for depression at the National Healthcare Group Polyclinics, were recruited. Questionnaires on recovery stages and the five recovery processes were directly administered, while the measure for depressive symptoms were extracted from case file data. Results showed that the five recovery processes were associated with the recovery stages in a manner that supported this recovery model for patients with depression in primary care. However, most of these associations became nonsignificant when the severity of depression was controlled for. Thus, further research is needed to precisely identify the impact of the severity of depression on the patients’ experience of their recovery journeys

    Deep learning system to predict the 5-year risk of high myopia using fundus imaging in children

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    Our study aims to identify children at risk of developing high myopia for timely assessment and intervention, preventing myopia progression and complications in adulthood through the development of a deep learning system (DLS). Using a school-based cohort in Singapore comprising 998 children (aged 6-12 years old), we train and perform primary validation of the DLS using 7456 baseline fundus images of 1878 eyes; with external validation using an independent test dataset of 821 baseline fundus images of 189 eyes together with clinical data (age, gender, race, parental myopia, and baseline spherical equivalent (SE)). We derive three distinct algorithms - image, clinical, and mix (image + clinical) models to predict high myopia development (SE ≤ -6.00 diopter) during teenage years (5 years later, age 11-17). Model performance is evaluated using the area under the receiver operating curve (AUC). Our image models (Primary dataset AUC 0.93-0.95; Test dataset 0.91-0.93), clinical models (Primary dataset AUC 0.90-0.97; Test dataset 0.93-0.94) and mixed (image + clinical) models (Primary dataset AUC 0.97; Test dataset 0.97-0.98) achieve clinically acceptable performance. The addition of 1 year SE progression variable has minimal impact on the DLS performance (clinical model AUC 0.98 versus 0.97 in the primary dataset, 0.97 versus 0.94 in the test dataset; mixed model AUC 0.99 versus 0.97 in the primary dataset, 0.95 versus 0.98 in test dataset). Thus, our DLS allows prediction of the development of high myopia by teenage years amongst school-going children. This has potential utility as a clinical decision support tool to identify "at-risk" children for early intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Your perception may predict your anxiety level: a preliminary study in primary care in Singapore

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    Background: Patients’ perception of their medical illness has been shown to associate with not only their responses to the illness but under certain conditions even outcomes of their illness. While anxiety is prevalent among primary care patients, illness perception studies relating to anxiety in this population are scarce. This study aimed to fill this gap and explore clues for perceptual elements of primary care patients’ effective management of their own anxiety. Methods: Ninety-five adult participants (65% female and 35% male) were recruited in two primary care clinics in this cross-sectional study. The questionnaires administered were Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) and Illness Perception Questionnaire Mental Health (IPQ-MH) were used to assess anxiety and illness perception respectively. Data analysis was conducted using Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients and linear regression. Results: Four specific dimensions of the participants’ illness perception (i.e., consequences, personal control, coherence and biology) were found to be significantly correlated with their severity of anxiety. In other words, the participants experienced higher anxiety when they perceived a serious impact of anxiety in their lives, experienced a diminished sense of self-efficacy, had trouble understanding their condition and attributed their anxiety to biological causes (which could presumably be ameliorated only with medication). Conclusion: Attribution to biological factors and personal control were highly significant predictors of severity of anxiety. Clinicians should consider psychological interventions that target patients’ medication adherence as well as their physiological responses to anxiety (e.g., breathing skills). Further, anxiety patients’ experience of personal control should be enhanced which could be facilitated through deliberate assessment and reinforcement of the strengths and resources in the patients’ psychosocial spheres

    Trends in cataract surgery and healthcare system response during the COVID-19 lockdown in Malaysia: Lessons to be learned

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    Background: Elective surgeries were suspended during the national lockdown in March 2020 to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. We sought to evaluate the impact of the lockdown on cataract surgeries and suggest lessons for future outbreaks. Study design: We conducted an interrupted time series analysis to examine rates of cataract surgery before and during the lockdown. Methods: We used national cataract surgical data between 2015 and 2021 from the Malaysian Cataract Surgery Registry. Segmented regression with a seasonally adjusted Poisson model was used for the analysis. Stratified analyses were performed to establish whether the effect of the lockdown on cataract surgeries varied by hospital designation, type of cataract service, sex, and age groups. Results: Cataract surgeries began falling in March 2020 at the onset of the lockdown, reached a trough in April 2020, and subsequently increased but never recovered to pre-lockdown levels. Cataract surgical rates in December 2021 were still 43 % below the expected surgical volume, equivalent to 2513 lost cataract surgeries. There was no evidence of a differential effect of the lockdown between COVID-19 designated and non-COVID-19 designated hospitals. The relative decrease in cataract surgical rates appears to have been greatest in outreach services and in people 40 years and older. Conclusions: The lockdown caused an immediate reduction in cataract surgical rates to nearly half of its baseline rate. Despite its gradual recovery, further delays remain to be expected should there be no redistribution or increase in resources to support backlogs and incoming new cases

    香港鄉村地區長者居家養老的需要:錦田例案報告 = The needs of ageing in place in rural Hong Kong: The case of Kam Tin

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    香港面臨人口高齡化,政府統計處(2020)估計65 歲或以上人口會由2019年的120萬增加至2039年252 萬。長者佔總人口比例亦由18.4%上升至33.3%;而老年撫養比率(65 歲及以上人口相對每千名15 至64 歲人口的比率)將由249大幅上升至508。這意味着社會在撫養和照顧長者, 將會面對更大的壓力。另外,老年家庭人口亦不斷增加, 家庭所有成員均為長者的數目從2006年大約18萬上升至2016年超過30萬(增長67.4%);獨居長者佔長者人口的比例亦由11.6%上升至13.1% (政府統計處,2018)。面對人口老化﹑雙老及獨居家庭等問題,社區需要有更全面的支持配套,才能使長者有良好的生活質素。 香港「社區照顧」(community care)政策源於政府於1977年發佈的《老人服務綠皮書》,強調居家安老為服務原則。該綠皮書(政府社會事務科,1977,頁5)指出,在社會及財政上而言,最可行的辦法就是提供適當的社會服務以幫助老年人能繼續與社會接觸在一起…當一個家庭在照顧老年人方面感到吃力時,政府便提供各種服務作爲對家庭一種的支持和協助。使老年人能繼續在家庭生活。 儘管政府一直強調「居家安老為本,院舍照顧為後援」,但多年來的資源分佈仍是以院舍照顧服務佔較大比例 (香港政策研究所,2017;羅致光,2018)。政府近年開始作出規劃上的調整,安老事務委員會(2017)於2017年發佈《安老服務計劃方案》建議加大社區照顧服務的比例,將社區照顧服務及院舍照顧服務的名額比率 由2016 年的1:1.3 加大至2031年的1:1.1(安老事務委員會,2017;羅致光, 2018)。因此, 加強「居家安老」政策,將會是政府其中一個安老服務規劃方向。 雖然政府及不同的社福機構在「居家安老」方面都有提供長者服務,但服務主要仍集中在城市,居住鄉村的長者因缺乏資源和渠道,較難得到協助。以居於元朗錦田 的長者為例,公營長者日間護理服務單位,全部位於元朗、天水圍或朗屏市區(社會福利署,2021),與他們的住處有一段距離。此外,針對鄉郊長者情況的「居家安老」服務規劃,亦未有在《安老服務計劃方案》中提及。因此, 本研究選取錦田區的長者作為主要訪談對象, 以了解鄉郊長者的「居家安老」情況。 錦田有悠久歷史,為最早來港定居的鄧氏族人居住地,有相當豐富的歷史建築群(陳天權,2016)。錦田面積龐大,近年開始規劃的錦田南和錦田北,佔地約1,400 公頃 (政府新聞公報,2014),佔元朗區14,430 公頃約一成面積,但人口只有 13,489,佔元朗人口約2% (政府統計處,2017;民政事務署,2021)。政府在錦 田規劃大綱中,仍保留不少地帶作「農業」、「自然保育區」或「鄉村式發展」用途(政府新聞公報,2014,2018)。因此,錦田仍然是本港主要的鄉郊地區之一。 本研究希望了解錦田長者的居家養老狀況和需求,為發展鄉郊長者服務的提供參考 資料。研究團隊探討長者於三個範疇的狀況,包括「社交支持」、「居所及社區支援 服務」和「長期護理服務的認識及意見」,並針對這三部分的發現提供相關建議