281 research outputs found

    Conjuring the crisis-imaginary: critical discourse analysis and auto-ethnographic reflections on the Canadian Red Cross

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    The term crisis is used variously to describe the current social, political, and economic climate. However, the temporal implications of the concept itself have not been explored. This project uses affective scholarship as a methodological approach to interrogate the conceptual gaps within crisis and temporality by exploring the crisis-imaginary as it is constructed through the language, affects, and images. The Canadian Red Cross and its various crisis- operations during the COVID-19 pandemic become a case study into the crisis- imaginary. Drawing on both an auto-ethnographic approach and a critical discourse analysis of the CRC's language, images, and the narratives used within promotional materials and training manuals. The crisis-imaginary can be thought of as an apparatus that engenders subjectivities that are occupied by a linear conception of time, whereas the sensorial and embodied experience of crisis signals a more complex temporal relationship. The crisis-imaginary creates certain subjectivities and temporalities that overshadow the lived experience and realities of crisis. The disjuncture between the narratives of the crisis- imaginary and the affective experience of it comes to have a haunting affect. Through language, images, and affects The crisis-imaginary both haunts and structures our relationship to temporality. The everyday becomes haunted by the crisis-imaginary when the supposed ends to crisis narratives never present or manifest themselves. Understanding the temporal complexities embedded in the crisis-imaginary invites us to find time and engage with the pantemporal dimensions that evade rational explanations and logic

    Empirical Analysis of Body Constitution and Food Intake in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes from a TCM Perspective

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    This study examined the correlations between body constitution (BC) and food intake in a sample of persons with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) from a perspective of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Past research on BC of persons with diabetes (DM) from a TCM perspective revealed imbalanced state of Yin and Yang in terms of Yin-deficiency (YID), Yang-deficiency (YAD), and Yin-Yang-deficiency (YYD). However, no studies have attempted to find out if daily food intake has an influence on Yin-Yang balance. The present study adapted a mixed method, which constituted of two phases. Phase one involved an exploratory case study (n=18) conducted between May and June 2011 and phase two, a descriptive correlation study (n=210) between October and December 2013. Results showed that in phase-one, three cases showed YID and higher food intake in hot/warm nature, 12 cases with YAD and higher food intake in cold/cool nature while three cases with Yin-Yang-deficiency (YYD) and extremely high food intake in cold/cool nature. In phase-two, Spearman's correlation coefficient between food intake and YID presentations (YIDPs) (hot/warm food: rho=0.34, p=0.000; cold/cool food: rho= 0.18, p=0.006); YAD presentations (YADPs) (hot/warm food: rho=0.18, p=0.008; cold/cool food: rho=0.2, p=0.006); and YYD presentations (YYDPs) (hot/warm food: rho=0.29, p=0.006; cold/cool food: rho=0.2, p=0.003) have been noted. The findings concluded that persons with T2DM and YIDPs, YADPs, or YYDPs tend to have food intakes higher in hot/warm nature or cold/cool natur

    Persistent hiccup in a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patient following ingestion of star fruit

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    AbstractAnimal studies have suggested that ingestion of star fruit, which belongs to the Oxalidaceae family, may cause neurotoxicity. Outbreaks of intractable hiccups have been reported following ingestion of star fruit in patients on regular hemodialysis. Other complaints have included insomnia, agitation and mental confusion. We report a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) who presented with acute confusion and persistent hiccup following ingestion of star fruit. Symptoms resolved spontaneously. Other reported cases and management strategies are discussed

    Colour vision status of staff working with radiation in public hospital

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    Growing application of radiation sources and lack of awareness among workers in practicing protective measures imply an increased risk of radiation exposure to eye. This study determined the status of colour vision and its association with working duration amongst staff working with radiation in a university hospital. A total of 55 employees (28 exposed (RS) and 27 not directly exposed to radiation (NRS)) were recruited and 30 employees were used as controls. Visual acuity (VA) was measured using Snellen chart. Colour vision assessments were conducted using Ishihara plates, D15 panel and FM 100 hues and the results were analysed using one way ANOVA. The subjects’ age ranged between 29 and 44 years old. Mean VA for all subjects was 6/6. More than 50% of the subjects has colour defects, 3.45% of RS failed D15, 37.93% failed FM 100 hue, 7.4% of NRS failed D15 and 55.56% failed FM 100 hue. Significant difference was found in the total error scores between RS (77.10 ± 6.05) and NRS (84.89 ± 7.76) with the controls (41.47 ± 3.10) [ANOVA F(2,83)=16.084, p=0.00]. There was no association between working duration and severity of colour defect [r(104)= -0.123, p>0.05]. This study concludes that majority of the studied subjects has color deficiency but not significantly correlated with their working duration. Protective measures need to be taken to improve the situation

    In vivo development of dendritic orientation in wild-type and mislocalized retinal ganglion cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many neurons in the central nervous system, including retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), possess asymmetric dendritic arbors oriented toward their presynaptic partners. How such dendritic arbors become biased during development <it>in vivo </it>is not well understood. Dendritic arbors may become oriented by directed outgrowth or by reorganization of an initially unbiased arbor. To distinguish between these possibilities, we imaged the dynamic behavior of zebrafish RGC dendrites during development <it>in vivo</it>. We then addressed how cell positioning within the retina, altered in <it>heart-and-soul </it>(<it>has</it>) mutants, affects RGC dendritic orientation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>In vivo </it>multiphoton time-lapse analysis revealed that RGC dendrites initially exhibit exploratory behavior in multiple directions but progressively become apically oriented. The lifetimes of basal and apical dendrites were generally comparable before and during the period when arbors became biased. However, with maturation, the addition and extension rates of basal dendrites were slower than those of the apical dendrites. Oriented dendritic arbors were also found in misplaced RGCs of the <it>has </it>retina but there was no preferred orientation amongst the population. However, <it>has </it>RGCs always projected dendrites toward nearby neuropil where amacrine and bipolar cell neurites also terminated. Chimera analysis showed that the abnormal dendritic organization of RGCs in the mutant was non-cell autonomous.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our observations show that RGC dendritic arbors acquire an apical orientation by selective and gradual restriction of dendrite addition to the apical side of the cell body, rather than by preferential dendrite stabilization or elimination. A biased arbor emerges at a stage when many of the dendritic processes still appear exploratory. The generation of an oriented RGC dendritic arbor is likely to be determined by cell-extrinsic cues. Such cues are unlikely to be localized to the basal lamina of the inner retina, but rather may be provided by cells presynaptic to the RGCs.</p

    Incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Hospitalized Chinese Medical Patients and the Impact of DVT Prophylaxis

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    Objective. To evaluate the incidence of deep vein thrombosis in hospitalized Chinese medical patients and the impact of DVT prophylaxis. Methods. All cases of confirmed proximal DVT from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2008 were reviewed retrospectively to determine the presence of risk factors and whether DVT developed: during hospitalization in medical wards or in case of readmission with a diagnosis of DVT within 14 days of discharge from a recent admission to medical wards. The impact of prophylaxis will be estimated by comparing the annual incidence of proximal DVT among medical patients hospitalized from 2005 to 2007 with that of 2008 (DVT prophylaxis commonly used). Results. From 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2008, 3938 Doppler ultrasound studies were performed for suspected DVT. Proximal DVT was diagnosed in 687 patients. The calculated incidence of proximal DVT among medical patients hospitalized for at least two days was 1.8%, 2%, and 1.7% for the year 2005, 2006, and 2007, respectively. The incidence was 1.1% for 2008 (P < .001). Conclusion. Proximal DVT was substantial in Chinese medical patients, and DVT prophylaxis might reduce such risk

    Collectivistic coping styles and mental well-being of college students in Malaysia

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between depressive symptoms and collectivistic coping styles (CCS) among Malaysian college students. A total of 176 (130 females, 46 males) students from a university in Selangor, Malaysia, completed measures of CCS and mental well-being. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficient and regression analysis. Results revealed a significant positive relationship between mental well-being and CCS. Specifically, regression analysis showed that acceptance, reframing, and striving (ARS), family support (FS), and private emotional outlet (PEO) were significant predictors of mental well-being among college students in Malaysia. These dimensions of collectivistic coping strategies were particularly useful to mitigate stressors among college students in Malaysia

    Development of edible film from flaxseed mucilage

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    A flaxseed mucilage-based edible film was developed with the addition of glycerol as a plasticizer. Various concentrations of glycerol were blended into the extracted mucilage, and the developed films were studied in terms of physical, mechanical, and morphological properties. As the glycerol concentration was increased from 1 to 5 wt%, the elongation at break of the films prominently increased, whereas the tensile strength and Young’s modulus decreased. The film failed to form at 6 wt% glycerol inclusion. The developed film was slightly reddish and yellowish in color, with enhanced transparency as the glycerol concentration in the film increased. Overall, this work demonstrated that with the addition of glycerol as a plasticizer up to 5 wt%, a flaxseed mucilage-based edible film could be developed as a sustainable alternative for food and bioproduct coating or packaging

    The relationship of exposure to news media with attachment to the national ethos

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    This study tested the assumption that national media played an important role in promoting a strong national ethos among Malaysians. As youth are heavy consumer of media and play important roles in further progressing the country economically and politically, it is very pertinent to examine the strength of the national ethos among the Malaysian youth of various ethnic groups, and the relationship between the exposure to the news media and strength of their national ethos. A total of 606 students from ten universities and colleges aged between 18 to 27 years were interviewed in a national survey using a self-administered questionnaire. Three dimensions of the national ethos emerged from the data and the students had positive perceptions toward selected characteristics of the country. However, there is a significant difference among the three ethnic groups in their degree of attachment to the three different dimensions of the national ethos. An overall exposure to the news media has a positive and significant relationship with the shared identity and future dimension, and shared history and values dimension of the national ethos