7 research outputs found

    Biopsychosocial factors that hinders and/or facilitate successful return to work: A review of literature and knowledge of translation

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    Two community practitioners collaborated with the University of Puget Sound Occupational Therapy program and submitted the following clinical question: “What bio/psycho/social factors have been identified to hinder and/or facilitate successful return to work in addition to traditional work hardening/conditioning intervention for adults?” A literature review discovered 47 articles ranging from systematic reviews, descriptive, qualitative, outcome, and experimental studies. Evidence was synthesized by two reviewers into a critically appraised topic (CAT). Numerous facilitating (job satisfaction, employment accommodation, social support, multidisciplinary approach) and hindering factors (social isolation, depression, pain, self-perceived disability) were identified affecting one’s ability to return to work after various diagnoses. Due to the lack of literature on interventions addressing the biopsychosocial factors specifically for vocational rehabilitation, another literature review was conducted for the knowledge translation portion of the project. This review resulted in 22 additional articles addressing effective interventions to alleviate pain and/or depression, used by various healthcare professions. The researchers provided a document with detailed flow charts to the community practitioners summarizing the findings. Satisfaction surveys were administered to both collaborators to assess their professional opinion about the potential use of these interventions in their settings. Further research should explore the effectiveness and applicability of the interventions identified in this study in vocational rehabilitation

    Keratins as markers of differentiated taste cells of the rat

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    Cytokeratins in taste buds were immunocytochemically evaluated with monoclonal antibodies. In each of six different epithelial sites in the rat oral cavity, intragemmal cells of taste buds were immunoreactive for keratin polypeptides 8, 18, and 19, as well as for keratin 7, which has not been previously reported in taste buds. Keratin-18-like immunoreactivity was present in fewer than half of the intragemmal cells, whereas all intragemmal cells were immunopositive for keratins 7, 8, and 19. Apart from some salivary duct cells, no other cells in the tongue were immunoreactive for any of these four keratins. Morphological and immunocytochemical profiles indicate that taste buds are islets of simple epithelium embedded in an expanse of stratified squamous epithelium. These simple epithelial cells and their keratins are nerve-dependent, since denervation eliminated all four keratins and replaced elongated taste cells of the vallate papilla with stratified squamous epithelium. We conclude that antibodies against keratins 7, 8, or 19 are useful markers for intragemmal cells in studies of taste bud development, degeneration, regeneration, turnover and tissue culture.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75334/1/j.1432-0436.1995.5850341.x.pd

    Keratin 18 is associated with a subset of older taste cells in the rat

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    All or nearly all intragemmal (elongated) cells of rat taste buds were immunopositive for keratins 7, 8, and 19. In contrast, keratin 18 was detected in 19±5 cells per taste bud (mean±sd), or about 25% of the intragemmal cells. During taste bud development keratins 7, 8, and 19 were evident initially in polygonal cells and later in elongated taste cells. Keratin 8 appeared in vallate taste cells at P0 (postnatal day 0), followed by keratins 7 and 19 at P1, and keratin 18 at P2–P3. Keratin 18 was always limited to elongated cells. The assemblage of elongated taste cells comprising a taste bud began with a single elongated cell, rather than with the synchronous elongation of a cluster of cells. Developmental errors were observed at P2–P3, e.g., some vallate taste cells had a misoriented axis. In order to study the pace of keratin differentiation during cell turnover we injected bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) into adult rats to monitor taste cell age. Keratin-19-positive intragemmal cells differentiated within 1 day. In contrast, keratin 18 was first detected in cells aged 3 days. Hence, both in taste cell development and replacement, keratin 18 was restricted to the older cells; it was the last taste cell keratin to become expressed during differentiation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/74751/1/j.1432-0436.1995.5930155.x.pd

    Caenorhabditis elegans Flamingo Cadherin fmi-1 Regulates GABAergic Neuronal Development

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.jneurosci.org/content/32/12/4196.In a genetic screen for regulators of synaptic morphology, we identified the single Caenorhabditis elegans flamingo-like cadherin fmi-1. The fmi-1 mutants exhibit defective axon pathfinding, reduced synapse number, aberrant synapse size and morphology, as well as an abnormal accumulation of synaptic vesicles at nonsynaptic regions. Although FMI-1 is primarily expressed in the nervous system, it is not expressed in the ventral D-type (VD) GABAergic motorneurons, which are defective in fmi-1 mutants. The axon and synaptic defects of VD neurons could be rescued when fmi-1 was expressed exclusively in non-VD neighboring neurons, suggesting a cell nonautonomous action of FMI-1. FMI-1 protein that lacked its intracellular domain still retained its ability to rescue the vesicle accumulation defects of GABAergic motorneurons, indicating that the extracellular domain was sufficient for this function of FMI-1 in GABAergic neuromuscular junction development. Mutations in cdh-4, a Fat-like cadherin, cause similar defects in GABAergic motorneurons. The cdh-4 is expressed by the VD neurons and seems to function in the same genetic pathway as fmi-1 to regulate GABAergic neuron development. Thus, fmi-1 and cdh-4 cadherins might act together to regulate synapse development and axon pathfinding


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    This paper aims to analyze the website design for the coffee shop community in Tangerang – Cangkir Jalanan. The determinant factors for website design are usability quality, information quality, service interaction quality, and visual quality on the user’s satisfaction. An online questionnaire was distributed to 30 members of Cangkir Jalanan community with google form and the data collected was examined with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by tool SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results findings usability quality, information quality, and service interaction quality have no affect on user’s satisfaction and visual quality has positive and significant affect on user’s satisfaction. Website of Cangkir Jalanan community need to be develop in order to increase the user’s satisfaction