7 research outputs found

    Pigs in sequence space: A 0.66X coverage pig genome survey based on shotgun sequencing

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    BACKGROUND: Comparative whole genome analysis of Mammalia can benefit from the addition of more species. The pig is an obvious choice due to its economic and medical importance as well as its evolutionary position in the artiodactyls. RESULTS: We have generated ~3.84 million shotgun sequences (0.66X coverage) from the pig genome. The data are hereby released (NCBI Trace repository with center name "SDJVP", and project name "Sino-Danish Pig Genome Project") together with an initial evolutionary analysis. The non-repetitive fraction of the sequences was aligned to the UCSC human-mouse alignment and the resulting three-species alignments were annotated using the human genome annotation. Ultra-conserved elements and miRNAs were identified. The results show that for each of these types of orthologous data, pig is much closer to human than mouse is. Purifying selection has been more efficient in pig compared to human, but not as efficient as in mouse, and pig seems to have an isochore structure most similar to the structure in human. CONCLUSION: The addition of the pig to the set of species sequenced at low coverage adds to the understanding of selective pressures that have acted on the human genome by bisecting the evolutionary branch between human and mouse with the mouse branch being approximately 3 times as long as the human branch. Additionally, the joint alignment of the shot-gun sequences to the human-mouse alignment offers the investigator a rapid way to defining specific regions for analysis and resequencing

    Asian-Pacific consensus statement on the management of chronic hepatitis B: A 2012 update

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    Large volume of new data on the natural history and treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection have become available since 2008. These include further studies in asymptomatic subjects with chronic HBV infection and community-based cohorts, the role of HBV genotype/naturally occurring HBV mutations, the application of non-invasive assessment of hepatic fibrosis and quantitation of HBV surface antigen and new drug or new strategies towards more effective therapy. To update HBV management guidelines, relevant new data were reviewed and assessed by experts from the region, and the significance of the reported findings was discussed and debated. The earlier "Asian-Pacific consensus statement on the management of chronic hepatitis B" was revised accordingly. The key terms used in the statement were also defined. The new guidelines include general management, indications for fibrosis assessment, time to start or stop drug therapy, choice of drug to initiate therapy, when and how to monitor the patients during and after stopping drug therapy. Recommendations on the therapy of patients in special circumstances, including women in childbearing age, patients with antiviral drug resistance, concurrent viral infection, hepatic decompensation, patients receiving immune suppression or chemotherapy and patients in the setting of liver transplantation and hepatocellular carcinoma, are also included

    Recent data on treatment of chronic hepatitis B with nucleos(t)ide analogues

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    Forty years ago in 1967, Professor Blumberg discovered the Australian Antigen, later known as the hepatitis B surface antigen, and was awarded the Nobel Prize. This discovery enables the diagnosis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and defines its epidemiology. Viral hepatitis B infection affects global health situation, and chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is particularly serious in the Asia-Pacific region. HBV vaccines created the first breakthrough in HBV prevention. Through universal HBV vaccination program for the newborns, promoted since the mid-1980s, the main route that perpetuates chronic infection from mother to child is curbed. Most children and young adults now have immunity against HBV infection. The next breakthrough comes with therapy for CHB. This prevents progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Standard interferon therapy with modest efficacy has been largely replaced by therapy with nuclos(t)ide analogues or pegylated interferons alfa-2a and -2b. Lamivudine was approved by the FDA USA in 1998, followed by adefovir dipivoxil in 2002, entecavir in 2005, and telbivudine in 2006. Clevudine, tenofovir, and many promising candidates are in different stages of development and clinical trial. This paper critically reviews recent data published or presented since the APASL Consensus and Guideline Update of 2005. Clinical efficacy mostly in patients with raised serum alanine aminotransferase will be analyzed

    Asian-Pacific clinical practice guidelines on the management of hepatitis B: a 2015 update

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