319 research outputs found

    Probing the extent and content of low ionization gas in galaxies: QSO absorption and HI emission

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    The small projected separations of some QSO's and low-redshift galaxies provide unique opportunities to study the extent and content of gas in galaxies through observation of absorption in the QSO spectra. Observations of these systems provide valuable information on the connection between the absorbing gas and the galaxy, as well as detailed information on the morphology and environment of the galaxy itself. While there is direct evidence that galaxies can produce the intervening-type QSO absorption lines, over the past decade, the study of such 'QSO-galaxy pairs' (at low redshift) has been considered unsuccessful because new detections of absorption were seldom made. A fundamental problem concerning the relation between these low-redshift systems and those seen at moderate to high redshift remains unresolved. Direct and indirect measures of galaxy absorption cross sections at moderate to high redshifts (z is approximately greater than 20.5) are much larger than the optical and HI sizes of local galaxies. However, direct comparison of the low and moderate to high redshift systems is difficult since different ions are observed in different redshift regimes. Observations are presented for a new sample of QSO-galaxy pairs. Nine new QSO's which shine through nearby galaxies (on the sky-plane) were observed to search for CaII absorption in the QSO spectra at the foreground galaxy redshifts

    The Lyman-alpha Forest at z~4: Keck HIRES Observations of Q 0000-26

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    This paper describes a study of the Lyman-alpha forest absorption clouds along the quasar sightline Q0000-26 (zem=4.1). The spectrum was obtained with the High Resolution Spectrometer on the 10m Keck telescope. We derive accurate H I column density and Doppler width distributions for the clouds from Voigt profile fitting. We also analyze simulated Lyman-alpha forest spectra of matching characteristics in order to gauge the effects of line blending/blanketing and noise in the data. The results are compared with similar studies at lower redshifts in order to study any possible evolution in the clouds' properties. We also estimate the mean intensity of the UV background at z=4 from an analysis of the proximity effect.Comment: plain TeX containing 23 PS pages, 3 PS tables, and 9 PS figures, ApJ, Dec 1, 1996 issue replacing an earlier version which contains an corrupted table

    Detection of a z=0.0515, 0.0522 absorption system in the QSO S4 0248+430 due to an intervening galaxy

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    In some of the few cases where the line of sight to a Quasi-Stellar Object (QSO) passes near a galaxy, the galaxy redshift is almost identical to an absorption redshift in the spectrum of the QSO. Although these relatively low redshift QSO-galaxy pairs may not be typical of the majority of the narrow heavy-element QSO absorption systems, they provide a direct measure of column densities in the outer parts of galaxies and some limits on the relative abundances of the gas. Observations are presented here of the QSO S4 0248+430 and a nearby anonymous galaxy (Kuhr 1977). The 14 second separation of the line of sight to the QSO (z sub e = 1.316) and the z=0.052 spiral galaxy, (a projected separation of 20 kpc ((h sub o = 50, q sub o = 0)), makes this a particularly suitable pair for probing the extent and content of gas in the galaxy. Low resolution (6A full width half maximum), long slit charge coupled device (CCD) spectra show strong CA II H and K lines in absorption at the redshift of the galaxy (Junkkarinen 1987). Higher resolution spectra showing both Ca II H and K and Na I D1 and D2 in absorption and direct images are reported here

    Temperature and Kinematics of CIV Absorption Systems

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    We use Keck HIRES spectra of three intermediate redshift QSOs to study the physical state and kinematics of the individual components of CIV selected heavy element absorption systems. Fewer than 8 % of all CIV lines with column densities greater than 10^{12.5} cm^{-2} have Doppler parameters b < 6 km/s. A formal decomposition into thermal and non-thermal motion using the simultaneous presence of SiIV gives a mean thermal Doppler parameter b_{therm}(CIV) = 7.2 km/s, corresponding to a temperature of 38,000 K although temperatures possibly in excess of 300,000 K occur occasionally. We also find tentative evidence for a mild increase of temperature with HI column density. Non-thermal motions within components are typically small (< 10 km/s) for most systems, indicative of a quiescent environment. The two-point correlation function (TPCF) of CIV systems on scales up to 500 km/s suggests that there is more than one source of velocity dispersion. The shape of the TPCF can be understood if the CIV systems are caused by ensembles of objects with the kinematics of dwarf galaxies on a small scale, while following the Hubble flow on a larger scale. Individual high redshift CIV components may be the building blocks of future normal galaxies in a hierarchical structure formation scenario.Comment: submitted to the ApJ Letters, March 16, 1996 (in press); (13 Latex pages, 4 Postscript figures, and psfig.sty included

    Limits to the 1/4 keV Extragalactic X-ray Background

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    We observed several nearby face-on spiral galaxies with the ROSAT PSPC. The apparent deficiency in soft X-ray surface brightness observed at the outer portion of their disks is consistent with the absorption of the extragalactic soft X-ray background by material associated with these galaxies, and allows us to place a lower limit on the intensity of this cosmologically important background. From the depth of the soft X-ray shadow observed in NGC 3184, a 95% confidence lower limit was derived to be 32keVcm2s1keV132 keV cm^{-2} s^{-1} keV^{-1} at 1/4 keV. This was obtained by assuming that there is no unresolved 1/4 keV X-ray emission from the outer region of the galaxy which may otherwise partially fill in the shadow: any such emission, or any unresolved structure in the absorbing gas, would imply a larger value. In the deepest exposure to date in this energy range, Hasinger et al. (1993) resolved about 30keVcm2s1keV130 keV cm^{-2} s^{-1} keV^{-1} at 1/4 keV into discrete sources; our current limit is therefore consistent with an extragalactic origin for all of these sources. Our results can also be directly compared with the corresponding upper limit derived from the ROSAT PSPC detection of soft X-ray shadows cast by high-latitude clouds in Ursa Major, 65keVcm2s1keV1\simeq 65 keV cm^{-2} s^{-1} keV^{-1} at 1/4 keV. The lower and upper limits are only a factor of 2 apart, and begin to provide a reasonable measurement of the intensity of the 1/4 keV extragalactic X-ray background.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, a companion paper to the one titled "Diffuse Soft X-ray Emission from Several Nearby Spiral Galaxies" (astro-ph/9604128). To appear in September issue of ApJ (Vol. 468

    Linking Wolf Diet to Changes in Marine and Terrestrial Prey Abundance

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    Since most wolf (Canis lupus) diet studies have been conducted in inland ecosystems, comparatively few data are available on diets of wolves in coastal systems. We investigated the diet of wolves in Glacier Bay, Alaska, from 12 May to 28 June in both 2010 and 2011. Although we identified 12 different prey species, including birds and small to medium-sized mammals, in wolf scats, moose (Alces alces) was the most frequent food item, observed in 80% of all scats. In contrast, a study conducted in 1993 in an area 37 km away found harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) in 41% of wolf scats. Although we cannot account for differences in sampling design between the two studies, wolf diets may have changed between the two time periods.Puisque la plupart des études sur le régime alimentaire des loups (Canis lupus) ont été réalisées dans des écosystèmes situés à l’intérieur des terres, relativement peu de données existent sur le régime alimentaire des loups évoluant dans les environnements côtiers. Nous avons étudié l’alimentation des loups de Glacier Bay, en Alaska, du 12 mai au 28 juin 2010 et 2011. Bien que nous ayons retrouvé 12 proies différentes, y compris des espèces aviaires et des mammifères de taille petite ou de taille moyenne dans les déjections de loups, l’aliment le plus fréquemment rencontré, dans une mesure de 80 %, a été l’original, aussi appelé élan (Alces alces). Par contraste, une étude effectuée en 1993 dans une zone située à 37 kilomètres de distance a permis de découvrir du phoque commun (Phoca vitulina richardii) dans 41 % des déjections de loups. Bien que nous ne soyons pas en mesure de prendre en compte les différences d´échantillonnage entre les deux études, il est possible que le régime alimentaire des loups ait changé entre ces deux périodes.Большинство исследований рациона волка (Canis lupus) проводилось на внутриматериковых территориях, в то время как имеется сравнительно небольшое количество данных по рациону волка в прибрежных экосистемах. Ежегодно с 12 мая по 28 июня 2010-2011 гг. нашей группой проводились исследования рациона волков в бухте Глейшер-Бей, Аляска. Несмотря на то, что нами было определено 12 различных видов, используемых волками в качестве добычи, включая птиц, а также мелких и средних млекопитающих, останки лося (Alces alces) встречались в 80% экскрементов волков, указывая на то, что данный вид является наиболее частым пищевым объектом волка.В отличие от данных результатов, эксперимент, проведенный в 1993 г. на участке, удаленном от нашего на 37 км, обнаружил наличие останков тюленя (Phoca vitulina richardii) в 41% экскрементов волков. Несмотря на то, что мы не можем объяснить различия в выборке по каждому из исследований, их результаты указывают на то, что в период между двумя исследованиями в рационе волков могли произойти изменения