538 research outputs found

    Analytical expressions for fringe fields in multipole magnets

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    Fringe fields in multipole magnets can have a variety of effects on the linear and nonlinear dynamics of particles moving along an accelerator beamline. An accurate model of an accelerator must include realistic models of the magnet fringe fields. Fringe fields for dipoles are well understood and can be modelled at an early stage of accelerator design in such codes as MAD8, MADX or ELEGANT. However, usually it is not until the final stages of a design project that it is possible to model fringe fields for quadrupoles or higher order multipoles. Even then, existing techniques rely on the use of a numerical field map, which will usually not be available until the magnet design is well developed. Substitutes for the full field map exist but these are typically based on expansions about the origin and rely heavily on the assumption that the beam travels more or less on axis throughout the beam line. In some types of machine (for example, a non-scaling FFAG such as EMMA) this is not a good assumption. In this paper, a method for calculating fringe fields based on analytical expressions is presented, which allows fringe field effects to be included at the start of an accelerator design project. The magnetostatic Maxwell equations are solved analytically and a solution that fits all orders of multipoles derived. Quadrupole fringe fields are considered in detail as these are the ones that give the strongest effects. Two examples of quadrupole fringe fields are presented. The first example is a magnet in the LHC inner triplet, which consists of a set of four quadrupoles providing the final focus to the beam, just before the interaction point. Quadrupoles in EMMA provide the second example. In both examples, the analytical expressions derived in this paper for quadrupole fringe fields provide a good approximation to the field maps obtained from a numerical magnet modelling code.Comment: 27 pages, 39 figures. The figures are new with respect to the previous version, Several mistakes also correcte

    Heat capacity and phonon mean free path of wurtzite GaN

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    We report on lattice specific heat of bulk hexagonal GaN measured by the heat flow method in the temperature range 20-300 K and by the adiabatic method in the range 5-70 K. We fit the experimental data using two temperatures model. The best fit with the accuracy of 3 % was obtained for the temperature independent Debye's temperature θD=365\theta_{\rm D}=365 {\rm K} and Einstein's temperature θE=880\theta_{\rm E}=880 {\rm K}. We relate these temperatures to the function of density of states. Using our results for heat conduction coefficient, we established in temperature range 10-100 K the explicit dependence of the phonon mean free path on temperature lphT2\it{l}_{\rm ph}\propto T^{-2}. Above 100 K, there is the evidence of contribution of the Umklapp processes which limit phonon free path at high temepratures. For phonons with energy kB×300k_{\rm B}\times 300 {\rm K} the mean free path is of the order 100 {\rm nm}Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Transverse phase space characterization in an accelerator test facility

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    We compare three techniques for characterising the transverse phase space distribution of the beam in CLARA FE (the Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications Front End, at Daresbury Laboratory, UK): emittance and optics measurements using screens at three separate beamline locations; quadrupole scans; and phase space tomography. We find that where the beam distribution has significant structure (as in the case of CLARA FE at the time the measurements presented here were made) tomography analysis is the most reliable way to obtain a meaningful characterisation of the transverse beam properties. We present the first experimental results from four-dimensional phase space tomography: our results show that this technique can provide an insight into beam properties that are of importance for optimising machine performance