118 research outputs found

    Knight's Moves

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    Improved Thin, Flexible Heat Pipes

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    Flexible heat pipes of an improved type are fabricated as layers of different materials laminated together into vacuum- tight sheets or tapes. In comparison with prior flexible heat pipes, these flexible heat pipes are less susceptible to leakage. Other advantages of these flexible heat pipes, relative to prior flexible heat pipes, include high reliability and greater ease and lower cost of fabrication. Because these heat pipes are very thin, they are highly flexible. When coated on outside surfaces with adhesives, these flexible heat pipes can be applied, like common adhesive tapes, to the surfaces of heat sinks and objects to be cooled, even if those surfaces are curved

    Report of the 4th World Climate Research Programme International Conference on Reanalyses

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    The 4th WCRP International Conference on Reanalyses provided an opportunity for the international community to review and discuss the observational and modelling research, as well as process studies and uncertainties associated with reanalysis of the Earth System and its components. Characterizing the uncertainty and quality of reanalyses is a task that reaches far beyond the international community of producers, and into the interdisciplinary research community, especially those using reanalysis products in their research and applications. Reanalyses have progressed greatly even in the last 5 years, and newer ideas, projects and data are coming forward. While reanalysis has typically been carried out for the individual domains of atmosphere, ocean and land, it is now moving towards coupling using Earth system models. Observations are being reprocessed and they are providing improved quality for use in reanalysis. New applications are being investigated, and the need for climate reanalyses is as strong as ever. At the heart of it all, new investigators are exploring the possibilities for reanalysis, and developing new ideas in research and applications. Given the many centres creating reanalyses products (e.g. ocean, land and cryosphere research centres as well as NWP and atmospheric centers), and the development of new ideas (e.g. families of reanalyses), the total number of reanalyses is increasing greatly, with new and innovative diagnostics and output data. The need for reanalysis data is growing steadily, and likewise, the need for open discussion and comment on the data. The 4th Conference was convened to provide a forum for constructive discussion on the objectives, strengths and weaknesses of reanalyses, indicating potential development paths for the future

    Godard ve Karşı Sinema

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    Gittikçe daha radikalleşen Godard, değerleri ortodoks sinemanınkilere karşı ağırlık sağlayan bir karşı-sinema geliştirdi. Ben basitçe bu karşı-sinemanın ana özellikleri hakkında bazı notlar yazmak istiyorum. Yaklaşımım, eski sinemanın, Godard'ın deyimiyle Hollywood-Mosfilm'in değerlerinden yedisini alıp, onları (devrimsel, materyalist) emsalleri ve zıtlarıyla karşılaştırmak. Bir anlamda, sinemanın yedi ölümcül günahına karşı yedi ana erdemi

    Le cinéma, l'américanisme et le robot

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    Wollen Peter. Le cinéma, l'américanisme et le robot. In: Communications, 48, 1988. Vidéo, sous la direction de Raymond Bellour et Anne-Marie Duguet. pp. 7-37

    Geluidsfilm en techniek. Een kort overzicht

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    De invoering van het geluid had talloze gevolgen. Een technische vooruitgang op een front veroorzaakte teruggang op andere: één stap vooruit, twee stappen terug. In de eerste plaats moeten ekonomische gevolgen worden genoemd. (De invoering van het geluid kende uiteraard evenzeer ekonomische oorzaken: allereerst, besparing op arbeidskosten door de afschaffing van orkesten en entertainers die tussen de projekties optraden.) 03 03 124 125

    Who the Hell is Howard Hawks?

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    Da struggle kontinues: Zulu love letter

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