42 research outputs found

    Multi-mode states in decoy-based quantum key distribution protocols

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    Every security analysis of quantum key distribution (QKD) relies on a faithful modeling of the employed quantum states. Many photon sources, like for instance a parametric down conversion (PDC) source, require a multi-mode description, but are usually only considered in a single-mode representation. In general, the important claim in decoy-based QKD protocols for indistinguishability between signal and decoy states does not hold for all sources. We derive new bounds on the single photon transmission probability and error rate for multi-mode states, and apply these bounds to the output state of a PDC source. We observe two opposing effects on the secure key rate. First, the multi-mode structure of the state gives rise to a new attack that decreases the key rate. Second, more contributing modes change the photon number distribution from a thermal towards a Poissonian distribution, which increases the key rate

    A Dual Model of Open Source License Growth

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    Every open source project needs to decide on an open source license. This decision is of high economic relevance: Just which license is the best one to help the project grow and attract a community? The most common question is: Should the project choose a restrictive (reciprocal) license or a more permissive one? As an important step towards answering this question, this paper analyses actual license choice and correlated project growth from ten years of open source projects. It provides closed analytical models and finds that around 2001 a reversal in license choice occurred from restrictive towards permissive licenses.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Theory of quantum frequency conversion and type-II parametric down-conversion in the high-gain regime

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    Frequency conversion (FC) and type-II parametric down-conversion (PDC) processes serve as basic building blocks for the implementation of quantum optical experiments: type-II PDC enables the efficient creation of quantum states such as photon-number states and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-states (EPR-states). FC gives rise to technologies enabling efficient atom-photon coupling, ultrafast pulse gates and enhanced detection schemes. However, despite their widespread deployment, their theoretical treatment remains challenging. Especially the multi-photon components in the high-gain regime as well as the explicit time-dependence of the involved Hamiltonians hamper an efficient theoretical description of these nonlinear optical processes. In this paper, we investigate these effects and put forward two models that enable a full description of FC and type-II PDC in the high-gain regime. We present a rigorous numerical model relying on the solution of coupled integro-differential equations that covers the complete dynamics of the process. As an alternative, we develop a simplified model that, at the expense of neglecting time-ordering effects, enables an analytical solution. While the simplified model approximates the correct solution with high fidelity in a broad parameter range, sufficient for many experimental situations, such as FC with low efficiency, entangled photon-pair generation and the heralding of single photons from type-II PDC, our investigations reveal that the rigorous model predicts a decreased performance for FC processes in quantum pulse gate applications and an enhanced EPR-state generation rate during type-II PDC, when EPR squeezing values above 12 dB are considered.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure