40 research outputs found

    Italian Vascular Flora: New Findings, Updates and Exploration of Floristic Similarities between Regions

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    The tradition of floristic studies in Italy has made it possible to obtain a good knowledge of plant diversity both on a national and regional scale. However, the lack of knowledge for some areas, advances in plant systematics and human activities related to globalization, highlight the need for further studies aimed at improving floristic knowledge. In this paper, based on fieldwork and herbaria and literature surveys, we update the knowledge on the Italian vascular flora and analyze the floristic similarities between the administrative regions. Four taxa, all exotic, were recorded for the first time in Italy and Europe. In detail, Elaeodendron croceum, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, and Sedum spathulifolium var. spathulifolium were found as casual aliens, while Oxalis brasiliensis was reported as historical record based on some herbarium specimens. Furthermore, Kalanchoe laxiflora was confirmed as a casual alien species for Italy and Europe. Status changes for some taxa were proposed at both national and regional levels, as well as many taxa were reported as new or confirmed at the regional level. Currently the Italian vascular flora comprises 9150 taxa of which 7547 are native (of which 1598 are Italian endemics) and 1603 are exotic at the national level. The multivariate analysis of updated floristic data on a regional scale showed a clear distribution along the latitudinal gradient, in accordance with the natural geographical location of the regions in Italy. This pattern of plants distribution was not affected by the introduction of alien species. Despite some taxonomic and methodological issues which are still open, the data obtained confirm the important role of floristic investigations in the field and in herbaria, as well as the collaborative approach among botanists, in order to improve the knowledge of the Italian and European vascular flora

    Results after Balloon-Kyphoplasty of fresh versus elder vertebral compression fractures in the years of 2005 to 2008 at the Asklepios-Südpfalzkiniken, Kandel - a review of 138 Cases

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    Fragestellung. Gibt es Unterschiede im Endergebnis nach Ballonkyphoplastie von frischen (unter 6 Wochen zeitlicher Abstand zum Trauma) im Vergleich zu älteren Wirbelkörperfrakturen (länger als 6 Wochen zeitlicher Abstand zum Trauma) hinsichtlich Schmerzreduktion, erzielter Wiederaufrichtung der frakturierten Wirbelkörper und Komplikationsrate? Patienten und Methode. In diese offene, prospektive, randomisierte, monozentrische Studie wurden im Zeitraum zwischen 1/2005 und 12/2008 insgesamt 138 Patienten (m: n=33, w: n=105) mit 205 Wirbelkörperfrakturen und einem Durchschnittsalter von 73,1 Jahren bei einem Nachuntersuchungs-intervall von durchschnittlich 6 und 12 Monaten eingeschlossen. Nach den anamnestischen Daten hatten 57 Patienten ein länger als 6 Wochen zurückliegendes Verletzungsereignis (Gruppe I: Median 159,20 Tage) und 81 Patienten ein weniger als 6 Wochen (Gruppe II: Median 12,28 Tage) zurückliegendes Trauma. Die Versorgung der Frakturen erfolgte ausschließlich mittels Ballonkyphoplastie in geschlossener, perkutaner, trans- oder extrapedikulärer Technik. Die Ergebnisevaluation erfolgte mittels Fragebögen nach dem VAS-Score praeoperativ sowie im Follow-up nach 6 und 12 Monaten und nach Oswestry-Score prae-, postoperativ und nach 12 Monaten , der Erfassung des unmittelbar prae- und postoperativen Schmerzmittelverbrauches und der Analyse der anhand konventioneller Röntgenaufnahmen nachweisbaren Wiederaufrichtung respektive der Korrektur des Kyphosewinkels. Ergebnis. Bei 92,7% der Patienten konnte unmittelbar postoperativ eine Schmerzreduktion erzielt werden (p< 0,001). Signifikant waren die Unterschiede in beiden Gruppen hinsichtlich der Zementextravasationsrate (11,21% bei frischen versus 27,66% bei älteren Frakturen; Gesamt:18,72%; p<0,001), der Anzahl der kurz- und mittelfristigen Therapieversager mit erneuten oder anhaltenden Schmerzen (frisch: 3,7%, alt: 12,28% nach 1 Jahr; p< 0,001) sowie in der erzielten Höhenwiederherstellung (frisch: 0,7 – 13,2mm; median 6,85mm. alt: 0,3 – 9,8mm; median 4,6mm) und der Korrektur des Kyphosewinkels (Gruppe I: Mean 3,2°, Gruppe II: Mean 3,8°; p<0,001) Fazit. Eine signifikant geringere Rate an Zementextravasation, eine geringere Zahl an mittelfristigen Therapieversagern sowie ein effektiverer Redressionseffekt sprechen für einen möglichst frühen Versorgungszeitpunkt nach spontaner oder traumatischer Wirbelkörperfraktur.Question. Is there a difference in long term results after treatment of vertebral body fractures with balloon- kyphoplasty in fresh (up to 6 weeks after trauma) in comparison to elder (more than 6 weeks after trauma) vertebral body fractures regarding pain reduction, vertebral body height restoration and complication rate? Patients and methods. In this open, prospective, randomized, mono-central study between 2005/1 and 2008/12 138 patients (m: n=33, f: n=105) with 205 vertebral body fractures, average age of 73,1 years and a follow-up of 6 and 12 months were included. 57 patients reported of trauma more than 6 weeks ago (Group I: Median 158,20 days), 81 patients had anamnestic resent trauma within the past 6 weeks (Group II: Median 12,28 days). Fracture treatment was surgically performed through percutaneous balloon-kyphoplasty using extrapedikular or transpedicular technique. Result evaluation based on VAS- and Oswestry-Questionnairy and Follow-up from 6 to 12 months, perioperative analgesics consumption analysis and radiological X-ray evaluation of vertebral body height restoration and reduction of kyphosis angulation. Results. 92 % of all patient reported pain reduction after intervention (p<0,001). We found significant difference comparing both groups concerning cement-extravasation (11,21% in fresh versus 27,66% in elder fractures , Mean 18,72%; p<0,001) , rate of therapy failure or repeated pain increase (fresh: 3,7%, old 12,28% after 1 year; p<0,001) and in achieved vertebral body height restoration (fresh: 0,7 – 13,2 mm; median 6,85 mm. old: 0,3 – 9,8 mm; median 4,6 mm) as well as in reduction of kyphosis angulation (Group I: Mean 3,2°, Group II: 3,8°; p<0,001) Conclusion. A Significant lower rate of cement extravasation and of mid-term therapy failure together with higher effectiveness in fracture reduction and vertebral body height restoration leads to recommend early intervention with balloon-kyphoplasty in the treatment of spontaneous or traumatic vertebral compression fractures

    Verfahren zur berührungslosen Überprüfung von Werkstücken sowie Verfahren zur berührungslosen Anregung und Empfang von Ultraschallwellen in Werkstücken

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    The device has an electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer (1a) and an airborne sound transducer (2a) that are provided on either side of a workpiece (3). A permanent magnet (10) is arranged in parallel to the electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer for creation of alternating electromagnetic field in the workpiece. The alternating electromagnetic field induced in the workpiece is detected using a high frequency coil (13). An independent claim is included for a method for contactless excitation and reception of ultrasounds in workpieces

    A Conclusive Concept for Three-Dimensional Imaging Based on Efficient Steering and Focusing of an Ultrasonic 2D-Array

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    Abstract. A 16-by-16 element array is operated at a center frequency of 2.25 MHz using a 256-channel transmitter system. Reception is performed with a subset of elements of the array or with a separate single element probe. The beam fields generated in water have been simulated and compared to experiments with excellent agreement. 3D imaging of defects inside components has been addressed only by electronic steering and focusing to various depths of the inspected component. Work has also been done using an 8-by-8 element array

    Cell type-specific Nrf2 expression in multiple sclerosis lesions

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    Oxidative injury appears to play a major role in the propagation of demyelination and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis (MS). It has been suggested that endogenous anti-oxidant defense mechanisms within MS lesions are insufficient to prevent spreading of damage. Thus, current therapeutic approaches (e.g., fumarate treatment) target to up-regulate the expression of a key regulator of anti-oxidative defense, the transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2). In this study, we show that Nrf2 is already strongly up-regulated in active MS lesions. Nuclear Nrf2 expression was particularly observed in oligodendrocytes and its functional activity is indicated by the expression of one of its downstream targets (heme oxygenase 1) in the same cells. In contrast, only a minor number of Nrf2-positive neurons were detected, even in highly inflammatory cortical lesions presenting with extensive oxidative injury. Overall, the most pronounced Nrf2 expression was found in degenerating cells, which showed signs of apoptotic or necrotic cell death. Via whole-genome microarray analyses of MS lesions, we observed a differential expression of numerous Nrf2-responsive genes, also involved in the defense against oxidative stress, predominantly in areas of initial myelin destruction within actively demyelinating white matter lesions. Furthermore, the expression patterns of Nrf2-induced genes differed between the white matter and cortical gray matter. Our study shows that in the MS brain, Nrf2 expression varies in different cell types and is associated with active demyelination in the lesions.(VLID)484311