81 research outputs found

    Elektronische overheid niet voor alle burgers eenvoudig

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    De overheid stimuleert de selfservice van burgers, bedrijven en organisaties door haar diensten elektronisch aan te bieden. Tegelijkertijd zijn er groepen in de samenleving die moeite hebben met het gebruik van de elektronische overheid, de ‘digibeten’. Om deze groep van minder digitaalvaardigen te ondersteunen, is de cursus ‘Werken met de e-overheid’ ontwikkeld en beproefd. De resultaten laten zien dat de cursus voorziet in een behoefte. Daarom wordt nu gestart met de opschaling naar een landelijke aanpak met een lokale uitwerking

    Citizens4Citizens: mapping participatory practices on the internet

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    Many important forms of public participation take place in interactions between citizens. Studying these interactions is crucial for understanding e‑governance, defined as steering in the public domain. The new forms of public participations can be labeled Citizens2Citizens interactions (C2C). Citizens use the Internet to facilitate policy participation (meant to support or undermine government policies), political participation (directed at influencing political decision‑making and agenda‑setting) and social participation (to increase social capital). Attention for these forms of digital participation coincides with the rise of a new set of Web applications which are grouped under the label 'Web 2.0'. This paper is an attempt to conceptualize and categorize the wide variety of types and forms of C2C to provide a basis for a further development of this new research field. We do not claim that our exploration will lead to a final and complete description of C2C; we merely aim to present an overview of the diversity of forms of C2C initiatives that are taking place in the digital world. The argument we are putting forward is that new technologies offer new venues for participating and that these new practices will constitute both a replication of and an addition to existing offline practices of public participation. Our explorative research of C2C initiatives results in a map of political, policy and social participation. This map of C2C initiatives can provide insights in the variety of Internet practices and help subsequent researches in their selection of initiatives for in‑depth studies. Additionally, our research results in an exploration of the implications the analyzed initiatives can have for participation in the public sector

    Gezonde technologie pusht

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    Sensortechnologie en technologie voor gedragsbeïnvloeding maken enorme ontwikkelsprongen door. Het ‘pushende’ karakter van de combinatie van deze technologieën heeft de potentie om de maatschappelijke zorgkosten te verlagen. Welke hobbels moeten er nog genomen worden om dat te realiseren

    Omni-Channel Overtures:Defining the Concept and Its Applicability in Public Sector Channel Management

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    The channel landscape and citizens' channel behaviors are continuously evolving. This challenges how governments manage service delivery and their available service channels. To address these challenges, a new type of strategy has surfaced in the literature on private sector channel management; omni-channel management. But could the omni-channel concept be applied in the public sector context as well? More importantly: could it address the current challenges in the channel landscape? Currently no comprehensive studies exist that examine omni-channel management in a public sector setting. Therefore, we present relevant developments in the channel landscape and discuss how an omni-channel approach could be applied in the public sector
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