71,660 research outputs found

    The Comprehensive Longitudinal Evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: Summary of Fourth Year Reports

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    The eyes of the nation were on the state of Wisconsin, as Republican policymakers locked horns with the teachers union over reforms. The Republicans needed just one Democrat to break ranks in order for them to pass far-reaching policy changes. They finally got their wish when Representative Annette “Polly” Williams (D, Milwaukee) came over to their side. Surprised? That’s because the year was 1990, not 2011, and the farreaching policy reform was the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP)

    A Literature Review: Current Trends in Holistic Nursing

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    There is scarcity of documentation that seeks to define spirituality relating to holistic nursing; consequently, a literature review was formulated to define spirituality and guide nursing practice towards recognizing the importance of and implementation of spiritual care. By researching the current trends in peer-reviewed journals from the past three years and analyzing associated articles, this paper addresses the need for a comprehensive definition of spirituality. Key concepts such as belief, values, interconnectedness with self, others and God, energy, hope and transcendence will be analyzed, and the accumulated data will be complied into a framework that is easy for a nurse to understand and use. This thesis strives to validate the necessity of spiritual care through the mechanism of holistic nursing and equip nurses to assess and implement care for the ever-present spiritual needs of one’s patients


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    Although wheelchair users are constantly subjected to oscillatory and shock vibrations not much research has been conducted to assess the whole-body vibrations experienced by wheelchair users. Studies that have been published have only involved the testing of manual wheelchairs not interventions such as suspension or seating systems.The purpose of this study was to determine if selected wheelchair cushions reduce the amount of harmful whole-body vibrations transferred to wheelchair users and, if the absorbed power method a good measure of evaluating the whole-body vibrations.Thirty-two participants, who use a wheelchair as their primary mode of mobility, partook in this study. Four of the most commonly prescribed wheelchair cushions were selected. Participants were asked to propel their wheelchair over a simulated activities of daily living (ADL) obstacle course while acceleration and force data was collected.A repeated measures ANOVA showed no significant differences between the different cushions for the total averaged absorbed power (p = .190), the 50 mm curb drop (p = .234), or the rumble strip (p = .143). A repeated measures ANOVA for the peak curb drop absorbed power revealed a significant difference in the cushions (p = .043).The cushions that appeared to perform the best in this testing appear to be the Invacare Pindot and the Varilite Solo. Not only did those cushions appear to have the lowest values much of the time but did not display the highest values. Absorbed power appears to be just as effective at determining the effects of vibrations in the time domain as the prescribed methods of the ISO 2631 standard

    The Comprehensive Longitudinal Evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: Summary of Second Year Reports

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    The city of Milwaukee is often called a laboratory for experimentation with parental school choice. Milwaukee is home to the first urban school voucher program, the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP), which has grown over the past 18 years to enroll 19,069 students in 124 different private schools 2007-08. A total of 58 public charter schools operate within the city’s boundaries, enrolling 17,549 students last year. Even students in the Milwaukee Public School (MPS) system have a variety of magnet, community, open enrollment, and even inter-district school choice options available to them, so long as transportation funding holds out. When one thinks of school choice in America, one thinks of Milwauke

    The Comprehensive Longitudinal Evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: Summary of Third Year Reports

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    The city of Milwaukee is often called a laboratory for experimentation with parental school choice. Milwaukee is home to the first urban school voucher program, the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP), which has grown over the past 19 years to enroll 19,803 students in 127 different private schools in 2008-09. A total of 59 public charter schools operate within the city’s boundaries, enrolling 17,158 students last year. Even students in the Milwaukee Public School (MPS) system have a variety of magnet, community, open enrollment, and inter-district school choice options available to them, so long as transportation funding holds out. When one thinks of school choice in America, one thinks of Milwaukee

    The Comprehensive Longitudinal Evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: Summary of Baseline Reports

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    Provides an overview of the MPCP and summarizes topical baseline reports on its fiscal impact in Milwaukee and Wisconsin, on participating schools, on annual test scores, and on the voucher schools' effects on participating students and parents

    Teaching in a Total Institution: Toward a Pedagogy of Care in Prison Classrooms

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    This paper argues that a pedagogy of care can help reduce some of the human damage caused by incarceration. Rather than casting incarcerated men and women outside of the moral community and turning prisoners into a “them,” a pedagogy of care promotes inclusion and the creation of human connections. Recognizing prisoners’ humanity helps to dissolve some of the effects of institutionalization and may foster rehabilitation. Instead of limiting teachers to providers of information, as a traditional classroom expects, a pedagogy of care elevates teachers to human constituents of a learning community. This paper outlines a pedagogy of care in the teaching of college mathematics in medium and maximum-security prisons. It is based upon knowledge gained through 15 years of teaching in traditional college classrooms and seven years in prisons. The basic components of the pedagogy of care covered in this paper include communicating to students that learning matters, fostering high expectations, creating a welcoming space, and engaging student interest

    The spontaneous and induced synthesis of Epstein-Barr virus antigens in Raji cells immobilized on surface coated with anti-lymphocyte globulin

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    Immobilization of Raji cells on surface coated with anti-lymphocyte globulin (ALG) at low cell densities lead to the synthesis of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) early antigen (EA) in up to 5% of the cells. At higher cell densities the percentage of antigen-positive cells decreased and at confluency no antigen synthesis was observed. Addition of iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd) to low density cultures increased the expression of EA to 20%, whereas in confluent cultures the cells could not be induced to synthesize EA. Treatment of cells in suspension with ALG failed to induced EA synthesis and did not potentiate the effect of IdUrd. Immobilized Raji cells proved to be suitable targets for superinfection with EBV derived from P3HR1 cultures

    The regulated expression of Epstein-Barr virus. III. Proteins specified by EBV during the lytic cycle

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    The experiments show that 30 virus-induced or virus-specified proteins were synthesized in Raji cells after superinfection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) derived from P3HR1 cells. Using a combination of pulse labelling, application of cycloheximide blocks at different times post-infection, treatment with amino acid analogues and inhibition of DNA synthesis it was shown that three groups of proteins appear in Raji cells after superinfection; the synthesis of the proteins in any one group appears to be coordinately regulated. Amongst the six virus-induced proteins which were synthesized immediately after release from an early cycloheximide block one would expect to find those proteins essential for the transition from EBNA to EA synthesis. Using human sera with differing specificities for the various antigen groups 11 proteins were identified as being specifically precipitated by sera having high titres against the EBV-induced early antigen complex
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