8 research outputs found

    Is there a biomechanical cause for spontaneous pneumothorax?

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    OBJECTIVES: Primary spontaneous pneumothorax has long been explained as being without apparent cause. This paper deals with the effect of chest wall shape and explains how this may lead to the pathogenesis of primary spontaneous pneumothorax. METHODS: Rib cage measurements were taken from chest radiographs in 12 male pneumothorax patients and 12 age-matched controls. Another group of 15 consecutive male thoracic computerised tomography (CT) were investigated using paramedian coronal and sagittal CT reconstructions to assess apical lung shape. A finite element analysis (FEA) model of a lung apex was constructed, including indentations for the first rib guided by CT scan data, to assess pleural stress. This model was tested using different anteroposterior diameter ratios, producing a range of thoracic indexes. RESULTS: The pneumothorax patients had a taller chest (P = 0.03), wider transversely (P = 0.009) and flatter (P = 0.03) when compared with controls, resulting in a low thoracic index. Prominent rib indentations were found anteriorly and posteriorly on the lung surface, especially on the first rib on CT. FEA of the lung revealed significantly higher stress (脳5-脳10) in the apex than in the rest of the lung. This was accentuated (脳4) in low thoracic index chests, resulting in 20-fold higher stress levels in their apex. CONCLUSIONS: The FEA model demonstrates a 20-fold increase in pleural stress in the apex of chests with low thoracic index typical of spontaneous pneumothorax patients. Mild changes in thoracic index, as occurring in females or with aging, reduce pleural stress. Spontaneous pneumothorax occurring in young male adults may have a biomechanical cause.peer-reviewe

    Understanding of the role of pH in filling mezoporous silica with magnetic nanoparticles

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    Computer simulation study of filling pores of mesoporous silica with magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles which are diffusing towards the silica surface from a water solution with a given pH was presented. Three different values of the pH of the solution were under consideration, pH = 4, 7, and 10. The size of nanoparticles was of the order of magnitude of the nanopore diameter. It was observed that in the case of a low concentration of magnetic nanoparticles in the water solution the process of filling the silica pores weakly depends on the pH of the solution. The value of pH becomes only relevant for large concentration of magnetic nanoparticles. In the simulation, a 2-state Potts model was used for preparing the silica matrix. Diffusion of magnetic nanoparticles was restricted to lattice sites only

    Effect of Magnetic Heating on Stability of Magnetic Colloids

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    Stable aqueous suspension of magnetic nanoparticles is essential for effective magnetic hyperthermia and other applications of magnetic heating in an alternating magnetic field. However, the alternating magnetic field causes strong agglomeration of magnetic nanoparticles, and this can lead to undesirable phenomena that deteriorate the bulk magnetic properties of the material. It has been shown how this magnetic field influences the distribution of magnetic agglomerates in the suspension. When investigating the influence of the sonication treatment on magnetic colloids, it turned out that the hydrodynamic diameter as a function of sonication time appeared to have a power-law character. The effect of magnetic colloid ageing on magnetic heating was discussed as well. It was shown how properly applied ultrasonic treatment could significantly improve the stability of the colloid of magnetic nanoparticles, ultimately leading to an increase in heating efficiency. The optimal sonication time for the preparation of the magnetic suspension turned out to be time-limited, and increasing it did not improve the stability of the colloid. The obtained results are important for the development of new materials where magnetic colloids are used and in biomedical applications

    Modelling of the interactions between magnetic nanoparticles in aqueous solutions

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    The ability of magnetic nanoparticles and their aggregates to form larger structures or new materials is primarily based on the interactions between individual particles. The article analyzes the behavior of spherical nanoparticles Fe3O4 placed in an aqueous base solution as a result of their mutual interactions, i.e. repulsive (electrostatic forces) and attractive (van der Waals forces and dipolar magnetic forces) for the full range of parameter values. Considering the application of magnetic aqueous suspensions in industry or environmental research, the presented method allows for a preliminary selection of the parameters of the dispersed material and the solution so as to obtain a suspension with the desired properties

    Filtration of Nanoparticle Agglomerates in Aqueous Colloidal Suspensions Exposed to an External Radio-Frequency Magnetic Field

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    The study investigated the phenomenon of the fast aggregation of single-domain magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in stable aqueous colloidal suspensions due to the presence of a radio-frequency (RF) magnetic field. Single-domain nanoparticles have specific magnetic properties, especially the unique property of absorbing the energy of such a field and releasing it in the form of heat. The localized heating causes the colloid to become unstable, leading to faster agglomeration of nanoparticles and, consequently, to rapid sedimentation. It has been shown that the destabilization of a stable magnetic nanoparticle colloid by the RF magnetic field can be used for the controlled filtration of larger agglomerates of the colloid solution. Two particular cases of stable colloidal suspensions were considered: a suspension of the bare nanoparticles in an alkaline solution and the silica-stabilized nanoparticles in a neutral solution. The obtained results are important primarily for biomedical applications and wastewater treatment

    The Concept of Using 2D Self-Assembly of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bioassays

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    It can be observed that magnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles are increasingly used in bioassay methods. This is due to their stability in aqueous solutions, ease of functionalization, biocompatibility and very low toxicity. Here, we show that the recent discovery of the ability of magnetic nanoparticles to self-assemble into 2D structures of ordered chains may be exploited for bioassays. This would open up the possibility of controlled immobilization of proteins, enzymes, DNA or RNA and other molecular systems on spatially ordered nanostructures. In this work, fluorescein was used as an example. Also shown is the possibility of using Raman spectroscopy to analyze material accumulated on such structures. The observed formation of regularly spaced chains of magnetic nanoparticles takes place during the drying process of a thin layer of magnetic liquid placed on an appropriately prepared low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film

    Bilateral ischaemic stroke as a result of complication intravenous thrombolytic therapy (patient with Marie-Foix-Chavany syndrome)

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    Przedstawiono przypadek chorej z niedow艂adem lewostronnym, u kt贸rej po zastosowaniu leczenia trombolitycznego za pomoc膮 rekombinowanego tkankowego aktywatora plazminogenu, po pocz膮tkowej poprawie, wyst膮pi艂 obustronny udar niedokrwienny m贸zgu w zakresie unaczynienia t臋tnicy m贸zgu 艣rodkowej. U chorej pocz膮tkowo stwierdzono niedow艂ad czteroko艅czynowy z przewag膮 po prawej stronie. W okresie zmniejszania si臋 deficytu ruchowego obraz kliniczny zdominowa艂y objawy zespo艂u wieczka przedniego (Marie’a-Foixa-Chaveny’ego) pod postaci膮 zaburzenia zale偶nych od woli ruch贸w mi臋艣ni twarzy, 偶waczy, j臋zyka i gard艂a, przy zachowanych ruchach mimowolnych. Udar M贸zgu 2010; 12 (1–2): 51–55We presented the case of a women with left hemiparesis in whom after thrombolytic treatment with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, after initial improvement, both sides ischaemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory occurred. Initially, in the patient bilateral hemiparesis with a predominance of right hand was found. In the course of recovery from motor deficits, the symptoms of the opercular syndrome (Marie-Foix-Chaveny) in the form of dysfunction of facial muscles, masseter, tongue and throat dependent on will got predominant in the clinical picture with remaining involuntary movements. Interdisciplinary Problems of Stroke 2010; 12 (1–2): 51–5